Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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If by some miracle this thing dies out by late October, then I'm going as toilet paper on Halloween.
I'm still trying to figure out why people were going so crazy over toilet paper specifically. Fighting over it and everything.
u might be onto something here.
Yo, I never thought about this but what if mad homeless people get it and can't get treatment and continue to pass it to the rest of society.... And they all survive bc they've boosted their immune system from living on the streets... That's some dark poetic justice right there.
I'm honestly just ready for this to be over. I couldn't have imagined anything like this taking place. It's like being stuck in a bad dream, or like being too high.

Like when you get too high and you start sweating and you're sitting there like "man, did I ******* piss myself?" Then you awkwardly try to rub your inner thigh to make sure and hope nobody looks. Then you start hearin **** and you thought you heard the homie say something but he hasn't said **** in 20 minutes, so you gotta figure out how to get yourself out of the awkward situation of saying "WHAT", but it never works right. Or when you wake up with cheese melted on your chest.

Okay, I've never done that last one, but my brother did. Woke my *** up screaming at me: "WHY IS THERE CHEESE MELTED TO MY CHEST?" I told his high *** not to get the damn cheese out of the fridge. He never listens.

But I digress.

Sadly, I don't think this is going to go away for a while. But I feel you. It really does feel like it's not really happening. When I went to Trader Joe's last Thursday, I felt like I was in a movie. The completely empty aisles just seemed surreal to me. It still does. Didn't think I'd see **** like this in my lifetime.
Welp. This is a big yikes.

This was posted on 3/6/20. Why hasn't there been more sources calling this out? Only reason why I'm skeptical is because Dr John Campbell believes china's numbers lol.
This was posted on 3/6/20. Why hasn't there been more sources calling this out? Only reason why I'm skeptical is because Dr John Campbell believes china's numbers lol.
China is full of ****. I don't trust anything those ppl report, they tried shifting the blame to the U.S. Trump calling it the "Chinese Virus" is completely valid for the antics they're dicking around w/. They're the biggest reason as to why this virus is as global as it is.
If this is war (bio warfare) we are getting lit up!
How you gone have all these big name hospitals all over the country and none of them had the sense to stockpile in their basements essential PPE for a disaster or pandemic? Unbelievable and unacceptable. All kind of balls being dropped!

Management prob be in meetings all day back n forth talking about what!? Nothing, that’s what, when all it took was to dedicate a large chunk of all the money they make to a dedicated risk management team to make sure all hospitals have tons of emergency stockpiles of PPE.

MF’s got the very people working on the frontlines shooting with water pistols while same management sit at home sending out emails then wanna have the nerve to chastise folks hoarding up goods then reselling for high prices. Hmm I wonder where they got that idea from? Yeah, that part.


Those people are just a reflections of our country so even though it’s foul, it’s learned behavior from the same people who hire workers in China to make Nike’s paying them scraps then turn around n sell them at exorbitant prices.
Sad thing is when one of your own RNs ends up plugged to a ventilator suspected of C19....this **** hitting home now, bros and the CDC has the nerve to suggest we should treat with silk scarfs around our faces...FOH

This **** sad...
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