Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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I'm not trying to be incentive, but just like the goverment a lot of you were behind when everyone tried to warned them.

A lot of you went from this is just a flu, to this is serious and a real problem.

Others from making fun of people with scarfs around their face to probably resorting to it because lack of equipment.

And others from just keep you distance and we be iight, staying at home is not going to solve ****. To stay the **** home, we cant handle no more cases.

How quickly things change ... stop taking things for granted. The US is failing each and everyone of us. Everything should of have been shut down... now you 1st responders are bearing the brunt of the cases. NOW they want to try and do a soft **** down ..... incredible ....

I hope to God all of you guys stay safe... but realistically speaking we arent and that's what hunt me at night.

You can be direct, a scarf didn’t all of a sudden become protection because the CDC deemed it to be, if I’m given the choice between covering up with a scarf or nothing at all when treating a patient, ima go with nothing at all, because I’m just making my job uncomfortable for NO REASON WHATSOEVER.

measures still seem too light, roll out the military and send everyone the **** home, the sooner the better.
I mean Trump shut down flights to and from and China in January in addition to setting up quarantine zones at 11 major airports on the coasts and the South.

He referred to it as a hoax manufactured by the dems. Any type of proactive measures he took were undone as soon as he opened his mouth and basically assured the American people that "it ain't that serious" over and over again.
Nope, Trump literally didn’t start saying “Chinese Virus” until after saying the U.S. Army started this by bringing the virus to Wuhan.
This literally happened:

I seent it.

China has been engaging in a lot of ****ery w/ tons of bad media attention globally in recent memory and once again they’ve cowardly and falsely point fingers. We all know Trump is petty and in this is case his pettiness is highly understandable.

Just like Chinese ppl are in America. America ppl are in China. China trying to force an association of the virus with a whole nation is not only a **** move, but xenophobic as well.

You can't control what comes out of your opponent's mouth, but you control how you respond to it. If you think responding to xenophobia with more xenophobia (when our government hasn't even taken the basic steps to address the situation) is the way to go, then we aren't better than the Chinese government.
Was pondering whether I'd rather get the virus or be laid off...probably rather risk health at this point
Yeah I agree this will be here longer than whatever time we are quarantined for, but it needs to be done to slow down the numbers piling up and give our healthcare system a chance to catch up.....never agreed with the self quarantine ideology because I know people, specially NYers, most self centered people ever and think everything is a joke....hence ****ers on my timeline throwing slumber parties pulling hookah and calling it #quarantine nahhh giving NYers the choice was laughable, lock the city down, that I’m behind....a 2-3 week lockdown will give hospitals at least a fighting chance....allow people to use their discretion and we are ****ED.

The average American doesn't have 2-3 weeks. Most don't have $500 in their savings in case of an emergency. Some are being ruined at this very moment. I've seen businesses boarded up that may never reopen when the order is lifted. I'm lucky to have up to six months at minimum saved up and I can WFH. If worse comes to worst, I can go into my Money Markets account and take what I need with no tax penalty. MAX unemployment is $400/week. If people aren't being approved immediately what good will it do? There needs to be an expansion of benefits. **** a $1000 check which is going be tiered based off of what you made in 2018.
damn hypebeasts.
You can be direct, a scarf didn’t all of a sudden become protection because the CDC deemed it to be, if I’m given the choice between covering up with a scarf or nothing at all when treating a patient, ima go with nothing at all, because I’m just making my job uncomfortable for NO REASON WHATSOEVER.

measures still seem too light, roll out the military and send everyone the **** home, the sooner the better.
I can be direct ... no problem.

You clown a woman for wearing a scarf and now you're going to see your peers doing the same ....

You was also against the quarantine and BS and now you telling people to stay home.

Like dude, we been telling ya but it's as very different a few days ago.

I'm just saying, we need to adhere to those that have gone thru that, but no ... now is to ******* late. We are still lagging behind big time.
So with Tax day being pushed back can I try to contact the IRS to amend my taxes because I missed a 1099-R form the first time around. I already got my refund back.
do I gotta contact anyone in the irs or I can simply not file until a new due date is posted ? Because I owe $300 and I don’t wanna pay that right now if I don’t have to lol.
wasn't much i could do to be honest. Tried to navigate real quickly and keep my distance. "Mapped" out a plan with the wife to cover the store with the 2 of us
Like everyone else, I cant find masks at all, making my situation more stressful. Hopefully, in a couple of weeks production has caught up, but highly doubt it.

At least you got a few ...
Cuomo just issued an order to keep all nonessential businesses closed and told everyone to stay inside as much as possible, but refused to use the term “shelter in place”.
I wish he would just make it mandatory. Probably thinking if he does, people would be irate and want to rebel or something.
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