Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I dunno, I would put money down that there'd be riots
I mean, stores will be all closed with no employees all-day and no security. Perfect opportunity to smash and grab. Hopefully most small businesses owner were smart enough to put their merchandise in a storage facility. But you know damn well big chains like Footlocker, Kohl's, etc. have all their merch just sitting like ducks.
I mean, stores will be all closed with no employees all-day and no security. Perfect opportunity to smash and grab. Hopefully most small businesses owner were smart enough to put their merchandise in a storage facility. But you know damn well big chains like Footlocker, Kohl's, etc. have all their merch just sitting like ducks.
Yup. Not to mention once food starts getting rationed or whatever system they're going to attempt to have for food and water
Italy also has a much bigger elderly population but yes it aint looking good.
Just came back from my shift.

Man its a **** show. We have 2 positive patients, security guards closed off the emergency room because there are no more beds remaining. I had to go to a floor to counsel an ID doctor about a patient's meds because he wasnt responding to a page. I had to use the same damn mask I had in a locker from last week.

We have no more masks so managers on each floor are telling the nurses, PAs, etc who do rounds that they can wear homemade masks, scarves, and bandanas for the time being.

This is gonna get worse and everyone at the hospital knows it. Its the elephant in the room, but its been so damn busy that time just flies and you deal with it.
Italy has been trying to warn us but yet we refuse to completely **** it down. Everyone should be legit scare ... anything needing immediate medical assistance that could be had within a few hours wait might take weeks.

Wish it showed more info, critical cases, broken down by age maybe. Anyone have a chart like that?

Is this accurate btw? Took this from someones IG story.
Got friends in intelligence and military. Just texted me saying get outta dodge or lock yourself down. Same people who told me we were gonna be in lockdown on Saturday night when the draft for the media was being written and dispersed. No reason not to believe them at this point.

A national lockdown is coming.
So your friend told you to get out of dodge? I hope someone find his *** and charge him for treason!

This is a world wide pandemic and national emergency .... stop ******* around and lock your *** up.
do not call your old religous aunties right now because you will be on the phone for 45 minutes

Let them BE

LOL My neighbors come busting through the hallway with a giant couch tombout they caught a fire SALE...

I was hitting on my 60 year old neighbor I was tryna' hit before I left but she's drunk

Meanwhile I'm actually moving.......

Screen Shot 2020-03-19 at 8.04.48 PM.png

too late to stay in Place.... got the WIFI moving over tomorrow


Follow the WIFI

I'm keeping my new spot minimalist
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