Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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if china was forthcoming perhaps the response from the world would have been different. the u.s. wasn't the only ones that were slow to respond.

The us wasn't the only country that was slow to respond, but they don't have the same excuses that other countries had.

The US got to see the **** hit the fan in China, in Italy, in South Korea and Iran before it hit here.

This is kinda the equivalent to being the last one to take the test, and not study knowing everyone else before you failed.

The US president was quoted as caliing the coronavirus a hoax after watching it plague China and Italy. Can't blame the Chinese government for that
People that dense eh? Im all for going to the park for a jog, avoiding people and whatnot but damn a whole game of flag football?
Maybe they were like "We have a 96% chance of not dying, we good"

or they had a friend that was a nurse that told them that they gonna go on vacation soon, there's nothing to worry about.

or they had some friends that work in the hospital that are like "I wish I could get it to get it over with" so they're just following their advice
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Wife and I are gonna party tonight like nothing happened. Getting dressed up, blasting music around the house, just letting loose. Popping bottles.
Gonna incorporate the kids in this somehow. Maybe a post casino night. They love craps and black jack.
It’s Friday ya’ll. Do your best to enjoy the weekend.
specifically because china withheld VITAL INFO.
like its not difficult to understand that we, the world, could have planned differently had we had key info they withheld from us the world.

telling the truth is not the blame game.
we are so dumbed down and soft as a society. its crazy.
Key info? We knew about this outbreak since January. Our country did nothing to stop this from getting worse. Our first U.S coronavirus case was on Jan 20th! This didn't just happen a week ago. It took the administration 2 months to do anything about this or to warm the public this was coming. Remember OUR president calling this a hoax???? Wtf was our government going to do with new information? The CDC has been telling him for 2 months this had the potential to become a pandemic. He did nothing. In fact WORSE. He called it a hoax.

But then the NBA shut down and Tom Hanks got the virus, so now the president takes action. Anyone with a 2 month memory can't possible use the the whole China withholding stuff as an excuse. We dragging our feet since January. Nothing the Chinese could have done or gave us to convince trump to act on this. NOTHING. Not the obvious progression rate numbers we were seeing. Not Italy. Not the C.D.C. Not the W.H.O. Not even our own experts. Everyone warned him....he did nothing. I don't live in China, so I don't expect them to take care of me. I live in America. I expect my government to take care of me. All the information we needed was there for 2 months and we did nothing.

Sorry if it sounds like I'm yelling. Not mad at anyone, just a little surprised that ppl are taking more shots at China than our own government considering we only pay taxes only to one. Trump used "Chinese Virus" as another trigger for a classic bait and switch, and I got to admit, he's a genius. He's keeps using this tactic to avoid blame while dividing ppl over and over again. And we keep falling for it.
You stay talking about the past, theres no time machine, we are where we are. Lets look to improving the present and the future and when the time comes we can have the blame game. I agree someone needs to be blamed but not now.
sounds like what some white ppl tell black ppl.
straight like that.
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