Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Probably exceptions to this and I wouldn't be eligible for this as a healthcare worker who's job continues on

The checks would go to every every American adult "to help ensure families and workers can meet their short-term obligations and increase spending in the economy."

it´s universal. it´s basic. it´s income.
Govt. Contractor here.

No option to telework. So they are enforcing the rule of having employees work/sit at least 6 feet away from one another.

I'm staying in my office all day lol.

Commute into SF was really light today. Plenty of seats on the ferry and barely anyone walking around.
Your post are bi-polar as hell b. I read your panicking post earlier and was shaking my head, and now I read these post and I shake my head. You go from one extreme to the next.

One minute you're chicken little and next you're nonchalant and we should just all get it.
its baflling. Its like he wants to be on both sides of the fence so he can say I TOLD YOU SO whatever the outcome is.
Lol there is always a fine print with these things, that's how it's always been.

... I also wouldn't be surprised that to collect the 1k you'd have to jump through a million hoops to get it.

But if they happen to send money my way I won't argue.

Probably not worse than applying for EBT or something
First day back to work from a 2 week vacation in South Africa. Boss tells me to stay home for another 2 weeks. :pimp:

I’m hearing rumors of a 72 hour country wide lock down is coming from government contractors I work with here in DC.
My sister works in the Pentagon, haven't heard anything of that nature.
My dude Mittens :pimp: wish he was running in 2016 instead of 2012. Would have voted for him over Hillary. Always liked him, just a shame he went up against the GOAT
Minus whale.

Printed $1.5 TRILLION to jump the DOW 2000 points on Friday. All dat got erased this morning.

250 million adults in the US...Coulda gave them all $1000/month for 6 months instead :smh:

But it'll trickle down, just wait.
I was seeing a trainer twice a week for two months and right when it looked like I was gaining momentum, they texted me saying they got to cancel with me for a month

I can't be mad at em. They're offering to remote train me so I guess I'll do that.
I was seeing a trainer twice a week for two months and right when it looked like I was gaining momentum, they texted me saying they got to cancel with me for a month

I can't be mad at em. They're offering to remote train me so I guess I'll do that.

Just do a body weight circuit at home. You won't fall off too much.

I was seeing a trainer twice a week for two months and right when it looked like I was gaining momentum, they texted me saying they got to cancel with me for a month

I can't be mad at em. They're offering to remote train me so I guess I'll do that.

Muscle memory is real. It might be tough for a few days when you get back into it, but after that it'll be back to normal.

I didn't deadlift for almost a year, and after 2 weeks of slowly ramping my weight back up, I was able to lift as much as I did before. A few weeks-months for you won't be as bad
right now the shutdown of gyms in los angeles only applies to the city of los angeles.. not the whole county. the gyms around my area were still open this morning.
Did a quick 15 minute Tabata workout this morning at home. I know 15 mins won't do **** but god damn it I hate home workouts
shibadekobe shibadekobe Been doing a great job keeping the information and sources flowing.

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