Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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You work in healthcare right? :lol:

It likely wasn’t covid-19 considering lunar new year was January 25

It likely wasn’t spread around the world until after that

First case was around end of November

Spread around Wuhan in December

spread around China in January

Yea I do. Most likely it wasn’t, got a chest x ray that came back clean. Lots of COVID cases show infiltrates in the lungs bilaterally (compared to just one in pneumonia).

Just interesting because I never had a dry cough like that with chest pain for that long. It was definitely around in the states by January though.
You work in healthcare right? :lol:

It likely wasn’t covid-19 considering lunar new year was January 25

It likely wasn’t spread around the world until after that

First case was around end of November

Spread around Wuhan in December

spread around China in January

On Avg, 267k travellers per MONTH from China visit US (2019). Attach that to Dec, Jan, Feb 5th (Trump "lockdown" but never did)

*On the Diamond Princess Cruise (Japan), 1 to only a few Infected passengers, Infected over 700 on board.
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For the Boston folks. If you or anyone you know is in need:

651 Warren St 12p-2p and 5p-8p they're serving daily (for now)


Fried Haddock
Grilled Haddock
Red Snapper
Bbq Chicken
Jerk Chicken
Mixed Veggies
Fried Chicken
Collard Greens



Welp, I actually feel better at this point but my fever is rising now. It jumped up to 37.7
I’ve been measuring hourly since this morning and it stayed at 37.3 or 37.4 the whole time.

That’s a pretty high temperature for me as my standard temperature is typically low, like 36.1
I can’t remember the last time I actually had a fever, for some reason my temperature generally used to go the other way. I’ve had pneumonia twice and both times I had ‘cold fever’, my temperature would lower to the low 35 range.

I can take deep breaths with less pain now and the urge to cough when doing so has decreased significantly. So far I’ve only coughed while taking a deep breath.

I feel like there’s a specific point on my back that keeps producing a strange inner dull pain.
It’s just an annoyance but I remember having an almost identical feeling back when I had pneumonia.

Either way I’ll be damned if I let a virus weaken my resolve to remain calm and positive.
Stay healthy man, best of luck. Keep us updated
For the Boston folks. If you or anyone you know is in need:

651 Warren St 12p-2p and 5p-8p they're serving daily (for now)


Fried Haddock
Grilled Haddock
Red Snapper
Bbq Chicken
Jerk Chicken
Mixed Veggies
Fried Chicken
Collard Greens



Thanks fam, will be sharing this with everyone
nah not only did you adamantly double down on your misinformation but you tripled down with arrogance while actual medical professionals were telling you otherwise.
what do you do for a living? don't you sell sneakers or something? have a seat.
you don't know anything and are a big part of the problem why people are just now taking it seriously


Cause NT is equivalent to the outside world population. Calm down.
Maybe with HIV it was more of a Springbreaker mentality. As in: Let's continue to engage ina bunch of debauchery, cuz it's only the gays, who catch the bug."

Truth is they were taking lots of drugs during these era so their immune system didn't have a chance against hiv. Disco times with poppers, coke, mixed with anal...

Also, they weren't screening blood donations for HIV at first - so a lot of
innocent folks received HIV tainted blood through transfusions, became HIV positive
and developed AIDS.

Possibly Arthur Ashe and a someone a lot of you guys are too young to remember...

Ryan White


Rest In Peace 1971-1990
Gone but not forgotten
On Avg, 55 Million travellers per MONTH from China visit US (2019). Attach that to Dec, Jan, Feb 5th (Trump "lockdown" but never did)

*On the Diamond Princess Cruise (Japan), 1 to only a few Infected passengers, Infected over 700 on board.
Not saying it’s impossible.

lunar new year is like their thanksgiving and Christmas combined

so everyone heads home to their local village for 2-4 weeks

however it’s not impossible foreign nationals working in Wuhan couldn’t have brought it back to head home during that break

coupled with the fact that 5mil of 11mil Wuhan residents fled before the city was locked down didn’t help things
Not saying it’s impossible.

lunar new year is like their thanksgiving and Christmas combined

so everyone heads home to their local village for 2-4 weeks

however it’s not impossible foreign nationals working in Wuhan couldn’t have brought it back to head home during that break

coupled with the fact that 5mil of 11mil Wuhan residents fled before the city was locked down didn’t help things

Know it all too well...the Feasts and Red Envelopes!!!
*although these days we're the ones stuffing those and giving it to our kids and nephews/nieces :lol:
On Avg, 55 Million travellers per MONTH from China visit US (2019). Attach that to Dec, Jan, Feb 5th (Trump "lockdown" but never did)

*On the Diamond Princess Cruise (Japan), 1 to only a few Infected passengers, Infected over 700 on board.
55 million people a month come to the US from China. Rally fam?
Hearing possible nationwide LOCKDOWN starting sunday night. Prepare for at least of week of not being able to leave the house at all. If you're so inclined to believe this
I appreciate it. I’m riding this thing out with a 1 year old and a 2 year old. Outside of the virus, my biggest fear is running out of milk and wipes.
I hear you, man. I've been checking Target all week for wipes and they've been sold out. Fortunately, I've been able to get diapers for my son.
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