Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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My fever has started to go down a bit. At 37.5 now.
Edit: Chest pain when taking deep breaths has increased again after improving significantly earlier in the afternoon. Not as bad as this morning though.
General chest pain also worsened. Not very painful but rather annoying, like a nagging dull that feels like it's coming from inside your ribcage.
Get well soon B
I'm seeing more folks with masks and gloves on
Also seems like everyone is in a rush to get somewhere
All the cars are speeding like crazy driving super fast
These guys need to slow down getting into a car accident would suck right now
My fever has started to go down a bit. At 37.5 now.
Edit: Chest pain when taking deep breaths has increased again after improving significantly earlier in the afternoon. Not as bad as this morning though.
General chest pain also worsened. Not very painful but rather annoying, like a nagging dull that feels like it's coming from inside your ribcage.

Please get check as soon as possible if you haven't already.

this lady is buggin with this theory. 8 million people canceled their phone service so they must be dead. C'mon now. 8 million people would be EXTREMELY difficult to hide. You couldn't even dig a hole large enough to dump 8 million bodies into without weeks and weeks of digging. There's a little less than 9 million people in NYC. That would be like every single New Yorker dying and having to figure out a way to dispose of all their bodies in a short period of time
this lady is buggin with this theory. 8 million people canceled their phone service so they must be dead. C'mon now. 8 million people would be EXTREMELY difficult to hide. You couldn't even dig a hole large enough to dump 8 million bodies into without weeks and weeks of digging. There's a little less than 9 million people in NYC. That would be like every single New Yorker dying and having to figure out a way to dispose of all their bodies in a short period of time

While I agree that they are probably not dead there has been a lot of talk of non stop cremation of bodies for weeks now.
It’s getting real out here
Just drove by a binnys, gas station and bank
All of them were packed
I guess the bank isn’t letting anyone inside
Bunch of cars lined up for the drive thru
Chase had closed 1000 branches. My credit union sent out an email that the lobbies are closed.

Binnys wasnt packed, they are just limiting the number of people who can get in at one time. I lucked out and pulled up with no wait outside at all. The line outside is jarring to see though. I'm sure folks were thinking "first weed, now my liquor???"

wow first case in US was 1/21?! I thought it was mid feb

Great job by the NBA getting it out to NBA players end of jan to be cautious.........the folks leading that effort should have been running the country.
this lady is buggin with this theory. 8 million people canceled their phone service so they must be dead. C'mon now. 8 million people would be EXTREMELY difficult to hide. You couldn't even dig a hole large enough to dump 8 million bodies into without weeks and weeks of digging. There's a little less than 9 million people in NYC. That would be like every single New Yorker dying and having to figure out a way to dispose of all their bodies in a short period of time
It’s suspicious nonetheless, just like the heat map of whatever gases those were showing up on the map of that area that people are saying are cremations.
8 million is hardly a dent in the Chinese population.
So only one person responded when I asked if anyone on here actually knows someone who contracted the virus? One person?!

A few of my coworkers have been diagnosed positive or are awaiting results and are quarantining. I’ve taken care of like 1-2 rule out or positives every night I’ve worked since this thing began popping off in the US. WA state was first to get hit hard in US, my hospital at one point had the most positive cases in the country. It’s like essentially our entire ICU and tele floor is dedicated to covid, and they opened up medical unit only for covid. Then the regular med/surg floors are near empty since elective surgeries here are cancelled.
Please get check as soon as possible if you haven't already.
I asked the doctor, I can't get tested under current regulations. They're only testing people admitted to the hospital.
If my fever goes above 38 I'll go to our local hospital's corona unit but for now I'm in self-quarantine.
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