Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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the Spanish flu in the 1900s killed 30 million + people
it started out like this virus today, only mostly fatal for the elderly ... than months later it mutated , killing off 30 million

I’m not saying panic, but if we don’t find a vaccine soon which I know we wont anytime soon.
I've been thinking about this since I've seen 1 article about a "mutation". I'm thinking the best thing to do if you're healthy is to catch it on purpose, quarantine yourself, and let it pass. You'll be immune to it and most likely the mutations as well. Pretty much how a flu shot works anyway, no?

Even if they find a cure, it won't be administered to people anytime soon.
Facts. I remember the hype around those two, Melo turned out good though. Just wish he got a ring.

Going to my local corner store to get some water and canned food. The place is still well stocked since the majority are running to Costco and Target.

Man if only Melo ain't sign that extention with Denver early in the career, he would of signed with the heat in 2010.

Yeah, same here, the major spots is cleared out for the most part. But smaller places, even spots like CVS had stuff I was looking for. But the corner spot is a definite go-to. I am actually glad, local spots going to get some sales of this.

I saw Vegas Casinos got shutdown, that's crazy, a virus finally made the house lose money.
I've been thinking about this since I've seen 1 article about a "mutation". I'm thinking the best thing to do if you're healthy is to catch it on purpose, quarantine yourself, and let it pass. You'll be immune to it and most likely the mutations as well. Pretty much how a flu shot works anyway, no?

Kinda, basically they inject a dead version of the flu virus so you're body builds the antibodies it needs to be immune to that particular strain of the virus.
I don't know if you can directly compare the US to Italy. As a whole, the US population is alot more spread out this our country is less concentrated. Also, when I went there, it seems like they're alot more outgoing and less rigid when it comes to social gatherings. Furthermore, you have to factor in there population's median age is alot older than ours, economy is not as robust to handle a big shift towards the medical industry, and alot of hospitals over there simply isn't as capable as ours. If you really dig into the variables, the numbers are simply a representation of now, it doesn't mean our infection/fatality rate will be comparable to theirs in a week's time.
Nba dudes could have a big sleep over, quarantine in their mansions and be back out here thriving in a month.
Obviously some humor there, but I do think it would work considering they're all in peak shape.
Edit: this is a great time to cut smoking and drinking out of your lives btw.
Would it be in poor taste to capitalize on this and start a temporary in house deliver service? :lol:

no door dash or no one else taking a cut.

me and the wife are trying to scheme on ways to keep people working without having them file for unemployment which will take forever.

Can't knock the hustle. If we are raising prices for legacy Kobe merchandise, why not this ?
I will admit in front of y´all I am obsessed with this point in history, and I am finally able to articulate why.

ask anybody that knows me, I have been asking anyone who would listen for YEARS what humanity´s collective response would be to something like an alien invasion...go ahead and take 5 as you realize we are finding that out even as you read this sentence.

lucky us.
Lollll aliens come, we're beyond f'd. The world dumb as rocks. We cooked. Martains could do the usher sideways moonwalk on the north lawn then detonate the pentagon and Trump still talking about 'this a hoax, the Dems are just hating on me, I have the best people, better than aliens'.
Pretty sure an alien invasion would be a million times worse & panic would hit a million times faster. An alien invasion is something we can physically see & at the same time we would have absolutely no information on its threat or intention which would put fears at an all time high. With Corona, we can't physically see it which lessens the fears for alot of ppl & at the same time we can identify it & what it does, so it isn't a complete unknown. An alien invasion would set off a fenzy that would put all this toilet paper shopping to complete shame. We are nowhere near that "fight or flight" mentality.
What you can't see is actually scarier. But more people have to die, at a faster clip. Think of the movie The Happening.

What you can't see is scarier than what you can. If you can see it, you can film it. You can study what you can see and look for vulnerabilities.
What you can't see is actually scarier. But more people have to die, at a faster clip. Think of the movie The Happening.

What you can't see is scarier than what you can. If you can see it, you can film it. You can study what you can see and look for vulnerabilities.
Nah, when you can't see a threat you can think about it & mull it over with ways to psych yourself in & out of the severity of it. Think of it this way....

Imagine If the virus showed up as a bright blue tint where it was present. Now imagine your going in line for toilet paper and you see a blue tint color on your cart handle. You would be out of there in an instant & you'd freak out & go to a hospital. Then you would rethink the whole idea of going out just for toilet paper. But without the tint present you would put your hand on that cart and shop & still feel brave to do more shopping later on.

Seeing a threat physically FORCES you to deal with it right then and there. An invisible threat gets the mind going which allows time to convince yourself the threat may not be as bad as it seems.

It's the difference between someone saying there's a guy with a gun looking for you as opposed to that guy physically standing right in front of you with a gun. You will be much more scared when the threat is actually visible.
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Nah, when you can't see a threat you can think about it & mull it over with ways to psych yourself in & out of the severity of it. Think of it this way....

Imagine If the virus showed up as a bright blue tint where it was present. Now imagine your going in line for toilet paper and you see a blue tint color on your cart handle. You would be out of there in an instant & you'd freak out & go to a hospital. Then you would rethink the whole idea of going out just for toilet paper. But without the tint present you would put your hand on that cart and shop & still feel brave to do more shopping later on.

Seeing a threat physically FORCES you to deal with it right then and there. An invisible threat gets the mind going which allows time to convince yourself the threat may not be as bad as it seems.

It's the difference between someone saying there's a guy with a gun looking for you as opposed to that guy physically standing right in front of you with a gun. You will be much more scared when the threat is actually visible.
That's why I said the death rate has to go up. A few deaths from something you can't see, meh. Let 10mil people die tomorrow and you don't know why....watch the empire fall.

If you can see the threat you can avoid the threat. If you can't see it, you have no idea where you can and cannot go.

Move like a butter fly, sting like a bee, the hand can't hit, what the eye can't see. Hard to fight something you cant see.
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My thing is why would you trust whoever is delivering you that food? Or whoever prepared it to begin with?
Im def not ordering from uber eats

I don’t really have any other options. I don’t know if I have it but I currently don’t have any symptoms, which I know means nothing. I’m gonna check with the concierge tomorrow to see if the restaurant will still be open for delivery or if they only have room service.

if I get hit....I get hit.
That's why I said the death rate has to go up. A few deaths from something you can't see, meh. Let 10mil people die tomorrow and you don't know why....watch the empire fall.
Your comparison is false. Not being able to see something & not knowing something are two different things. I can't see the coronavirus with the naked eye but I know what it is.
Your comparison is false. Not being able to see something & not knowing something are two different things. I can't see the coronavirus with the naked eye but I know what it is.

You don't know what it is right away. you don't know what it looks like away from the microscope. And you only know it's corona because they told you it's corona. They can tell you it's invisible aliens and you'd have to roll with that too
You don't know what it is right away. you don't know what it looks like away from the microscope. And you only know it's corona because they told you it's corona. They can tell you it's invisible aliens and you'd have to roll with that too
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Dude in here on some ethnic cleansing ****.
It'll be great if black people were spared form this disease as that means leans tragedy.

But **** with this race superiority stuff man
Probably took Picasso swerves advice

Yeah this could have been controlled easier and the whole self quarantined and social distancing advice would have made much more sense while the numbers of unconfirmed cases were still low and the confirmed positives were easier to track, it reached a point where due to the mass numbers of infected walking around asymptomatic, spreading it without knowing is impossible to contain unless drastic measures are taken, 1 lone carrier can infect MANY....the odds are stacked against us at this point, I guess if it provides some false sense of security to wear completely useless protective gear, practice social distancing selectively, self quarantine yourself but still take your dog out for a walk, etc then I guess by all means, but please don’t feel like you are actually doing anything to slow this thing down at this point....the virus will slow down when it’s done it’s damage, whenever that is.
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