Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I mean yea that makes more sense. But maybe they're seeing how half assed Californians are treating it and saying nah we need to go harder.

The only reason I took this with any seriousness is because of who told me. He's a very high profile person who even has his own private jet and yet he's concerned that he'll be stuck where he's currently at as of Sunday night and unable to get home until it ends.

But of course, with this stuff its hard to say how reliable his source is whether he believes it to be reliable or not.
I guarantee you there will be no nationwide full lockdown this week. That would cause mass hysteria. Alot of ppl aren't prepared for that especially because only a couple places in the u.s have a shelter in place order right now. And those orders came from the state, not the u.s government. So using Cali as a bench mark wouldn't even make sense since they didn't place that order to begin with. That's why they would do a nationwide shelter in place order first. To give ppl a chance to get their affairs in order and ease them into a lockdown that might come.
trypophobia vibes
You're pizza'ing wrong tho...
I guarantee you there will be no nationwide full lockdown this week. That would cause mass hysteria. Alot of ppl aren't prepared for that especially because only a couple places in the u.s have a shelter in place order right now. And those orders came from the state, not the u.s government. So using Cali as a bench mark wouldn't even make sense since they didn't place that order to begin with. That's why they would do a nationwide shelter in place order first. To give ppl a chance to get their affairs in order and ease them into a lockdown that might come.
While I completely agree with you on one hand. If I'd have told you the morning before the NBA shut down that the entire world of sports was going to be completely shut down you'd have thought it was insane. **** changing fast out there.
Short shop update from Denmargeddon:


Full pallet of these in my local market, $14 a pop and only one per customer. I bought one, even thought I really don't need to, since regular hand soap's better, but I thought, my brother and his four kids could use it. Told me on the phone, he already saw it this morning and thought "**** it, we don't need it." Bread and TP in stock, **** seems normalized and orderly. Plexiglass shields between cashiers and customers and lots of personal space
All of us inside

no one driving around
not as many jets in the air
I can hear birds outside

nature winning

this is an ideal opportunity for We the Species to consider where the balance lies between a thriving atmosphere for global commerce and a sustainable planetary atmosphere. some of these things should stick.

maybe we can have a whole month every year where we just turn it all down to like 4.
Don't know about a full lockdown but I do believe a nationwide non-essential work stoppage akin to what New York is doing is coming soon. Grocery stores and places of that nature will also have to curb the amount of people that are in stores at a given time as well.
There's a ton of businesses still open in California that are listed as essential but shouldn't be. Why are car dealerships still open? Big *** Automall near me still fully functioning. Tons of employees. Maybe the service department, I get that, but nobody needs a brand new car right now that ain't essential.
Lol my hospital is so lame.

Rumor is someone at my job tested positive for covid, a staff member. But they're not saying who it was.

I think we have a right to know!
Sucks that so many places are closed. Wife and I have been wanting to go out to dinner in The City too. What a bummer.
this is an ideal opportunity for We the Species to consider where the balance lies between a thriving atmosphere for global commerce and a sustainable planetary atmosphere. some of these things should stick.

maybe we can have a whole month every year where we just turn it all down to like 4.
The is actually a really good proposition. The “work yourself to death” mentality is very unhealthy.
Message from my aunt who works at a hospital

“FYI!! The virus is spreading quickly from gas pumps. A Hospital Personel said to wear gloves or have a paper towel touch the pump and throw the napkin or gloves out before you get back in the car”

I appreciate the warning, since I heard that from a coworker a few weeks ago as a point of contact most of us don't even think about. But I don't know how you could really ID gas pumps as a place its spreading significantly. Like I doubt nurses or physicians have it in their protocol to ask if the sick had pumped their gas recently, and then send a team out to swab pump handles.

I mean it certainly cant hurt to be more cautious, but.
might hit up some underground clubs tonight. know a few thats open
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