Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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I was against giving people an option to quarantine themselves because it was a joke....people still went about performing social activities like it was a paid vacay from work.

I laughed at that woman because of the ignorance of thinking she was protected and somehow looking at us sideways because we were in her space....

everyone in healthcare is laughing at the idea thatthe CDC claims a scarf is good enough protection, we all know the truth is the shortage and lack of preparation and they don’t mind gambling with our lives....a scarf still is and will always be an absolute joke, try giving a cop bubble wrap for a bullet proofVest.

your last paragraph is pretty much what I’ve been saying, is too late for these light measures....when people continue to be in denial.
Considering anyone can have the virus but not show any symptoms and you can infect someone by simply breathing on them or talking to them, shouldn't people wear masks , scarves or whatever to limit the risk of infecting others, or it doesn't help with that either.
Considering anyone can have the virus but not show any symptoms and you can infect someone by simply breathing on them or talking to them, shouldn't people wear masks , scarves or whatever to limit the risk of infecting others, or it doesn't help with that either.

A scarf or face mask won’t protect you against an airborne pathogen....it’ll maybe block larger particles but if someone coughs on you and you are placing your faith behind a scarf, good luck....your chances of catching it with or without are pretty much the same.
Are you on any immunosuppressive drugs due to your condition? Can’t remember what it is you suffer from, but becareful Bro, please take care of yourself.
My medications are all good on that front. Normally I'm supposed to go to the ER for a 100mg Solu-Cortef injection whenever I have a fever, severe diarrhea, vomiting, an accident, ... though. My body can only produce a miniscule amount of cortisol. During a test, they lowered my blood sugar to 40 to induce a stress response in the body and even then I only produced a tiny fraction of what my base cortisol value should have been.
My base cortisol value is supposed to be 10 and prior to that test my value was 1.7. After the stress test, which was supposed to produce massive amounts of cortisol, I only bumped up to 3.2.
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My mom is retired. Has been for three years but they're asking her to come back to work.

My sister works in neurosurgery and they want to give her extra shifts in medical.

My dad usually has weekends off but they took away his weekends for the coronavirus.

Idk what they're going to ask me to do.

Healthcare professionals are going to be taxed to the max everywhere.
A scarf or face mask won’t protect you against an airborne pathogen....it’ll maybe block larger particles but if someone coughs on you and you are placing your faith behind a scarf, good luck....your chances of catching it with or without are pretty much the same.
Not me, them. If I'm asymptomatic meaning NOT coughing or sneezing, can't I transmit it by breathing or talking to someone? Wearing a scarf wont do anything to prevent me from infecting OTHERS?
so let me get this straight. They said people who wear masks around town are not helping themselves and they should only be worn if you are sick so you cant pass it around.

But medical field is wearing the masks because they are around people who are sick.

Whats the difference besides the fact that medical personnel are around much more infected cases than I would be walking around town in my stores.

So which one is it? I was laughed at for having masks and told it won't help you, but the medical personnel is begging for these same masks.

I love seeing these updates but we need something official. It’s getting closer and closer to April 1st and people have rent due. Are they going to hold the mortgages/ rents or what.

I’ma landlord and I literally keep thinking about how my tenants will make it through this. If there’s a mandated hold on rents/ evictions they would have to hold on mortgages.

Even the bailouts are just rumors at this point.
Excuse my ignorance but this can only pass when you cough or sneeze right? Not just breathing?

Now there are conflicting reports on whether the new coronavirus can. The studies suggesting that it can be aerosolized are only preliminary, and other research contradicts it, finding no aerosolized coronavirus particles in the hospital rooms of Covid-19 patients.

The weight of the evidence suggests that the new coronavirus can exist as an aerosol — a physics term meaning a liquid or solid (the virus) suspended in a gas (like air) — only under very limited conditions, and that this transmission route is not driving the pandemic. But “limited” conditions does not mean “no” conditions, underlining the need for health care workers to have high levels of personal protection, especially when doing procedures such as intubation that have the greatest chance of creating coronavirus aerosols. “I think the answer will be, aerosolization occurs rarely but not never,” said microbiologist and physician Stanley Perlman of the University of Iowa. “You have to distinguish between what’s possible and what’s actually happening.”
the fact is that it DOES matter where it started specifically because the govt of where it started tried to cover it up which endangered us all and created the situation that we are all in today.

somebody's mom, son, daughter, etc. died that maybe wouldn't have.
somebody's business is done that maybe had a chance.
somebody's life savings is gone. maybe that somebody is elderly too, with an underlying condition like my mom who can't work until she's 120 to get back what she lost.

maybe those whistleblowers could still be alive and hailed as heroes.

if china was forthcoming perhaps the response from the world would have been different. the u.s. wasn't the only ones that were slow to respond.

perhaps if ppl knew the severity of the disease we would all be in a different place now instead of risking it all, wfh, laid off, etc.
Not to mention the ppl buying into the blame they shift (b/c a growing amount of ppl are eating it up), will have a lingering effect on the u.s. economy like less tourism, less foreign exvhange, more poverty, more discrimination local and abroad, etc. This is more than just the "bLAme GaME." Why do you think China is going out of their way to point finger? The know the terrible effects of bad PR and don't want nothing to do w/ it.
I love seeing these updates but we need something official. It’s getting closer and closer to April 1st and people have rent due. Are they going to hold the mortgages/ rents or what.

I’ma landlord and I literally keep thinking about how my tenants will make it through this. If there’s a mandated hold on rents/ evictions they would have to hold on mortgages.

Even the bailouts are just rumors at this point.

If you recall in 2008, Hank Paulson (Sec of Trsy) had to get on his knees, holding Pelosi's hand, begging her to sign the Bailout Bill for HAMP, HARP, TARP, TALF...etc Will history rhyme next week???

Now there are conflicting reports on whether the new coronavirus can. The studies suggesting that it can be aerosolized are only preliminary, and other research contradicts it, finding no aerosolized coronavirus particles in the hospital rooms of Covid-19 patients.

The weight of the evidence suggests that the new coronavirus can exist as an aerosol — a physics term meaning a liquid or solid (the virus) suspended in a gas (like air) — only under very limited conditions, and that this transmission route is not driving the pandemic. But “limited” conditions does not mean “no” conditions, underlining the need for health care workers to have high levels of personal protection, especially when doing procedures such as intubation that have the greatest chance of creating coronavirus aerosols. “I think the answer will be, aerosolization occurs rarely but not never,” said microbiologist and physician Stanley Perlman of the University of Iowa. “You have to distinguish between what’s possible and what’s actually happening.”
So it's mostly droplet precaution but sometimes airborne?
PicsCrazy day. Got up at 6:30 am to hit up Walmart. Also hit up BJs and drove by Costco. Took me until now to get everything I need, but I’m at least good 2 months now. No reason for me to leave the crib now. I’m ready to hibernate
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