Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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They need to shut down the parks. You closed the gym down but folks are out here playing flag football in the parks.

Glad I'm not the only one.

Visited NYC over the holidays and when I got back, I'd caught a badass bug. Fever, cough and breathing problems. Every time I breathed out, it felt like blow air out a clogged nose. Although it's been so long, I still have an urge to cough, but since forever, I don't actually have to cough. Being a bit of a recluse, I just slept it out and stayed clear of family. I think, maybe that's part of why, I took an interest in this topic early on. For weeks I've debated, whether or not had was the big one, but the timeline just haven't made sense. ****s with my head.

Too real.

Anythings possible but I highly doubt it. So many other virus's do the same thing and if you get sick but continue to carry on business as usual then even more of a chance for those virus's to develop into something serious.
the Chinese govt should pay for what they've done IMHO.
not the Chinese ppl. the govt. not Asian ppl. the Chinese govt.
I don't know what that looks like but surely govts around the world have got to consider their options once all of this is over. investigations need to be thoroughly done.

the same goes for any person in and out of congress here in the u.s. and elsewhere that had info that did not share it and that sold off stock.

indicted, tried and convicted. ALL OF THEM.

All of the above is standard operating procedures when it comes to government. In 2020 if you want these people held accountable you need to attack them viciously on social media. That seems to work the best.
They need to shut down the parks. You closed the gym down but folks are out here playing flag football in the parks.


People that dense eh? Im all for going to the park for a jog, avoiding people and whatnot but damn a whole game of flag football?
How did you protect yourself?

How where the streets?

I went out and everyone was living life without worries ....
wasn't much i could do to be honest. Tried to navigate real quickly and keep my distance. "Mapped" out a plan with the wife to cover the store with the 2 of us
They're still open?

Most have shut down and students home for online classes.

I noticed a lot of the red states seem to be handling things differently though.
Nope all schools in Mississippi have switched to online. This is most likely a situation where a student decided to stay on campus instead of going home during the break.
They need to shut down the parks. You closed the gym down but folks are out here playing flag football in the parks.

I’m in NJ all that **** been closed since at least Monday lol
Working in NY tho, there’s still so much foot traffic. I wish I had the option to stay home :smh:
No its not valid at all. Not even a little ***** bit

There are Chinese ppl all over the globe that don't have anything to do with decisions that the Chinese government be making. There are even Chinese ppl in China that don't have anything to do with the decisions their government be making.

Trump trying to force an association of the virus with a whole ethnicity is not only a **** move, but a racist one too
Nope, Trump literally didn’t start saying “Chinese Virus” until after saying the U.S. Army started this by bringing the virus to Wuhan.
This literally happened:

I seent it.

China has been engaging in a lot of ******* w/ tons of bad media attention globally in recent memory and once again they’ve cowardly and falsely point fingers. We all know Trump is petty and in this is case his pettiness is highly understandable.

Just like Chinese ppl are in America. America ppl are in China. China trying to force an association of the virus with a whole nation is not only a **** move, but xenophobic as well.
They need to shut down the parks. You closed the gym down but folks are out here playing flag football in the parks.

The kids in my neighborhood were still hooping at the local basketball court so the police stepped in and wrapped it off with caution tape to keep them away. :lol:
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