Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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The ONLY reason why they're telling everyone not to wear facemasks is they need it for healthcare workers.
It definitely helps to prevent it. Cuomo already said they want elderly to wear masks if they need to hop out - it works they just rather people not hoard them.
Look at every single Asian country that have contained. Everyone is face-masked out

Yet here we are with a shortage anyways, glad my spot hooked us up with goggles before the face shields ran low..
the fact is that it DOES matter where it started specifically because the govt of where it started tried to cover it up which endangered us all and created the situation that we are all in today.

somebody's mom, son, daughter, etc. died that maybe wouldn't have.
somebody's business is done that maybe had a chance.
somebody's life savings is gone. maybe that somebody is elderly too, with an underlying condition like my mom who can't work until she's 120 to get back what she lost.

maybe those whistleblowers could still be alive and hailed as heroes.

if china was forthcoming perhaps the response from the world would have been different. the u.s. wasn't the only ones that were slow to respond.

perhaps if ppl knew the severity of the disease we would all be in a different place now instead of risking it all, wfh, laid off, etc.
How do you explain the response in South Korea then?

The Trump administration refused test kits from the WHO, which significantly delayed our response to the spread of the virus. Is it the fault of China?

Was the general apathy and anti-science attitude of our young "scholars" (who would rather party than protect themselves) the fault of China?

Was the cavalier attitude of business owners who would rather pull a GameStop than ensure the safety of their workers the fault of China?

The Chinese government is going to do what authoritarian governments do: hide info and manipulate numbers to look good. That should never be used as a cover up for our own **** ups, and that's where we need to place the blame first. The US government doesn't need information out of China to stop the spread of the virus here.

This entire situation is the inevitable result of a culture of apathy and the criticism of a foreign country is yet another expression of our tradition of redirecting responsibility (and that is not me excusing China for trying to hide the crisis until they couldn't). The American people should demand accountability from the people they elected first and foremost, but if this China blame game takes hold, it will once again prove that we don't really want to take responsibility for the band of incompetents we elected.

The failures of government are ours because we choose them.
n95 protects you from airborne pathogens, hence is probably the best line of defense as it will also protect you from larger particles (droplet) as long as someone’s sneeze doesn’t fall on your eyes, this virus lives in the air, on surfaces and is transmitted through bodily fluids....so tbh even with N95 alone you are still fairly exposed because it can fall on your eyes and there is your breach....when we treat Covid patients they are on contact, droplet and airborne precautions, reason why I’m telling ya, a scarf as your main source of protection or a surgical mask? WILDING....
I appreciate your work and what you're doing

I just find it very ironic that you were complaining about the lady wearing her scarf

Now you are the one who might have to wear the scarf

Think about the non covid-19 patients you'll be treating with the scarf on and what they're thinking

It's all about perspective
Good thing people in prison can’t see these posts. :lol:

We basically can’t work or go out to eat and spring break and people can barely handle it. :lol:
Prolly a reason I'm not a criminal. I did a short bid when I was young and being confined ain't for me.
I appreciate your work and what you're doing

I just find it very ironic that you were complaining about the lady wearing her scarf

Now you are the one who might have to wear the scarf

Think about the non covid-19 patients you'll be treating with the scarf on and what they're thinking

It's all about perspective

You right if it gives the other patients a piece of mind, of course I’d wear it, but I know I’m walking around a gun fight wearing a glass vest..
not me. I'm built for this. Been practicing this for a long time. I am in my element. Being a homebody is advantageous right now. I'm All-Pro chiller at home.
I'm not a home-body, but I have interests in a lot of things so I never get bored. My girl is a home-body like you too so everything works out.
n95 protects you from airborne pathogens, hence is probably the best line of defense as it will also protect you from larger particles (droplet) as long as someone’s sneeze doesn’t fall on your eyes, this virus lives in the air, on surfaces and is transmitted through bodily fluids....so tbh even with N95 alone you are still fairly exposed because it can fall on your eyes and there is your breach....when we treat Covid patients they are on contact, droplet and airborne precautions, reason why I’m telling ya, a scarf as your main source of protection or a surgical mask? WILDING....
Man, I dont know what to think ....

They keep telling us, wear something because it helps but then you have you ... saying otherwise....

Well imma wear something because you have constantly been behind what everyone has been telling us.

No offense ....
Wasn't alive during HIV, but did people play the blame game by country with that too?
What about swine flu? Polio? Small pox?

There is a not-so-subtle feeling for minorities here that we are somehow long term guests, that a true American implies whiteness. If people were aware enough to not assume all Asians are "foreign" and Asian-Americans are actually as American as anyone else, then the "Chinese Virus" term isn't as harmful. But clearly we aren't there yet as a society. As a taxpayer, why do I feel like people may blame me for this? I've never set foot in China and never want to, but there's a sneaky feeling that I'm part of the blame.

That is what we have a problem with.
Anyone else moderately concerned this is could be the beginning of some sort of World War? Every day the passes, every lie that is uncovered in terms of the reporting and severity of the virus... Feels like this could get uglier and that is terrifying.

Between the economy collapsing and the potential of a World War if we make it out of this :smh:
Good thing people in prison can’t see these posts. :lol:

We basically can’t work or go out to eat and spring break and people can barely handle it. :lol:
When was the last time you was in prison ...

You think they don't have cells and ****?
Man, I dont know what to think ....

They keep telling us, wear something because it helps but then you have you ... saying otherwise....

Well imma wear something because you have constantly been behind what everyone has been telling us.

No offense ....

I guess it technically CANT hurt, but just being real with you, you gonna need far more than a surgical mask to keep this virus away....but I guess even a little protection is better than none on the streets since is unrealistic to expect the average person to walk around gowned your the way we do before treating a Covid patient....but my point stands telling an RN to walk into treat a Covid patient with a scarf....nah Dawg..
Deer are in my backyard every night. I've got no problem eating venison for a while :lol:
There was a herd of deer, 7 actually, in my yard saturday night for the first time since I've been in my crib. Been there since 08 and I will admit I was spooked with everything going on. I always heard that animals are great predictors that **** ain't right :lol:
Surgical mask prevent pathogens. That's why surgeons wear them. What they don't prevent is viral particles. The N95 Particle masks prevent that.

As far as surgeons masks & scarfs go...wear them if you got em anyways! At the very least, it prevents you from touching your mouth area with your hands. Just be sure to wash your hands or disinfect before you remove your masks or scarfs. And I would wash the scarf before reusing it. Reusing it would defeat the purpose.
Maybe they were like "We have a 96% chance of not dying, we good"

or they had a friend that was a nurse that told them that they gonna go on vacation soon, there's nothing to worry about.

or they had some friends that work in the hospital that are like "I wish I could get it to get it over with" so they're just following their advice

You really cant let it go huh. Not even gonna entertain this anymore.
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