Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Martial Law is inevitable, the sooner we lock this place down under law, the sooner people will stop thinking is a joke and sooner we can prevent the healthcare system from collapsing on its own....

until the government keeps peddling this kumbaya social distancing/flatten the curve at your own discretion BS, hospitals will continue to get overwhelmed and more people will be infected.

ksteezy, how is it looking? Are you guys able to handle the people coming in? I'm just hoping for some good news that the distancing measures put in place are working.
Ya don’t understand at the current rate, the place you run to, to feel better, will become the most contaminated place you can walk into....no matter how hard we try to keep cloroxing EVERYTHING, it won’t be enough, we actually running out of Clorox wipes....N95s are being hidden by the nursing staff from each unit so that other RNs from somewhere don’t come taking them, **** is become the wild Wild West :lol:
yeah, wife cooked a whole chicken (for the first time) and I always get nervous about eating raw chicken. My mind went straight to "what if we get food poisoning and have to go to the hospital?"

Long story short. Never eat chicken at my house. I always make my wife over cook chicken because of my fear of food poisoning.
CA lockdown starting this evening dam
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How will martial Law work for vital critical care staff in a hospital?

you work in healthcare and I’m assuming by your posts your are a RN or LVN and you asked this question? Smdh, you already know how. Stop you ask who you are and where are you going, show your badge n keep it moving.
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