Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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trump and crew ain't clean either.
their sugar coating this to save face/keep the stock market from going south needs to be addressed too.
and those GOP senators and any other ppl that knew what was up and sold stock.

all of these ppl have to go. every last one of them needs to be held accountable to the fullest extent.
specifically because china withheld VITAL INFO.
like its not difficult to understand that we, the world, could have planned differently had we had key info they withheld from us the world.

telling the truth is not the blame game.
we are so dumbed down and soft as a society. its crazy.
Reminding the world the virus came from wuhan would be an example of telling the truth. If Trump's motive was assigning the truth maybe calling it the wuhan virus would be more appropriate.

Instead he is calling it the Chinese virus. Chinese is not a place. That's an ethnicity. There are millions of Chinese ppl who's never even set foot in China.

Trump is not fixing a problem really. More just creating another one.
trump and crew ain't clean either.
their sugar coating this to save face/keep the stock market from going south needs to be addressed too.
and those GOP senators and any other ppl that knew what was up and sold stock.

all of these ppl have to go. every last one of them needs to be held accountable to the fullest extent.

I mean Trump shut down flights to and from and China in January in addition to setting up quarantine zones at 11 major airports on the coasts and the South. Study that came out the other day showed that if China acted three weeks earlier, they could have cut the global infection rate by 95%. They let people leave the country by the millions in January. The Italy cases are traced to the North where they have a significant population from Wuhan working in their leather factories. The cases in Washington state were traced to a nursing home worker from China.
It's personally an overreaction when you haven't revealed the number of negative tests and only the positive. NYS has a population of 19MM. NYC has a population of 8.5MM+. You're shutting everything down and ruining people's lives over something that is taking out people who are significantly older and anomalies in the youth much like the flu does every year.

I see why people stock up on guns, ammo and other provisions. The government can take away your rights at any time for whatever reason they see fit.

Stop it...

this is why I said encouraging a hashtag movement where people think quarantine is a big slumber party because of all the liberties they have, while continuing to possibly spread the virus ISNT gonna cut it, aggressive measures, for an aggressive health crisis, don’t give people the option to use their own discretion because as we have witnessed, people think this is a big joke.

SHUT THIS MFKER down so hopefully we can get back to business in under a month, or at least back to some type of manageable normalcy
I mean Trump shut down flights to and from and China in January in addition to setting up quarantine zones at 11 major airports on the coasts and the South. Study that came out the other day showed that if China acted three weeks earlier, they could have cut the global infection rate by 95%. They let people leave the country by the millions in January. The Italy cases are traced to the North where they have a significant population from Wuhan working in their leather factories. The cases in Washington state were traced to a nursing home worker from China.
So China is to blame?

It's personally an overreaction when you haven't revealed the number of negative tests and only the positive. NYS has a population of 19MM. NYC has a population of 8.5MM+. You're shutting everything down and ruining people's lives over something that is taking out people who are significantly older and anomalies in the youth much like the flu does every year.

I see why people stock up on guns, ammo and other provisions. The government can take away your rights at any time for whatever reason they see fit.

These guys went at me hard for less things I have said on here, get ready for it. :lol:

But really, youre part of the problem. Yes we are focused on the bad, the cases the deaths, not as focused on the good news and whatnot but some people are still getting affected by it hard. Aint about you, its about everyone.

Someone here posted before, if you had 100 skittles and 3 of them were poison and could kill you, would you take the chance? Decent analogy.
In hindsight thats what we coudve done but we didnt, and now we’re here. No one knew it was gonna get this serious. You can call it all you want, people worried about staying healthy and could care less whos fault it is at the moment.
no, some pple knew. the Chinese govt knew.

we aren't rewriting history.
we need to document and tell the truth.
I mean Trump shut down flights to and from and China in January in addition to setting up quarantine zones at 11 major airports on the coasts and the South. Study that came out the other day showed that if China acted three weeks earlier, they could have cut the global infection rate by 95%. They let people leave the country by the millions in January. The Italy cases are traced to the North where they have a significant population from Wuhan working in their leather factories. The cases in Washington state were traced to a nursing home worker from China.

Trump Never fully shutdown flights from China...everyday flighttracker showed many flights arriving from China into US.
And hows that help the people suffering and the spread and all that? Health should be concern #1 with whatever #2 is being far under.
Damn near everybody at my job was sick in January including myself BUT my doctor swabbed me and said I was positive for influenza A. It COULD have been a false positive (highely unlikely, the results seemed to be very conclusive by his tone) BUT if you were sick late last year and early this year and were not tested for influenza I wouldnt trip.

NOW, if you had mad symptoms early this year AND tested negative for influenza, you can wonder a little bit.

But if you toughed it out at home please dont just go assuming you had covid-19.
Here are two articles from back in September and October noting that they got the vaccines wrong this year and that there was “dominant strain” going around that was not included in the vaccines:


People who had flu like symptoms and got tested back in Oct-Jan and came back negative could have possibly had Covid sincethere was no testing being done for it.
We all been exposed for months. Damn near two weeks ago I was walking through Times Square to go to work and there were tourists everywhere. Italians coughing up and everything.
specifically because china withheld VITAL INFO.
like its not difficult to understand that we, the world, could have planned differently had we had key info they withheld from us the world.

telling the truth is not the blame game.
we are so dumbed down and soft as a society. its crazy.
How many times have people said nobody is defending the Chinese GOVERNMENT ?
It's personally an overreaction when you haven't revealed the number of negative tests and only the positive. NYS has a population of 19MM. NYC has a population of 8.5MM+. You're shutting everything down and ruining people's lives over something that is taking out people who are significantly older and anomalies in the youth much like the flu does every year.

I see why people stock up on guns, ammo and other provisions. The government can take away your rights at any time for whatever reason they see fit.
We still getting just a flu posts in here??? :smh:
I'm not trying to be incentive, but just like the goverment a lot of you were behind when everyone tried to warned them.

A lot of you went from this is just a flu, to this is serious and a real problem.

Others from making fun of people with scarfs around their face to probably resorting to it because lack of equipment.

And others from just keep you distance and we be iight, staying at home is not going to solve ****. To stay the **** home, we cant handle no more cases.

How quickly things change ... stop taking things for granted. The US is failing each and everyone of us. Everything should of have been shut down... now you 1st responders are bearing the brunt of the cases. NOW they want to try and do a soft **** down ..... incredible ....

I hope to God all of you guys stay safe... but realistically speaking we arent and that's what hunt me at night.
Then I'll be part of the problem. This is going to exist LONG after we're allowed to go back outside. What happens when someone gets sick again? Rinse, wash and repeat? Older people and those that are immunocompromised need to quarantine themselves. Livelihoods and economies have been ravaged because we're not using triage to determine how to move forward.

I agree that economies are broken, and that this wont really go away, they are just trying to flatten the curve and buy time for a vaccine or solid “cure”. You really think just quarantining the old is gonna work? Its affecting younger people also, not as bad, could be a bad flu as well etc, but it is affecting us.

Combine this WITH the regular flu still going around, and also other health problems (cancer, broken bones) theres gonna be a shortage of beds.

I know yall hate me for saying what my “fake” nurse friends tell me when I ask whats up, and their number 1 concern at the moment is not having adequate equipment, masks and whatnot and running out of beds. One friend has been using the same mask and face shield for a couple days, I asked is she scared of potentially being exposed and she said yes but “young and healthy”. Another friend, I asked him and he doesnt seem too concerned for himself, but is worried about the lack of supplies more than anything (redundant I know). Another friend is completely freaked out.
The whole point right now is to attempt to remove the virus from existence. Humans have done it before. Did it with smallpox. Did it with Sars. Etc.

It's harder to do it with covid because of how easily asymptomatic ppl can transmit it.

Instead of asymptomatic, or less vulnerable ppl trying to do their part, they're crying about not being able to live their lives. This is gross.
Nations' Leaders who coveted money, their stock markets, gdp over their Citizens are to blame. CCP Xi had 8 weeks to react when this Coronavirus first appeared in Wuhan in November (some say even October). Trump must've known about this Virus back then, because my work retasked our teams for this Coronavirus in late Nov early Dec. Trump could not harm "his" Markets.
Lol that's so real. Tbh china is to blame for trying to silence everyone. Trump to blame as well for claiming it a hoax initially. He fired the pandemic team two years ago. Blame is across the board but best thing we can do now is be proactive and self quarantine. Great time to buy stocks if you got enough cash to wait it out.
Lol whats wrong with this poster :lol:
ease up keyboard warrior .

anyways - anyone else work in“critical infrastructure”. Getting any type of bonus pr payment?
Or are jobs just saying that having the job is a blessing in these times
Then I'll be part of the problem. This is going to exist LONG after we're allowed to go back outside. What happens when someone gets sick again? Rinse, wash and repeat? Older people and those that are immunocompromised need to quarantine themselves. Livelihoods and economies have been ravaged because we're not using triage to determine how to move forward.

Yeah I agree this will be here longer than whatever time we are quarantined for, but it needs to be done to slow down the numbers piling up and give our healthcare system a chance to catch up.....never agreed with the self quarantine ideology because I know people, specially NYers, most self centered people ever and think everything is a joke....hence ****ers on my timeline throwing slumber parties pulling hookah and calling it #quarantine nahhh giving NYers the choice was laughable, lock the city down, that I’m behind....a 2-3 week lockdown will give hospitals at least a fighting chance....allow people to use their discretion and we are ******.
keep it 100 tho. that's exactly what the Chinese govt did and trump is basically saying no, that's not true it started in china. which as far as we know it did.
replace china with American/America in your post and that's exactly what the Chinese govt did only they actually LIED and continue to lie to the ppl of china and to the world. this affects us in America here and abroad.

ethnicity =/= race. china is the name of the country and Chinese are the citizens that make up said country. it started in Wuhan china. as far as we know it didn't' start anywhere else. he didn't say Asian virus. he didn't say Vietnamese or Japanese virus. he said china virus. granted the name is covid-19 but for the Chinese govt to try to **** on us after covering all of this up and withholding info, NO SIR.

I cannot believe I...defended...that clown.
You shouldn't have.

The fact is that it doesn't matter where it started. The US response has been abysmal. Compare our response to Ebola vs this: we sent health workers to DRC as soon as the first cases popped up; we stocked up on supplies in the states in case we couldn't contain an Ebola outbreak and we identified those who landed at all airports and possibly carried the disease. In this case, Trump minimized the issue while his buddies took their money out of the market, and when **** finally hit the fan, he pivoted to xenophobia to distract the public from yet another administrative failure.
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