Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Woke up this morning with a weird feeling in the back of my throat. I tried to take a deep breath but felt pain arising from my sternum.
I stood up and tried to take a deep breath again but got sharp pain in my chest and a briefly uncontrollable dry cough.
My temperature at this moment is 37.3°C (elevated and technically a fever but just barely).

Other than that I don't feel particularly different and the uncontrollable coughing only occurs when I try to take a deep breath.
I'm definitely keeping an eye on my temperature though, that slightly worries me.
Woke up this morning with a weird feeling in the back of my throat. I tried to take a deep breath but felt pain arising from my sternum.
I stood up and tried to take a deep breath again but got sharp pain in my chest and a briefly uncontrollable dry cough.
My temperature at this moment is 37.3°C (elevated and technically a fever but just barely).

Other than that I don't feel particularly different and the uncontrollable coughing only occurs when I try to take a deep breath.
I'm definitely keeping an eye on my temperature though, that slightly worries me.

Pop that tylenol asap.
We all know Trump is petty and in this is case his pettiness is highly understandable.
He's the president tho. I'm not lowering my bar just because he's Trump. I would hold Obama and every other president to the same presidential standard that we deserve in this country. Public pettiness is not among those standards. Especially when you're leading America through a crisis.
What was jerseys count March 3rd when they all had a family dinner?
I’m finding an article from March 6th that mentions jerseys first few positives happening around March 5th.
This whole 14 days symptoms/no symptoms is really messing with these timelines. The family could have reinfected or reinforced the virus onto each other through multiple visits without even knowing it.
I agree with the sentiment that the propaganda the Chinese government is using is scum. However, the problem is when "Chinese virus" is being thrown around, a ton of people have no idea what the Chinese government are up to. This is a place where 30% of people thought corona beer leads to the coronavirus. So many uninformed people will hear "Chinese virus" and associate that with Asians in general.

Claiming the use of "Chinese virus" is strategy used to debunk China's bs is putting too much faith in the average person.
Woke up this morning with a weird feeling in the back of my throat. I tried to take a deep breath but felt pain arising from my sternum.
I stood up and tried to take a deep breath again but got sharp pain in my chest and a briefly uncontrollable dry cough.
My temperature at this moment is 37.3°C (elevated and technically a fever but just barely).

Other than that I don't feel particularly different and the uncontrollable coughing only occurs when I try to take a deep breath.
I'm definitely keeping an eye on my temperature though, that slightly worries me.

Are you on any immunosuppressive drugs due to your condition? Can’t remember what it is you suffer from, but becareful Bro, please take care of yourself.
Woke up this morning with a weird feeling in the back of my throat. I tried to take a deep breath but felt pain arising from my sternum.
I stood up and tried to take a deep breath again but got sharp pain in my chest and a briefly uncontrollable dry cough.
My temperature at this moment is 37.3°C (elevated and technically a fever but just barely).

Other than that I don't feel particularly different and the uncontrollable coughing only occurs when I try to take a deep breath.
I'm definitely keeping an eye on my temperature though, that slightly worries me.

Can your physician get you C19 Testing?

Nope, Trump literally didn’t start saying “Chinese Virus” until after saying the U.S. Army started this by bringing the virus to Wuhan.
This literally happened:

I seent it.

China has been engaging in a lot of ****ery w/ tons of bad media attention globally in recent memory and once again they’ve cowardly and falsely point fingers. We all know Trump is petty and in this is case his pettiness is highly understandable.

Just like Chinese ppl are in America. America ppl are in China. China trying to force an association of the virus with a whole nation is not only a **** move, but xenophobic as well.

The presidential move would be to work to pull out Americans in China, not start a name calling match and potentially out targets on Asian ppls back in America (or anywhere else for that matter) . Two wrongs don't make a right.

Trump is not even a little bit right in this matter.

I would say that what Trump is doing is worse than what te Chinese government is doing. The Chinese government don't exactly have a responsibility to protect the Americans in China (although that would be the correct thing to do) . But Trump has a responsibility to protect all Americans in America, including those with Chinese ethnicity. And he's failing them.
What was jerseys count March 3rd when they all had a family dinner?
I’m finding an article from March 6th that mentions jerseys first few positives happening around March 5th.
This whole 14 days symptoms/no symptoms is really messing with these timelines. The family could have reinfected or reinforced the virus onto each other through multiple visits without even knowing it.

Looks like that day was the first reported case in NJ. Hospitilized March 3rd, but confirmed the next day on the 4th.

when they say these celebs tested positive for coronavirus, is it Covid-19? cause coronavirus has many strains, some a simple cold.
I agree with the sentiment that the propaganda the Chinese government is using is scum. However, the problem is when "Chinese virus" is being thrown around, a ton of people have no idea what the Chinese government are up to. This is a place where 30% of people thought corona beer leads to the coronavirus. So many uninformed people will hear "Chinese virus" and associate that with Asians in general.

Claiming the use of "Chinese virus" is strategy used to debunk China's bs is putting too much faith in the average person.
that's not his problem or fault.
like seriously, the Chinese govt is at fault period. ppl are dead because of them. dead.
we have a global pandemic that could have possibly been an epidemic because they withheld information.

that's a problem.

them pinning something that came from china on us is ridiculous. period. it feeds into conspiracy theories here and abroad and endangers US.

there have already been incidents of xenophobia against foreigners over there that feel like americans intentionally infected ppl.

if the govt needs to get on tv and explain this in detail then so be it but na, it is what it is. I woulda ethered them on the mic, presidential or not.

the problem is ppl here are too used to being appeased and too used to being comfortable. no need to play with kids gloves in the face of a pandemic that they tried to cover up.
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