Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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it´s not ¨just because,¨ it´s because someone who owns a professional sports franchise has a disproprotionate amount of our society´s resources in their pocket...their building sits on city roads and uses public water, the police keep their business from being looted, a government-certified teacher taught every employee to read.

it is their debt to the continued stability of our civilization.
Do these sports owners not pay for the things you mentioned? If they aren’t I see your point otherwise I don’t. They have a service that many people like and that’s how they get their money. I can’t really have a problem with that or other financially successful people doing what they see fit with their money. For the most part I’m a believer of doing your thing instead of saying what others should do. If you disagree that’s cool. I just never really liked the whole well so and so has money they should do this when you could get in a better financial situation and do the stuff yourself.
I wouldn't be as stressed if there weren't so many idiots in the White House/general public and if we had a non-4th world healthcare infrastructure. I really do not trust them to handle this situation correctly at all

I know a handful of people who have been sick for the past few weeks and have been unable to get a test.

There should be information and testing centers EVERYWHERE, but there's literally nothing out here! I shouldn't have search through Twitter and NT to find out how to deal with this. Straight up frustrating and embarrassing
the thing I don't like to see is the interviews where people who have contracted the virus talk about they feel fine. In one sense, its great to see. But I think it gives those who are lackadaisical about this a safe sense of hope.
I wouldn't be as stressed if there weren't so many idiots in the White House/general public and if we had a non-4th world healthcare infrastructure. I really do not trust them to handle this situation correctly at all

I know a handful of people who have been sick for the past few weeks and have been unable to get a test.

There should be information and testing centers EVERYWHERE, but there's literally nothing out here!

We really shouldn't be here today at work. When I read the memo this morning to keep distances to 6ft, I just laughed.

Curious as to what Trump is going to say.
So I'm only starting to doubt this because the wording appears to be the exact same as what @Grine226 posted yesterday or 2 days ago. A warning is one thing. The exact same script screams fake.
Just saw this recently, not as drastic as what my cousin put on group text. Time to buy some meat then I'll be good.

We really shouldn't be here today at work. When I read the memo this morning to keep distances to 6ft, I just laughed.

Curious as to what Trump is going to say.

If I had woken up from a coma sometime in the past few weeks and had gone outside without checking social media/news on my phone, I would literally have thought that nothing is wrong. The only thing that seems to have changed when you take a look outside is that Bay Area traffic is back to pre 2010 levels.

Screen Shot 2020-03-16 at 12.25.00 PM.png

Seriously; where the hell are these??? These should be everywhere...
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Do these sports owners not pay for the things you mentioned? If they aren’t I see your point otherwise I don’t. They have a service that many people like and that’s how they get their money. I can’t really have a problem with that or other financially successful people doing what they see fit with their money. For the most part I’m a believer of doing your thing instead of saying what others should do. If you disagree that’s cool. I just never really liked the whole well so and so has money they should do this when you could get in a better financial situation and do the stuff yourself.

I mean, as far as if they pay for it? that´s tricky.

a stadium owner obviously paid, through regular citizen taxes, for paving the street his stadium is on.

it was paved before the team came to the city in most cases, he just puts in his share to maintain it. cool.

...but did he pay for the new highway offramp to make his stadium accessible? who else needed that?

did he pay for all the added infrastructure that will have to be added to support such an installation?

probably not, so he can go ahead and make sure his employees don´t starve so we don´t have to.
stressed? heh.

I'm a full-time doordash driver and with the flood of new drivers this week alone is going to kill what money I did make.
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