Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Random but i have a root canal appointment for wednesday

i should definitely cancel ?

I’d say it depends on risk factors: 1) where do you live and what’s the # of confirmed cases? 2) how bad is the root and what risk would you have pushing the procedure off? 3) is your dentist office still open? 4) will they prescribe an antibiotic in case the root becomes infected/swollen while you wait
Just got this from a my cousin who works for Genentech, does anyone else have info about this? The second two text is my Uncle who served in the Army and cleared up for the "Stafford Act" is.
So I'm only starting to doubt this because the wording appears to be the exact same as what Grine Grine posted yesterday or 2 days ago. A warning is one thing. The exact same script screams fake.
My girl got into a shouting match with her sister over the phone because her sister left the gym and was driving to their grandparents house to visit. Their grandparents and in their early 80s, and have health issues

Her sister didn't comprehend why it was a big deal because she is not sick.

Their mother had to drive over to the house to prevent the sister from entering the house.

People's idiocy are gonna cause a lot of preventable deaths.

The only thing that would work on these dumb @#$ Americans is a Chinese style lockdown with military posted all over the streets. Too many arrogant idiots who think they're invincible or above the rules. The "it's not gonna happen to me" and "I'm fine; people die from other things every day" mentality is far too rampant in this country.

I mean just look at the responses on this site when we discuss mass shootings, and you'll get an idea of how dumb these people are when it comes to major issues. Had a dude straight up tell me that "Tornadoes kill people too" SMH

Again, people here just don't understand the concept of minimizing risk. They think that if you can't completely eliminate something, there's no point in trying AT ALL
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Got into an argument with one of my friends yesterday.

I was going to give him a ride home , but he insisted on going to a pho restaurant. "It's hot in there, all the boiling soup will kill the virus" ?????? Flat out told him that he can walk home if he decides to go eat there, and that if he really wanted it, he should get it delivered. He said "That's stupid, there's going to be a person bringing it and giving it to you anyway!" without realizing that the whole point is to MINIMIZE the risk/spread, since it's impossible to completely eliminate it unless you want to starve to death. Dealing with one person delivering food>>>>>>>>>>>>>sitting at a restaurant with 30 other people

Needless to say, I'm avoiding him for the next month (because I don't trust that he'll stay at home) and am seriously reconsidering my friendship due to how stupid his thought process is. Unfortunately there are too many people like this around!

Don't get Hotter than HOT POT!!!

I rather imagine if people like you who say this work on getting big money yourself. I don’t like the the financially fortunate should just help out just because. If they want to do like Zion and others cool but if they don’t cool too.

it´s not ¨just because,¨ it´s because someone who owns a professional sports franchise has a disproprotionate amount of our society´s resources in their pocket...their building sits on city roads and uses public water, the police keep their business from being looted, a government-certified teacher taught every employee to read.

it is their debt to the continued stability of our civilization.
My girl got into a shouting match with her sister over the phone because her sister left the gym and was driving to their grandparents house to visit. Their grandparents and in their early 80s, and have health issues

Her sister didn't comprehend why it was a big deal because she is not sick.

Their mother had to drive over to the house to prevent the sister from entering the house.

People's idiocy are gonna cause a lot of preventable deaths.
How old is her sister?
Thanks for the replies i appreciate it

I’d say it depends on risk factors: 1) where do you live and what’s the # of confirmed cases? 2) how bad is the root and what risk would you have pushing the procedure off? 3) is your dentist office still open? 4) will they prescribe
an antibiotic in case the root becomes infected/swollen while you wait

1 - new york
2- not in heavy pain
3- surprisingly yes
4- going to ask for prescription refill
Idris Elba met with Justin Trudeau's wife before she tested positive
* "she has mild symptoms and is feeling well"

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If military personnel was coming into SF, you best believe it would've been all over the news.

Nothing has changed in our office other than people who have the option to WFH to do so. People are still lining up for their citizenship interviews.
If military personnel was coming into SF, you best believe it would've been all over the news.

Nothing has changed in our office other than people who have the option to WFH to do so. People are still lining up for their citizenship interviews.

Six Bay Area counties are expected to announce a “shelter in place” order for all residents on Monday, directing everyone to stay inside their homes and away from others as much as possible for the next three weeks as public health officials desperately try to curb the rapid spread of coronavirus across the region.

County authorities were expected to announce the move at 1 p.m. and gave a draft of the order to media outlets to prepare. The Chronicle is reporting the story after a television station published the news early.

The directive begins at 12:01 a.m. Tuesday and involves San Francisco, Santa Clara, San Mateo, Marin, Contra Costa and Alameda counties — a combined population of more than 6.7 million. It is to stay in place until at least April 7. Three other Bay Area counties — Sonoma, Solano and Napa — were not immediately included.

The order falls just short of a full lockdown, which would forbid people from leaving their homes without explicit permission, and it wasn’t immediately clear how, or to what degree, it would be enforced. The order calls for the sheriff or chief of police to “ensure compliance.” In Italy and other places that have instituted lockdowns, travel outside the home has been restricted without permission and police have been ordering people back home if they don’t have a reason to be in public.

“The scientific evidence shows that at this stage of the (coronavirus) emergency, it is essential to slow virus transmission as much as possible to protect the most vulnerable and to prevent the health care system from being overwhelmed,” the order states. “One proven way to slow the transmission is to limit interactions among people to the greatest extent practicable.”

People who are homeless are exempt from the order but encouraged to find shelter.

Six Bay Area counties are expected to announce a “shelter in place” order for all residents on Monday, directing everyone to stay inside their homes and away from others as much as possible for the next three weeks as public health officials desperately try to curb the rapid spread of coronavirus across the region.

County authorities were expected to announce the move at 1 p.m. and gave a draft of the order to media outlets to prepare. The Chronicle is reporting the story after a television station published the news early.

The directive begins at 12:01 a.m. Tuesday and involves San Francisco, Santa Clara, San Mateo, Marin, Contra Costa and Alameda counties — a combined population of more than 6.7 million. It is to stay in place until at least April 7. Three other Bay Area counties — Sonoma, Solano and Napa — were not immediately included.

The order falls just short of a full lockdown, which would forbid people from leaving their homes without explicit permission, and it wasn’t immediately clear how, or to what degree, it would be enforced. The order calls for the sheriff or chief of police to “ensure compliance.” In Italy and other places that have instituted lockdowns, travel outside the home has been restricted without permission and police have been ordering people back home if they don’t have a reason to be in public.

“The scientific evidence shows that at this stage of the (coronavirus) emergency, it is essential to slow virus transmission as much as possible to protect the most vulnerable and to prevent the health care system from being overwhelmed,” the order states. “One proven way to slow the transmission is to limit interactions among people to the greatest extent practicable.”

People who are homeless are exempt from the order but encouraged to find shelter.
Yeah, I read that. But unless something changes at 1PM, I'll still be at work tomorrow because of the Fed.

Talk here is that everything is business as usual and for those in the office to keep your distance.
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