Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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Can only speak for where I’m working, been doing primarily droplet w/face shield + contact for like 2-3weeks now I think. Only time it’s airborne is if there’s something that can essentially shoot it and suspend it in air like a vent,cpap,bipap, nebulizing treatments,etc.

Even in non-negative pressure rooms like in the ED, they’re saying it’s only airborne for one hour after a neb treatment,etc. and then after that it’s back to droplet w/ face shield and contact. Again this only for my hospital.
Ahhh. So that's why I was seeing posts that they want ppl to use inhalers instead of nebulizers.
Shelter in place set to be announced at 3 p.m. for Illinois effective starting saturday. Not sure what the through date is.
so let me get this straight. They said people who wear masks around town are not helping themselves and they should only be worn if you are sick so you cant pass it around.

But medical field is wearing the masks because they are around people who are sick.

Whats the difference besides the fact that medical personnel are around much more infected cases than I would be walking around town in my stores.

So which one is it? I was laughed at for having masks and told it won't help you, but the medical personnel is begging for these same masks.
Watch what they do not what they say


Chinese medical team heading to Italy to provide assistance.
We got 1 yes and 1 no :lol: and only the n95 mask protects airborne pathogens.

n95 protects you from airborne pathogens, hence is probably the best line of defense as it will also protect you from larger particles (droplet) as long as someone’s sneeze doesn’t fall on your eyes, this virus lives in the air, on surfaces and is transmitted through bodily fluids....so tbh even with N95 alone you are still fairly exposed because it can fall on your eyes and there is your breach....when we treat Covid patients they are on contact, droplet and airborne precautions, reason why I’m telling ya, a scarf as your main source of protection or a surgical mask? WILDING....
Ima stop being ignorant and go fill up 3-4 5 gallon jugs of water and get some medicine just in case. Got some can stuff on deck worse comes to worse but I'm not too worried about it.
Dont forget to stack up some ammo fam

It might be hard to find it now, that's why you buy it when it's plentiful.
If you stay in the house all day for days you're gonna end up w/ some good ol' depression.

Yeah man, I work a seasonal job so in the winter I gotta make sure I go do stuff and have a routine or else you’ll just feel pointless and wait for the days to go by.
And yes, we are staying alway from bipaps, nebulized treatments and high flow o2 because it increases the chances of aerolizing the virus....still Im not putting my faith behind a surgical mask....from what we have been told the virus can remain suspended in air for up to an hour after a Neb treatment.
Ima stop being ignorant and go fill up 3-4 5 gallon jugs of water and get some medicine just in case. Got some can stuff on deck worse comes to worse but I'm not too worried about it.
Dont forget to stack up some ammo fam
Why would we need ammo?
n95 protects you from airborne pathogens, hence is probably the best line of defense as it will also protect you from larger particles (droplet) as long as someone’s sneeze doesn’t fall on your eyes, this virus lives in the air, on surfaces and is transmitted through bodily fluids....so tbh even with N95 alone you are still fairly exposed because it can fall on your eyes and there is your breach....when we treat Covid patients they are on contact, droplet and airborne precautions, reason why I’m telling ya, a scarf as your main source of protection or a surgical mask? WILDING....
Im more concerned with not infecting others as I said before. I don't plan on crying on anyone randomly :lol:
The ONLY reason why they're telling everyone not to wear facemasks is they need it for healthcare workers.
It definitely helps to prevent it. Cuomo already said they want elderly to wear masks if they need to hop out - it works they just rather people not hoard them.
Look at every single Asian country that have contained. Everyone is face-masked out
Hit up sams club to get some stuff to hold me into April.
People are ridiculous. Instead of TP, now everyone is buying paper towels. I saw some water authority trucks cleaning out sewers early this morning. People are obviously flushing random crap down the toilets.
I didn’t realize they imposed a one item per sku limit. Sucks for larger families. One has to improvise. No one wants to eat healthy in these troubling times. Those jimmy dean delights were sitting all alone. Same with salad mix, cucumbers, and tomatoes.
Salad and fish were sitting.
Wow. We’re gonna blow the top off the infection numbers in one day

sitting at 20.2k with many hours to go.
Germany just exploded by 4k.

Sad stuff
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