Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Idk..way too many of these "i received word or my auntie's son's friend" letters going around.
Continue on then .....

This is not my friend this not my auntie ....

This is legit .....

You can believe what you want though .....

But I have never made such a claimed.

dude musta been a prick before this

but if it’s solely over that sign they corny

this **** ain’t no game

if everyone kept 10 feet from each other to begin with when this first popped off **** wouldn’t be as serious as it is now

I feel like people still mingling and getting close to people is what really ****** us

government needs to mail out gloves and n95 masks along with them checks
Continue on then .....

This is not my friend this not my auntie ....

This is legit .....

You can believe what you want though .....

But I have never made such a claimed.
Can you show the letter? Which agencies are you referring to that plan on being closed down?

I'm in DHS and Field Security has only addressed guidelines when local police asks why we're out during the Shelter in Place in CA.
is it possible that people cancelled their cellphones because they had to stay in anyway? Save some money by only keeping one cellphone for the whole family.

US will be the first country to reach 100K infected

i want to read this.. i don't want to pay wtf.

MARCH 20, 20201:56 PM
The nation’s second-largest municipal health system has told its staff that it is essentially abandoning hope of containing the coronavirus outbreak and instructed doctors not to bother testing symptomatic patients if a positive result won’t change how they would be treated.

The guidance, sent by the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services to its doctors on Thursday, was prompted by a crush of patients and shortage of tests, and could make it difficult to ever know precisely how many people in L.A. County contracted the virus.

The department “is shifting from a strategy of case containment to slowing disease transmission and averting excess morbidity and mortality,” according to the letter. Doctors should test symptomatic patients only when “a diagnostic result will change clinical management or inform public health response.”

The guidance sets in writing what has been a reality all along. The shortage of tests nationwide has meant that many patients suspected of having COVID-19 have not had the diagnosis confirmed by a laboratory.

In addition to the lack of tests, public health agencies across the country lack the staff to trace the source of new cases, drastically reducing the chances of isolating people who have been exposed and thereby containing the outbreak.

For years, state and local health officials have been warning that steep cuts to federal grants meant to boost preparedness for a pandemic would mean there wouldn’t be enough equipment and staff on hand to respond in the crucial, early stage. Those fears have come to fruition now, officials said.

A front-line healthcare provider who was not authorized to speak to the media and requested anonymity said county doctors are interpreting Thursday’s letter and other advice coming from senior L.A. County public health officials to mean they should only test patients who are going to be hospitalized or have something unique about the way they contracted the virus.

They are not planning to test patients who have the symptoms but are otherwise healthy enough to be sent home to self-quarantine — meaning they may never show up in official tallies of people who tested positive.

The letter also says that, with the increasing availability of tests at private labs, the health department will focus on testing aimed at detecting and preventing outbreaks in hospitals and “congregate living settings,” such as nursing homes.

Department officials did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
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Can you show the letter? Which agencies are you referring to that plan on being closed down?

I'm in DHS and Field Security has only addressed guidelines when local police asks why we're out during the Shelter in Place in CA.

You probably aren't essential, you probably know that.

And I never said the agency is planning on closing down. What I said the Agency sent a letter out to make sure your travel is uninterrupted in case you're stopped, meaning something is going on. Whether is locally, regionally or nationally, I dont know....
My fever has started to go down a bit. At 37.5 now.
Edit: Chest pain when taking deep breaths has increased again after improving significantly earlier in the afternoon. Not as bad as this morning though.
General chest pain also worsened. Not very painful but rather annoying, like a nagging dull pain that feels like it's coming from inside your ribcage.
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"Last weekend, 110,000 people attended the 'Vive Latino' music festival in Mexico City, which took place as scheduled despite several confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Mexico’s capital."

Mexican correspondent here. (Puerto Vallarta)

no movement lock whatsoever in place, in fact day boat trips and tourist experiences are running as normal.

bars were packed up until yesterday, when the governor of the state finally said happy hour was over.

beaches still packed, airports not testing, events scheduled, older population (retirees, tourists, cruisers).

AMLO (presidente) carrying around some kind of lucky talisman and hugging mfs all crazy.

...so yeah, about as good a job as Prez Sez, who would humbly rate his response 10/10.
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