Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Sad thing is when one of your own RNs ends up plugged to a ventilator suspected of C19....this **** hitting home now, bros and the CDC has the nerve to suggest we should treat with silk scarfs around our faces...FOH

This **** sad...
Weird times to be First response staff in a hospital, feeling pride and disappointment all at the same time, proud to be on the front lines, doing your best to handle this crap, but also very disappointed in our government and the lack of steps taken to actually care for us, when healthcare workers start dropping like flies, **** is gonna be sad.

looking at that comparison chart of Italy vs USA vs CA vs NY, USA and NY are both now 3 days ahead of Italy.

A day or two ago we were just two days ahead of Italy. We’re skipping days folks. Wow.

**** the CDC
With all these grounded jets, why wouldn’t they load those and fly those around? Truckers are making more than pilots at the moment. I guess the USA as a whole isn’t in enough of a state of emergency to call in jets for aid.
And the lack of PPE, are they/were they coming all from China and dried up? No one wants to convert their closed factory into something we all truly need?

This all reeks of being totally unprepared and unwilling to change how things run normally.
Well this ain’t normal anymore.
I see that family in NJ who had four loved ones die. They said they had a big gathering March 3rd. What was the count back then for the tri state area? They all look sorta obese and out of shape. Time to get healthy folks before it hits us all.
They told us back in December that the flu vaccine this year wasn’t as effective because they strain wrong and that’s why there were so many influenza cases early on.
Bull**** this thing has been creeping here since late last year. Everyone has been exposed one way or another. Maybe it mutates and got stronger or something but in nyc it was unavoidable to not notice how many were sick. Dry coughs everywhere.

Damn near everybody at my job was sick in January including myself BUT my doctor swabbed me and said I was positive for influenza A. It COULD have been a false positive (highely unlikely, the results seemed to be very conclusive by his tone) BUT if you were sick late last year and early this year and were not tested for influenza I wouldnt trip.

NOW, if you had mad symptoms early this year AND tested negative for influenza, you can wonder a little bit.

But if you toughed it out at home please dont just go assuming you had covid-19.
If the internet wasn’t the primary form of information and if shibadekobe shibadekobe wasnt keeping the thread up to date as he is, I wouldn’t follow this thread because taking in all this information can take a toll on one’s mental.

Just keep in mind that stress can weaken your immune system and make you sick. Couple that with everything else ranging from possibly not being able to work, having to worry about supplies and what not, don’t let the page to page of bad news in this thread add stress to what you’re already going through. Use this time to stay sane and as healthy as possible, speak to family, laugh and enjoy the fact that you’re alive to see another day. For most of us, this is another test that we will get through. Stay calm and level headed folks. This will pass and we will all be better in the aftermath as I’m sure we here will learn from this. I know I have already.
Trying not to ficus on the counts ... while it us important to know, it doesnt really change the fact that we have to protect ourselves.

Been looking to focus on what science and docs are doing globally. What drug combos they mixin up? What vaccines they workin on? Anyone out there getting good results from trial runs? Anything working to combat this?

i think we are about 1-2 weeks away from a breakthrough in terms of not stopping it, but lessening the effects. I dont underestimate the power and ambition of humans under pressure.

Shoutouts to everyone doing they thing in here trying to update us.

when all is said and done -hopefully sooner than later - this thread needs to be locked and archived .An incredible real time account of a Pandemic . Mixed emotions. Real reports, false reports, hot takes whatever - but incredible time capsule.
squatchnt squatchnt

Asymptomatic means you have no symptoms.

You can actively carry and spread a virus without having any symptoms whatsoever.

Not alike in any way, but think of HSV1-2 and HIV.
I get the asymptomatic part, its the method of transmission I was confused about. You can't get HIV by talking to someone whereas, based on replies, you can get corona by having a conversation.

I did have a strange flu type ordeal early December. I work high end retail so lots of Asian client (when I guess C19 was really just in China) and I had a fever, chills, body aches, fatigue, and a cough that would not go away. I legit coudnt talk without coughing. It was bad but wasnt super terrible. What made the experience worse for me was I was dog sitting and my boys dog sheds crazy and I was staying in their new apt (was tiny).

In any case, no one I knew got it from me and I did interect with a lot of people. Maybe it wasnt c19 for that and the lack of a breathing problem but who knows.
Glad I'm not the only one.

Visited NYC over the holidays and when I got back, I'd caught a badass bug. Fever, cough and breathing problems. Every time I breathed out, it felt like blow air out a clogged nose. Although it's been so long, I still have an urge to cough, but since forever, I don't actually have to cough. Being a bit of a recluse, I just slept it out and stayed clear of family. I think, maybe that's part of why, I took an interest in this topic early on. For weeks I've debated, whether or not had was the big one, but the timeline just haven't made sense. ****s with my head.

**** is getting real
Too real.
Weird times to be First response staff in a hospital, feeling pride and disappointment all at the same time, proud to be on the front lines, doing your best to handle this crap, but also very disappointed in our government and the lack of steps taken to actually care for us, when healthcare workers start dropping like flies, **** is gonna be sad.
Amen, it’s sad. I swear my organization is switching protocols to what is convenient and for the bottom line, rather than what we actually need. CDC says one thing and they want to follow WHO, now WHO says something different and they want to follow the CDC after saying the CDC was behind on information lmao. Got a few coworkers infected and quarantining.
From what California did, every other state will follow suit. Especially after the new numbers. If we don't exceed Italy, we'll be damn near close.

Plus millenials that don't believe in this virus are ruining it for others.

Revive Therapeutics to explore bucillamine for COVID-19
Revive Therapeutics is exploring the use of the drug Bucillamine as a potential novel treatment for infectious diseases, including influenza and COVID-19.

The company has applied for a provisional patent with the USPTO, entitled “Use of Bucillamine in the Treatment of Infectious Diseases”.

Bucillamine is a disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug marketed in Japan and South Korea for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
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