Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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OraSure Technologies labs and researchers to determine the effectiveness of its collection devices for COVID-19 nasopharyngeal samples, including potential self-collection that will align with current social distancing guidelines.
Trump calling it the "Chinese Virus" is completely valid for the antics they're dicking around w/
No its not valid at all. Not even a little ***** bit

There are Chinese ppl all over the globe that don't have anything to do with decisions that the Chinese government be making. There are even Chinese ppl in China that don't have anything to do with the decisions their government be making.

Trump trying to force an association of the virus with a whole ethnicity is not only a **** move, but a racist one too
Not sure if posted yet. Singapore has really been on top of this ****. 300+ recorded cases from late January until now, 0 reported deaths

No its not valid at all. Not even a little ***** bit

There are Chinese ppl all over the globe that don't have anything to do with decisions that the Chinese government be making. There are even Chinese ppl in China that don't have anything to do with the decisions their government be making.

Trump trying to force an association of the virus with a whole ethnicity is not only a **** move, but a racist one too

It’s ironic that China is saying that America created and started the spread :lol:

Any country that would use a virus as a bio weapon got to be really stupid. Especially in today's age where ppl be traveling everywhere. It's like releasing attack dogs that would always come back to bite you as well.
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If anyone is looking for a 3 pack of 19 oz lysol. Not the best price, but finding supply online is now a task.

These things can be true at the same time:

- **** the Chinese government for trying to hide the virus in the first place
- **** the Chinese government for silencing doctors who were sending out warnings early on
- **** the Chinese government for spreading rumors based on no evidence that an American started the virus in Wuhan
- People need to stop eating and trading exotic animals
- Using the term "Chinese Virus" repeatedly is an obvious racial move. We've seen for three years what he thinks about people that ain't white. This is not simply stating the facts like "The virus that came out of China"
- Hammering home this is a "Chinese Virus" undermines that millions of Asian-Americans and every innocent Asian person who's now afraid to even sneeze in public

I'm Asian and I can tell you 100% I notice some people are walking past me very differently than they did just a few weeks ago. We have enough to worry about in terms of health and economy, the last thing we want is to be concerned about xenophobia and racism but this is where it's trending
I'm still trying to figure out why people were going so crazy over toilet paper specifically. Fighting over it and everything.
Because ppl are expecting to eventually be locked down. So everyone's stocking up. Tp is one of those items everyone uses daily and can effect our hygiene. Also, it's the domino effect. Once the tp started running out, everyone else started feel like they wouldn't have any toilet paper for a while, so everyone went out in droves.

Was it the media telling everybody to stock up on it?
Naw, not the news media. They never told ppl to stock pile tp. Social media was a major influence tho. It was the main culprit. Ppl saw others posting pictures & videos of empty shelves and long lines which caused a major toilet paper fomo panic. I remember it starting the day after the NBA shut down. That's when all hell broke loose.

I'm honestly just ready for this to be over. I couldn't have imagined anything like this taking place. It's like being stuck in a bad dream, or like being too high.
No its not valid at all. Not even a little ***** bit

There are Chinese ppl all over the globe that don't have anything to do with decisions that the Chinese government be making. There are even Chinese ppl in China that don't have anything to do with the decisions their government be making.

Trump trying to force an association of the virus with a whole ethnicity is not only a **** move, but a racist one too

I had to check someone I knew for a post she made on FB the other day. She made a status wishing all types of awful things on Chinese people for what they do to dogs and saying they deserve this (completely ignoring the fact C19 is hitting all of us.. every race and ethnicity). Dogs bro. *** dogs. That's what she said. Publicly. Dogs. They deserve Coronavirus Covid-19 for dogs. Dogs. *** dogs.

Yeah..I wasnt allowing that **** at all. I cooked her timeline.

I'm not for hate speech on anybody. There are 1.4 billion people in China, and Chinese people spread all over the world. I'm not letting you marginalize an entire population of people over the acts of a few. You aren't going to do that in front of me. I'm black. She's middle eastern. And I got in her *** over that.

She hit me on snap a half hour later saying she was just passionate about animals and loves me and doesn't feel our friendship/relationship should be broken over a fight that didnt effect either of us..

Hit her with the✌🏾 Emoji and Blocked. Once you show me your character, what are we really talking about.
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