Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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LA County all non essential employees can use telework (not go into work) ... too bad i’m an essential employee
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It’s suspicious nonetheless, just like the heat map of whatever gases those were showing up on the map of that area that people are saying are cremations.
8 million is hardly a dent in the Chinese population.

something is going on in china......either they have cure that is not official or thousands are dying a day.......how is italy losing hundreds(627 today) but the most deaths china had in one day of 150 was weeks ago?......i'm not buying it

i get the point someone made about mass graves would be hard to hide....iran was seen doing that recently.........if any country can make 10 million bodies disappear in middle of night, i'd bet china would have a way
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something is going on in china......either they have cure that is not official or thousands are dying a day.......how is italy losing hundreds(627 today) but the most deaths china had in one day of 150 was weeks ago?......i'm not buying it

i get the point someone made about mass graves would be hard to hide....iran was seen doing that recently.........if any country can make 10 million bodies disappear in middle of night, i'd bet china would have a way
Are you saying you don't trust the Chinese government? Is it because of their past?
Belgium Belgium get well fam. Prayers to you.
It's not necessarily the coronavirus, could just be a random bronchitis or something. It does feel very similar to my 2 previous experiences with pneumonia. I felt quite alright both times but I remember having the same distinct dull pain in my mid-upper back that felt like it was radiating from inside my chest. I didn't have a fever during either of those 2 pneumonia cases though. It's mainly the fever that worries me as I rarely ever get it. Honestly don't even remember the last time I had a fever.

I'm taking all the necessary precautions but I'm optimistic this could be just a standard ailment.
**** Comcast tho :lol:

downgraded my FIRE to a mere like after remembering that Comcast, in this crisis, has proven to be WITH US.

it is still mostly **** Comcast...um, screw Comcast.

A Dutch scientist has created hydroxychloroquine in aerosol form and will be available in the coming weeks. It will instantly reach the lungs, faster alternative to orals.

human race under pressure is fn UNDEFEATED. #hailsapes #mightiestmonkey #thatsmyspecies
Just got back from my local grocery store
Saw a dude and his cart was filled to what looked 6 months worth of food lol
I only picked up some deli meat and bread
Couple in front of me was getting 4lbs of ham at the deli counter :lol:
Looks like some folks are getting ready to stay in for the long haul
... I work at a psych hospital.

They just cleared out a whole floor and dedicated it to cov19, and spread that floor's patients to other units. So the floor is completely empty right now.

I just don't understand how a couple weeks ago they was telling us we're not going to accept anyone with cov, but now we are. We don't have respirators or isolation rooms like that.

I'm legit confused

Prob more risky to move them out somewhere else when they can just bring in trained staff from elsewhere to come take care of them. Think broad...
Mexican correspondent here. (Puerto Vallarta)

no movement lock whatsoever in place, in fact day boat trips and tourist experiences are running as normal.

bars were packed up until yesterday, when the governor of the state finally said happy hour was over.

beaches still packed, airports not testing, events scheduled, older population (retirees, tourists, cruisers).

AMLO (presidente) carrying around some kind of lucky talisman and hugging mfs all crazy.

...so yeah, about as good a job as Prez Sez, who would humbly rate his response 10/10.

Damn, you’re in Vallarta? You live there or just visiting?

After our Disneyland trip went to **** we had thought about hitting up Vallarta. Glad we didn’t do that now. :lol:
Are you saying you don't trust the Chinese government? Is it because of their past?

i don't see how a country where this started, with a population of 1.4 billion has less deaths than Italy with population of 60 million......yes i know they have tons of masks in their homes for many years now.....yes i know they are not as social of a country as most countries.......yes i know they claim that they are back to work but still practicing social distancing(which we will have to do for 12 months)..... ..i also know they have cities with millions of people.....they have govt that restricts their freedoms so much, they live in fear.........

no way they have less deaths than Italy......is it millions? god i hope not......

i recall they recently kicked out american reporters out the country? whats going on in china!!!!
Damn, you’re in Vallarta? You live there or just visiting?

After our Disneyland trip went to **** we had thought about hitting up Vallarta. Glad we didn’t do that now. :lol:

heh I mean they´re closing the border so... :tongue:

yeah man been back and forth down here for like 4 years now (what a coincidence).

I´m a writer and community coordinator who...um, yeah, suddenly has a lot of time on his hands. :lol:

Sharp increase in Moscow pneumonia cases fuels fears over coronavirus statistics

MOSCOW (Reuters) - A reported sharp increase in pneumonia cases in the Russian capital and contradictory information around the issue is fuelling fears about the accuracy of official coronavirus data which remains much lower than many European countries.

Russia, which has a population of 144 million, has reported just 199 coronavirus cases and some doctors have questioned how far the official data reflects reality, given what they say is the patchy nature and quality of testing.

A sharp spike in pneumonia cases in Moscow, Russia’s biggest transport hub and a city with a population of around 13 million, has further raised doubts.

“I have a feeling they (the authorities) are lying to us,” said Anastasia Vasilyeva, head of Russia’s Doctor’s Alliance trade union.
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