Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Im used to it...i am here though, brass or not what I’m saying comes from a good place, the more informed we are the better decisions we can make...I’ll keep on reporting from the front lines, tonight i start a 4 night tour at my job, worked last Saturday and we got slammed like we haven’t in a while, there is a huge sense of paranoia we are all trying to cope with at work trying to figure out who and how to properly isolate and diagnose, but we will get through it.
Been thinking this same thing since the first NY case broke, better to have exposure and let your body do what it does, hopefully your immune system is in good shape and can fight this for you, i believe they did say you can get it twice though, but it would be even milder than the first time, forgot where I read that....either way what you are saying isn’t too far fetched and def a better plan than selective isolation or covering your face with a silk scarf :lol:
Im just fed up with it and the mass corniness and histeria, people acting like animals, cleaning out shelves, etc sorry if it comes off a bit brass to some of ya, but I go to work and been treating actual infected patients for 12+ hours a day gowning up more times than I can count just to even go in the room, to step out into the world, go into a grocery store and walk past a woman with a silk scarf over her face, looking at my wife funny because she coughed :lol:

ok lady...

Im used to it...i am here though, brass or not what I’m saying comes from a good place, the more informed we are the better decisions we can make...I’ll keep on reporting from the front lines, tonight i start a 4 night tour at my job, worked last Saturday and we got slammed like we haven’t in a while, there is a huge sense of paranoia we are all trying to cope with at work trying to figure out who and how to properly isolate and diagnose, but we will get through it.

Your post are bi-polar as hell b. I read your panicking post earlier and was shaking my head, and now I read these post and I shake my head. You go from one extreme to the next.

One minute you're chicken little and next you're nonchalant and we should just all get it.
Read that the president of brasil isn’t cancelling sporting events because he thinks this is all just dumb hysteria. he must want extra people to die.

The one good thing about this pandemic is that populations of certain countries throughout the world are about to get themselves a lesson on consequences of electing these right-wing lunatics.

I'm looking at clips of those jam-PACKED airports in the US. :sick: Absolutely surreal sight here in Denmark for at least a week now. Like WTF are they doing? There must be a better way.

OpGen Provides Update on Curetis Now Offering BGI’s CE-IVD Rapid Test Kit for Coronavirus in Europe


- Rapid real-time PCR test allows testing for SARS-CoV2 in only a few hours
- Test kit to be made available via Curetis’ European sales channels
- Synergies with Curetis Unyvero HPN panel for pneumonia testing for bacterial co-infections in Covid-19 patients
I understand the want to quarantine and slow the spread of this virus. But damn this is sad. I think it’s gonna be hard for a lot of people to come back from the economics of all this. Vulnerably sick affected if we don’t quarantine, vulnerable economically screwed if we do. Hope they impose a pause on rent.

Fortunate and blessed that I’m not in that position. But selfishly, I saved a ton of money rebooking all my flights and hotels though if Disney world reopens in late April and EDC doesn’t get postponed.
good thing i checked my email before i went in for work. CEO just stated everyone must be work home now....back to sleep HAHA
My job just installed automatic hand sanitizer dispensers in high contact areas (elevators, doors, etc...) over the weekend.

This morning I come in and see a few co workers refilling their small bottles from the dispensers 🤦🏽‍♂️
No hope for humanity
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