Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Obviously this is oversimplifying things but it's scary how razor thin the margins are for alot of these companies

This is a lot scarier for some people than the virus itself. Insane how slim the margins are. My boy just started his own business, some marketing type business and its been maybe a year? Going to ask him whats up, hope dude aint too stressed.

SCWorx Announces the Formation of Direct-Worx, a Wholly-Owned Subsidiary to Provide Health Care Providers Access to Critical Personal Protective Equipment to Aid in Their Fight Against the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19
Many companies (including some of the biggest in the world) literally make zero profit ever. They have been surviving off of debt for years.

The problem starts when they are unable to make the minimum payments and no one wants to loan them more money.
These things can be true at the same time:

- **** the Chinese government for trying to hide the virus in the first place
- **** the Chinese government for silencing doctors who were sending out warnings early on
- **** the Chinese government for spreading rumors based on no evidence that an American started the virus in Wuhan
- People need to stop eating and trading exotic animals
- Using the term "Chinese Virus" repeatedly is an obvious racial move. We've seen for three years what he thinks about people that ain't white. This is not simply stating the facts like "The virus that came out of China"
- Hammering home this is a "Chinese Virus" undermines that millions of Asian-Americans and every innocent Asian person who's now afraid to even sneeze in public

I'm Asian and I can tell you 100% I notice some people are walking past me very differently than they did just a few weeks ago. We have enough to worry about in terms of health and economy, the last thing we want is to be concerned about xenophobia and racism but this is where it's trending

Who on this forum is not Asian?
No its not valid at all. Not even a little ***** bit

There are Chinese ppl all over the globe that don't have anything to do with decisions that the Chinese government be making. There are even Chinese ppl in China that don't have anything to do with the decisions their government be making.

Trump trying to force an association of the virus with a whole ethnicity is not only a **** move, but a racist one too
keep it 100 tho. that's exactly what the Chinese govt did and trump is basically saying no, that's not true it started in china. which as far as we know it did.
replace china with American/America in your post and that's exactly what the Chinese govt did only they actually LIED and continue to lie to the ppl of china and to the world. this affects us in America here and abroad.

ethnicity =/= race. china is the name of the country and Chinese are the citizens that make up said country. it started in Wuhan china. as far as we know it didn't' start anywhere else. he didn't say Asian virus. he didn't say Vietnamese or Japanese virus. he said china virus. granted the name is covid-19 but for the Chinese govt to try to **** on us after covering all of this up and withholding info, NO SIR.

I cannot believe I...defended...that clown.
Someone today mentioned something about them taking the last stimulus out of your tax return if you took it. Wonder if this would be the same.
Yep, when Obama issued the $250 stimulus for vets and they took it back at tax time. I'm a FED, I'm good, I don't need anything.
the Chinese govt should pay for what they've done IMHO.
not the Chinese ppl. the govt. not Asian ppl. the Chinese govt.
I don't know what that looks like but surely govts around the world have got to consider their options once all of this is over. investigations need to be thoroughly done.

the same goes for any person in and out of congress here in the u.s. and elsewhere that had info that did not share it and that sold off stock.

indicted, tried and convicted. ALL OF THEM.
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