Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I swear americans are the dumbest people on earth...my mom has a in-care nurse that's come's in from 5am-9am..this chick has been coughing all morning...I take care of my parents..I woke up to hearing her cough..I made her disinfect her hands..this chick told me she doesn't believe in corona virus, all it is is the flu on steriods..its people like her thats going to get everybody involuntarily sick through her ignorance
hes ur friend on facebook. didnt know u kick it with dumb people. show the comments
People are stupid.
I swear americans are the dumbest people on earth...my mom has a in-care nurse that's come's in from 5am-9am..this chick has been coughing all morning...I take care of my parents..I woke up to hearing her cough..I made her disinfect her hands..this chick told me she doesn't believe in corona virus, all it is is the flu on steriods..its people like her thats going to involuntarily get everybody sick through their ignornance

report her

Smh, I have a similar situation, my mom has Parkinson’s but is pretty functional and lives with my 90 year old grandma, she does have a health aide who comes from 9-4p to cook for them, clean and mostly keep them company, I’ve kept my distance From them becsuse obviously I don’t want to risk exposing them since I’ve treated these people directly...i like her aids, but now I’m conflicted and don’t want to come off mean by getting them an N95 from work and some scrubs for them to change into as long as they are in the house taking care of them...just trying to do my best to protect my girls...haven’t seen them in 2 weeks
I just don't understand how that virus is spreading in countries where it's warm and humid then

Manila went into lockdown yesterday
You can still spread it through human contact. I don't think warm weather kills the virus when you already have it?.... For example if I'm infected and I go somewhere warm, the virus isn't going to die so if I breath into someone's face or touch something someone else can still pick it up. Just my assumption
If they do a nationwide quarantine it has to be calculated to account for all variables. To the minimum wage worker barely staying afloat, how do you tell them to stop everything and go get 2 weeks worth of food when they're barely making it through the week. Just because you and I are ready doesn't mean everyone else is.
My work is allowing everyone to work from home if they' like for at least 2 weeks. I came in today and it's a ghost town. Even saw people leaving with their monitors so they can set up at home. :lol:
I think I'm good for now. Got about 30 square feet to myself with everyone gone.
I swear americans are the dumbest people on earth...my mom has a in-care nurse that's come's in from 5am-9am..this chick has been coughing all morning...I take care of my parents..I woke up to hearing her cough..I made her disinfect her hands..this chick told me she doesn't believe in corona virus, all it is is the flu on steriods..its people like her thats going to get everybody involuntarily sick through her ignorance
What? "Flu on steroids" is still awful.... her reasoning makes no sense even if what she said was 100% correct.
Brah if she had pink eye and tried taking care of my mother with that attitude, I'd throw her down an elevator shaft.
report her

Smh, I have a similar situation, my mom has Parkinson’s but is pretty functional and lives with my 90 year old grandma, she does have a health aide who comes from 9-4p to cook for them, clean and mostly keep them company, I’ve kept my distance From them becsuse obviously I don’t want to risk exposing them since I’ve treated these people directly...i like her aids, but now I’m conflicted and don’t want to come off mean by getting them an N95 from work and some scrubs for them to change into as long as they are in the house taking care of them...just trying to do my best to protect my girls...haven’t seen them in 2 weeks
Honestly if I had access to that type of equipment, I would make them wear it just for good measure..it's not about hurting their feelings or looking silly right now..atleast youll know that your family is safe at the end of the day that's all that matters
Call the CDC, president and all the clowns thinking a mandatory two weeks is going to help.

Let them know the real deal Dawg!
The CDC recommended that all gatherings of 50 people or more be cancelled/postponed for 8 weeks.
meanwhile in hot as balls Florida.... 160 people and 4 deaths and its increasing exponentially everyday.
No offense but Florida is just dumb, Miami specifically.
They hosted spring break over the weekend amid the rest of the country shutting down all big group gatherings as well as letting 3,800 people come off a cruise boat unscreened.
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