Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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My position at work helps manage a handful of guys who have to deal with in home face to face appointments. This morning has been a joke on what we should or shouldn't do. Too scared to piss off customers so maybe we'll risk the health of our workers to keep them happy. Smh.
That avian flu thing discovered in Nueva is really bothering me.
For perspective, avian flu kills 60%.

And dude posting Dr Oz on Fox News saying heat kills the virus. You couldn't think of a more un-scientific combination.
Didn't Jack Ma donate like a 100k testing kits or something. We still have barely tested anyone. Tf are they doing :sick::smh:

Does this go back to us rejecting WHO's tests for our own? We're still hamstringed by that? Read some conspiracies about this being a money play by Trump.
what hasnt/isnt
No offense but Florida is just dumb, Miami specifically.
They hosted spring break over the weekend amid the rest of the country shutting down all big group gatherings as well as letting 3,800 people come off a cruise boat unscreened.

no offense taken! Florida transplant not a native. I work in a spring break area as well. My wife and I went to the beach to get a tan this weekend, the parking lot was crowded and we couldn’t find a spot. I looked at my wife and said let’s leave,dont feel safe 😂

Been saying this from the jump, early testing was crucial, yet even when patient Zero was found in NY, only 2 of my coworkers were tested out of about 20 who had direct contact with him, when asked, admins scrambled to trickle down senseless info being given to them, about some BS algorithm that determined if you should or should not be tested, EVERYONE ON SHIFT during that man’s tenure at our facility who even had indirect contact with him, should have been tested....but nah...let’s send only those who had direct contact home for “quarantine” and wait for symptoms while they carried on their lives interacting with THEIR families, who were NOT on quarantine...of all those sent home only 2 were tested that I know of....and these were those who had direct contact, i personally had direct contact not with him, but with his family who days later also tested positive...yet here I am, no symptoms but also no test, like many of my peers we shared the same concerns....but life had to go on, because asymptomatic we can’t just skip out of work and aside from that we were needed there, this was early on when the confirmed numbers first started to break here in the states...the lack of early mass testing really screwed us....the sooner we follow in the steps of Italy and use aggressive measures to combat this aggressive virus, the better our chances to stop the spread.
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Went to the gym this morning. Surprisingly one of the cleaner places I’ve been to. They required you take a clean towel at the front desk and had bottles of disinfectant cleaner every 5 feet. Went at 5am so it was completely empty. They required that you wipe down before and after you used the equipment
And dude posting Dr Oz on Fox News saying heat kills the virus. You couldn't think of a more un-scientific combination.

The real question is whether it's a fact or not.

You were asking for "any other source(s)" and I tried to help you. I'm sorry.
The real question is whether it's a fact or not.

You were asking for "any other source(s)" and I tried to help you. I'm sorry.
No hate brethren, but that seemed like your source? Just wanted to confirm it's more than one person saying this. All the disease experts have said don't expect heat to just put an end to this pandemic, there's absolutely no evidence of that.

Australia has cases and it's hot as **** there right now
Also there is the selective self quarantined crowd, at least from the people around my circle....my wife’s friends shamed her because she attended a baby shower, they claimed we should all self quarantine, they feel they are doing THEIR part because they skipped on work and stood Home, however their self quarantine package includes, going to the gym, going food shopping, walking the dog, interacting with their neighbors....so I guess after dealing with all the ignorance i see from people on the daily who walk around shaming others, I’m doing some shaming of my own, except mines actually comes from a place of knowledge and experience...maybe is wrong, actually it is wrong and I feel bad, but hey 🤷
Again, you gotta realize that not everyone is you or your people circle. If covering a scarf makes people fee better, then let them be.

just because you are more knowledgeable than them (even that is questionable at this point), doesnt mean you can act condescending. I’m sure there’s subject matter experts in here about a million different things but you dont see them taking the same tone
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