Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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There are always other phase 1 trials looking for healthy volunteers. If you are a seasonal worker, can always supplement with them. Pay isn’t bad for some trials, but then you’re usually in a restricted unit for a few days. :lol:

nah, I’m not trying to make money off it:lol:

like I’d help in this situation but I’m not gonna be a test tube man for pay all winter.
You gonna wipe your butt with leaves?
Take it all the way back! :lol:

I got so much mid grade toilet paper I can swipe from the restaurant I’m not tripping. Plus my sister can set me aside some at Costco.

I’m not trying to bother her though, I think she’s pretty fried from all the idiots at work.

she said they line up, run and grab toilet paper as soon as they open and then they sell out and it’s slow the rest of the day. :lol:
fishing store? They sell guns there too?

The Amazon pipelines may be closing up. Are these city closures including warehouse workers as essential employee's? Amazon can hire all the people they want. But they may be out of supplies soon, or not have planes or delivery drivers around.

My area has closed down state parks and monuments and stuff. It may be a tad tricky to find a spot where you can fish or even hike.
Cuomo just ordered all law enforcement and emergency personnel to wear mask.

**** is going to look crazy out there.
my man! we were at the beach yesterday and my wife was tripping that i didn't bring a pole. that's not going to happen again.

I got to get a license yet and it’s cold and rainy today but once it warms up game on.

If I can’t get a license cause corona I’m riding dirty, I don’t keep the fish and the DNR doesn’t own them. :lol: PUBLIC water bruh. :lol:
fishing store? They sell guns there too?

The Amazon pipelines may be closing up. Are these city closures including warehouse workers as essential employee's? Amazon can hire all the people they want. But they may be out of supplies soon, or not have planes or delivery drivers around.

My area has closed down state parks and monuments and stuff. It may be a tad tricky to find a spot where you can fish or even hike.

they probably sell guns. Good luck getting one now...
The dumb **** you read in FB.

People wonder how trump is going to get reelected, this is why.

Gun stores was a fool from wed/Thursday of last week onward.

lots of spots cleared outta shotguns, ammo etc.

yeah I bet, I always keep like 1000 rounds of target shells on deck because I like shooting clays and just buy in bulk when it’s on sale. I got exactly 1k right now. Bet I could make a killing. :lol:
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