Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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And people would be this naive... **** bringing a child to the world right now with all this uncertainty.
Like everyone else, I cant find masks at all, making my situation more stressful. Hopefully, in a couple of weeks production has caught up, but highly doubt it.

At least you got a few ...

Local hospitals around here got volunteers and employees sewing masks because hospital workers are being told to reuse disposables, use bandanas and face cloths :sick:
The average American doesn't have 2-3 weeks. Most don't have $500 in their savings in case of an emergency. Some are being ruined at this very moment. I've seen businesses boarded up that may never reopen when the order is lifted. I'm lucky to have up to six months at minimum saved up and I can WFH. If worse comes to worst, I can go into my Money Markets account and take what I need with no tax penalty. MAX unemployment is $400/week. If people aren't being approved immediately what good will it do? There needs to be an expansion of benefits. **** a $1000 check which is going be tiered based off of what you made in 2018.

Fam I feel you and I rode a very similar point some pages ago, but we are left with no choice, we have to lock this place down, those self employed should have started making those phone calls to demand the resources from our government and pause those bills, people are gonna suffer no matter what, but something needs to be done.
trump and crew ain't clean either.
their sugar coating this to save face/keep the stock market from going south needs to be addressed too.
and those GOP senators and any other ppl that knew what was up and sold stock.

all of these ppl have to go. every last one of them needs to be held accountable to the fullest extent.
Yeah, he's trying to play the game to be liked and supported.

I noticed before the bill was passed, he was really collected and sounded concerned. After the bill was passed, he was back to badmouthing the media and other people.

He and his minions need to go.
Local hospitals around here got volunteers and employees sewing masks because hospital workers are being told to reuse disposables, use bandanas and face cloths :sick:
same out here in SF. got retailers asking people to donate their unused masks so they can give it to workers.
food banks also needing help. place i regularly volunteer at rely heavily on volunteers but with the shelter in place, they've been overwhelmed and can't get food out with their small staff
Can your physician get you C19 Testing?

No. Only way to get tested here is you're admitted to the hospital. I'm just staying at home in my upstairs room and trying to minimize contact with my mom as much as possible.

I feel slightly better now and my fever hasn't risen. I've been monitoring it every hour and it has stayed between 37.3 and 37.4°C.
Only times I've had to cough were those uncontrollable burst of dry coughing when trying to take a deep breath. I can breathe in a bit more already so I think I'm alright.
I can be direct ... no problem.

You clown a woman for wearing a scarf and now you're going to see your peers doing the same ....

You was also against the quarantine and BS and now you telling people to stay home.

Like dude, we been telling ya but it's as very different a few days ago.

I'm just saying, we need to adhere to those that have gone thru that, but no ... now is to ****ing late. We are still lagging behind big time.

I was against giving people an option to quarantine themselves because it was a joke....people still went about performing social activities like it was a paid vacay from work.

I laughed at that woman because of the ignorance of thinking she was protected and somehow looking at us sideways because we were in her space....

everyone in healthcare is laughing at the idea thatthe CDC claims a scarf is good enough protection, we all know the truth is the shortage and lack of preparation and they don’t mind gambling with our lives....a scarf still is and will always be an absolute joke, try giving a cop bubble wrap for a bullet proofVest.

your last paragraph is pretty much what I’ve been saying, is too late for these light measures....when people continue to be in denial.
You shouldn't have.

The fact is that it doesn't matter where it started. The US response has been abysmal. Compare our response to Ebola vs this: we sent health workers to DRC as soon as the first cases popped up; we stocked up on supplies in the states in case we couldn't contain an Ebola outbreak and we identified those who landed at all airports and possibly carried the disease. In this case, Trump minimized the issue while his buddies took their money out of the market, and when **** finally hit the fan, he pivoted to xenophobia to distract the public from yet another administrative failure.
the fact is that it DOES matter where it started specifically because the govt of where it started tried to cover it up which endangered us all and created the situation that we are all in today.

somebody's mom, son, daughter, etc. died that maybe wouldn't have.
somebody's business is done that maybe had a chance.
somebody's life savings is gone. maybe that somebody is elderly too, with an underlying condition like my mom who can't work until she's 120 to get back what she lost.

maybe those whistleblowers could still be alive and hailed as heroes.

if china was forthcoming perhaps the response from the world would have been different. the u.s. wasn't the only ones that were slow to respond.

perhaps if ppl knew the severity of the disease we would all be in a different place now instead of risking it all, wfh, laid off, etc.

"The Northwick Park Hospital in Harrow said its critical care capacity is full and is seeking to transfer seriously ill patients to other London hospitals."

Sounds like Wuhan hospitals filled to the max
You stay talking about the past, theres no time machine, we are where we are. Lets look to improving the present and the future and when the time comes we can have the blame game. I agree someone needs to be blamed but not now.
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