Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Martial Law is inevitable, the sooner we lock this place down under law, the sooner people will stop thinking is a joke and sooner we can prevent the healthcare system from collapsing on its own....

until the government keeps peddling this kumbaya social distancing/flatten the curve at your own discretion BS, hospitals will continue to get overwhelmed and more people will be infected.
2 positive patients and im guessing the other beds are taken by people who are waiting for results or suffering badly from symptoms?

Mix of everything. Hospital is near the hood. Patients stabbed, patients, coming in to check their temperature because "all the stores are sold out of thermometers", patients exhibiting any cold/flu like symptoms.

I verified a very interesting mix of orders today.

Positive w/ symptoms are isolated not in the ER.

Positive w/ no symptoms go home and quarantine.
Ya don’t understand at the current rate, the place you run to, to feel better, will become the most contaminated place you can walk into....no matter how hard we try to keep cloroxing EVERYTHING, it won’t be enough, we actually running out of Clorox wipes....N95s are being hidden by the nursing staff from each unit so that other RNs from somewhere don’t come taking them, **** is become the wild Wild West :lol:
where u get this from

Got friends in intelligence and military. Just texted me saying get outta dodge or lock yourself down. Same people who told me we were gonna be in lockdown on Saturday night when the draft for the media was being written and dispersed. No reason not to believe them at this point.

A national lockdown is coming.

supposedly Italy's rates are so high is because they're a lot older and people live a lot closer.
That said, it's in Bloomberg.com's interest for the hysteria to calm down.

some people say we really should only quarantine old people and the rest would be alright.
Got friends in intelligence and military. Just texted me saying get outta dodge or lock yourself down. Same people who told me we were gonna be in lockdown on Saturday night when the draft for the media was being written and dispersed. No reason not to believe them at this point.

A national lockdown is coming.
I heard through 2nd hand info that military trucks were getting in place in Chicago as well but I have no way to verify.
If you have no symptoms, meaning you're not sneezing or coughing, how can an asymptomatic person spread the virus. Aka there are no respiratory droplets. It seems I either worded my question wrong or you didnt understand the question.

You are not going to get a straight answer because most people don’t really know. Just regurgitating what someone else said. Everyday people are trying to figure all of this out and quite frankly as real as it may be it’s starting to look more n more suspect each day that passes.

supposedly Italy's rates are so high is because they're a lot older and people live a lot closer.
That said, it's in Bloomberg.com's interest for the hysteria to calm down.

some people say we really should only quarantine old people and the rest would be alright.
That's even worse tho. If italy has older denser population than us and were still spreading at a faster rate?
Here's some other info I received earlier.

Didnt share it because it was proven that one of these were fake.

If anyone has seen the SAME EXACT message, please chime in. Good way to sniff out a fake, IMO

squatchnt squatchnt

Asymptomatic means you have no symptoms.

You can actively carry and spread a virus without having any symptoms whatsoever.

Not alike in any way, but think of HSV1-2 and HIV.
"A group of Kaiser Permanente nurses gathered outside of Kaiser's facility on O’Farrell and St. Joseph’s street Thursday night to protest the relaxing of equipment standards.

The nurses have been asked to re-use protective gear intended for one-time uses such as masks and gloves as supplies grow scarce nationwide.

Protesters chanted, "When nurses aren't safe, the patients aren't safe" and held signs calling on Kaiser to provide more protection for health care workers on the front lines."

dam they really putting folks inside a navy ship for quarantine
I'm guessing Bron's home is big enough that he could avoid everybody else.

Also, they were saying that cities are looking into acquiring unused building where people who are infected but don't need hospitalization could self-quarantine if they don't live alone.
Its official that Lebron has it?
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