Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I feel you, but will that employee be afforded the same "TIME" by their landlord/lender, service provider etc... because right now bills aren't waiting on ownership's decisions.
THAT is a completely separate point but that is a case-by-case situation; probably not, but who knows?

We just shouldn't expect/demand that team owners QUICKLY make decisions about what they are going to do with their money. It seems like most of us WANT to force ourselves to believe the owners aren't doing anything simply based on the fact that the players have said they will.

Also, as ninjahood ninjahood would agree with, athletes HAVE to be taking into consideration their brands when making such announcements. That isn't a priority of an owner to the same degree.

We gotta stop counting other dudes' pockets man.
Times like these 😢
There is a completely separate point but that is a case-by-case situation; probably not, but who knows?

We just shouldn't expect/demand that team owners QUICKLY make decisions about what they are going to do with their money. It seems like most of us WANT to force ourselves to believe the owners aren't doing anything simply based on the fact that the players have said they will.

Also, as ninjahood ninjahood would agree with, athletes HAVE to be taking into consideration their brands when making such announcements. That isn't a priority of an owner to the same degree.

We gotta stop counting other dudes' pockets man.
Agree, but based on what's happened in the past owners usually do make it public they're doing something. Right now the majority have not. I would not be surprised if many of them have the same mentality as the Whole Foods CEO who suggested employees donate their PTOs to each other instead. You get to a certain level of power and wealth, and average human lives loses meaning.
Agree, but based on what's happened in the past owners usually do make it public they're doing something. Right now the majority have not. I would not be surprised if many of them have the same mentality as the Whole Foods CEO who suggested employees donate their PTOs to each other instead. You get to a certain level of power and wealth, and average human lives loses meaning.
We have the luxury to look at the TOTALITY of those past situations whereas now, this situation is still fairly new/fresh.

I am saying, give them time to think this through before we write them off.
Here in Oregon this is getting crazy. I have a few friends and coworkers who have gone to the doctor or hospital for pretty severe flu symptoms. Each one has said they were told they had the old fashioned flu and respiratory infection. Not a single one was ever tested for covid-19. Hospitals here are continuing to not test people unless they are confirmed to have had direct contact with a confirmed case or on their death bed.
THAT is a completely separate point but that is a case-by-case situation; probably not, but who knows?

We just shouldn't expect/demand that team owners QUICKLY make decisions about what they are going to do with their money. It seems like most of us WANT to force ourselves to believe the owners aren't doing anything simply based on the fact that the players have said they will.

Also, as ninjahood ninjahood would agree with, athletes HAVE to be taking into consideration their brands when making such announcements. That isn't a priority of an owner to the same degree.

We gotta stop counting other dudes' pockets man.

pushback: we don´t tho, especially when a lot of these owners have stadiums funded by the public.

if any owner thinks he can socialize his costs and privatize his profits in this crisis, he can **** right off.
No offense but Florida is just dumb, Miami specifically.
They hosted spring break over the weekend amid the rest of the country shutting down all big group gatherings as well as letting 3,800 people come off a cruise boat unscreened.

Not entirely true, sure there were plenty of people at the beach. But most of the events that were scheduled at night this past weekend got postponed or cancelled.
THAT is a completely separate point but that is a case-by-case situation; probably not, but who knows?

We just shouldn't expect/demand that team owners QUICKLY make decisions about what they are going to do with their money. It seems like most of us WANT to force ourselves to believe the owners aren't doing anything simply based on the fact that the players have said they will.

Also, as ninjahood ninjahood would agree with, athletes HAVE to be taking into consideration their brands when making such announcements. That isn't a priority of an owner to the same degree.

We gotta stop counting other dudes' pockets man.

DC broski, you gotta realize losers focus on winners while winners focus on winning.

Being logical to illogical people rarely ever work. I do applaud you for your efforts tho. srs.
pushback: we don´t tho, especially when a lot of these owners have stadiums funded by the public.

if any owner thinks he can socialize his costs and privatize his profits in this crisis, he can **** right off.
*Monkey Flips opponent out of the attempted pushback*

Of course, publicly funded. I get that, not what I meant from pocket watching.

Should have said time-based pocket watching. :lol:
Romney leapfrogged from Republican straight over Democrat to Socialist. Now I’m convinced these really are the last days!
In all seriousness, he knows damn well that ain’t getting passed and is just pandering.
587 confirmed cases in Hauts-de-France 39 died since February 25: 28 in Oise, 4 in Aisne, 6 in Somme and 1 in Pas-de-Calais.

*Monkey Flips opponent out of the attempted pushback*

Of course, publicly funded. I get that, not what I meant from pocket watching.

Should have said time-based pocket watching. :lol:

:lol: fair enough, same team.

Random but i have a root canal appointment for wednesday

i should definitely cancel ?

I mean, wandering the world with an open wound in your mouth rn is a pretty bold strategy.
Italy has a damn near 8% death rate.

People here are saying "oh it's cause they're an older population!" without realizing we have a much much much larger obesity problem and are on the same curve as they are.

P.S. I don't 100% believe reports when they say "underlying health conditions". They need to specify what exactly those were. I can see them attaching that to every death to avoid further panic, but I know they were counting "mental health" as an underlying condition in South Korean fatalities. If that's the case we may all be at risk and we should just call it like it is
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