Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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I did have a strange flu type ordeal early December. I work high end retail so lots of Asian client (when I guess C19 was really just in China) and I had a fever, chills, body aches, fatigue, and a cough that would not go away. I legit coudnt talk without coughing. It was bad but wasnt super terrible. What made the experience worse for me was I was dog sitting and my boys dog sheds crazy and I was staying in their new apt (was tiny).

In any case, no one I knew got it from me and I did interect with a lot of people. Maybe it wasnt c19 for that and the lack of a breathing problem but who knows.
My girl had a real bad flu for 2 weeks in January. She had to sleep kinda sitting up cuz she kept saying she couldn’t breathe if she laid down. This was right after I took my 8 year old to children’s hospital for 102 temp and the runs. He was diagnosed with the flu then she got sick a few days later.

Weird thing is I was under both while sick and didn’t get sick at all.... not even a cough or runny nose.
Where are you guys from? 1st known U.S case (patient zero) for coronavirus was in Washington state on January 19th. A 35 year old man who was sick checked himself in urgent care. He had just come back from visiting family in Wuhan China.
I had something similar in mid December. All started out with a sore throat, then proceeded to become a runny nose, couldnt breathe, coughing up what seemed like chunks. Had a fever, chills, aches, and sweats. I couldnt decide if I was hot or cold. Turned on the ac then few mins later turned on the heat.
Went to the ER and tested negative for the flu (they put the swab up the nose to test) and they gave me an IV, albuterol, the cough syrup for lean (forgot the name), then wrote a script for the syrup, some antibiotics for 5 days, and prednisone. I took all medicine and stayed home for the next week but I swear it took nearly a month to shake everything off.

So now thinking back, was it this or was it really bronchitis?

I hate thinking back like this and wondering.:stoneface:
Guys, the first known case in China was December 10th. I doubt that the symptoms you guys have from December-January were corona related. Your area would likely be high with infected ppl by now.
Guys, the first known case in China was December 10th. I doubt that the symptoms you guys have from December-January were corona related. Your area would likely be high with infected ppl by now.

Yeah, probably right.

There was some articles of c19 being around since Oct-Nov though. The infectious part is where the hints are, I had close contact with a couple people, one chick during the middle of it and to my knowledge no one got sick.
Thats known case.

NYC here.
Yes, but we all can clearly see the rate in which this virus moves. So if you had the virus back in January, then that means others had it too, which means your whole town and all your friends and family would be infected by now since it would have been passed around for 3 months with no quarantine or precautions.
Guys, the first known case in China was December 10th. I doubt that the symptoms you guys have from December-January were corona related. Your area would likely be high with infected ppl by now.

Yes true but since I work in finance on Wall St, I have plenty of interaction with people who travel all over the world. NYC cases are getting ridiculous now and will continue to do so.

Most likely it was bronchitis but IDK.
how long did it take her to recover? did she have any lingering effects from the illness?
A month give or take. But she works in a hospital and we assumed she caught something from a patient, she had got a flu shot mths before... weird.
I was asking what is 20% of 1 million? What is 20% of 10 million?

2 separate questions, asking if we were to get to 1 million or even 10 million infected.

He originally said 20-30% is only 2 or 3 out of 10 but my point was its gonna be a HELL of a lot more that get infected when it's all said and done
They told us back in December that the flu vaccine this year wasn’t as effective because they strain wrong and that’s why there were so many influenza cases early on.
******** this thing has been creeping here since late last year. Everyone has been exposed one way or another. Maybe it mutates and got stronger or something but in nyc it was unavoidable to not notice how many were sick. Dry coughs everywhere.
Yeah actually back in mid December my bro caught a really bad fever and was bed ridden in the hospital for almost 2 weeks. missed x-mas Doc said it was due to weed vaping

I’m doing the wee bay gif in my room right now
What if the deaths from vaping were really COVID and we just didn’t have testing?
They told us back in December that the flu vaccine this year wasn’t as effective because they strain wrong and that’s why there were so many influenza cases early on.
Bull**** this thing has been creeping here since late last year. Everyone has been exposed one way or another. Maybe it mutates and got stronger or something but in nyc it was unavoidable to not notice how many were sick. Dry coughs everywhere.
If that was the case than there would have been tens/hundreds of thousands of seniors and immune-comprimised people dead already.
My boy hit me about a gym thats still open. Dog *** gym. All the free weights. Benches. Squat racks. Machines. Cardio. boxing section. Full boxing ring. Clean. New facilities. Hella low key. Couldn't park in front. Lights dim af. 1st rule of fight club. Lol.

Phenomenal workout. I needed it so bad. Was going crazy without that outlet. Maintained social distancing. Werent a lot of people there. Kept the isolation droplet mask on. If I can keep that going on the hush til this is all over, I'll be Gucci.
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The 2019-2020 flu season in general was very bad.

I hate self-diagnosing myself, but I'm on the same page with you guys.

I had the worst flu like symptoms in January. Started from fever to muscle pain, then I couldnt breathe for literally 3 weeks straight. Barely could formulate a sentence, nagging dry cough that stopped in February.
was gonna stay outta this thread but it really seams like 6 out of 10 ppl I've observed in public places had the exact same dry cough by the 1st week in November. I had some nasty illness the very 1st week of October that lasted nearly 3 weeks. I do suck at breathing tho (was told COPD was likely but pulmary function test was normal so they said asthma but I doubt it). Good luck to everyone in a BIG city, this is weird stuff.
My boy hit me about a gym thats still open. Dog *** gym. All the free weights. Benches. Squat racks. Machines. Cardio. boxing section. Full boxing ring. Clean. New facilities. Hella low key. Couldn't park in front. Lights dim af. 1st rule of fight club. Lol.

Phenomenal workout. I needed it so bad. Was going crazy without that outlet. Maintained social distancing. Werent a lot of people there. Kept the isolation droplet mask on. If I can keep that going on the hush til this is all over, I'll be Gucci.
I'd probably use a shower in the gym and stash my work out clothes in bag after and let it sit on my porch for a few days.
Yeah its time to shut things down.

The real upsetting thing about all of this is a vaccine was being worked on for coronaviruses years ago but funding wasn't provided because it wasn't seen as a pressing issue and was called "boring". It didn't push the envelope enough according to Dr. Peter Hotez.

Ignorance and arrogance gotta be the number one flaw in humans.

I know some say they were close to a vaccine, but others say the funding stopped because the vaccines being produced were not working, and proving fatal during trials.
Italy death toll passes, China death toll????!!!!!

The truth will come to light on how china is handling their #'s... :smh:
I’m with some of y’all. late December I go through ohare to visit family back east. Whole family catches a cold/flu. Now it did involve vomit and Diarrhea. But every other symptom is what we had. Fever. 102 for me for about 8 hours. Aches. And chills. Sore throat and cough for days and days. I had no appetite/couldn’t taste foods for a good 2-3 weeks. I flew back home through JFK mid January. My whole work place was ravaged with call outs for a good 2-3 weeks into early February. . 6 years since my last call out but I had to do it. Who knows now looking back. It felt like extreme food poisoning to me combined with a flu, or a extreme stomach bug.

Didn’t see this mentioned.
Thursday March 19th was the worst day for global infection numbers. 27.8k new infections on this day alone. Prior high was three days prior at 18.8k. We have a 17,16, and 15k day through this whole ordeal. So 27.8 is staggering.

The USA is a day away from being top 5 for infections, surpassing Germany. We’re a weekend away from being top 3 at this current rate, surpassing 18k Spain and 18k Iran.

Here’s a scenario at play. They say 18% of Americans have lost their jobs within the past 9 days. Thats 58.5 million Americans. This virus At it’s worse is set to kill 22 million if everyone’s infected. There’s gotta be some balance here. The job loss is immense. No ones gonna want to even be alive to live with no sports, no bars, no social gatherings. It will literally be communist China living with their so called 12-18 month time tables set. I said it yesterday. Let’s give it a try for 1-3 months. But we have to go back to normalcy
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