Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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I've been thinking about this since I've seen 1 article about a "mutation". I'm thinking the best thing to do if you're healthy is to catch it on purpose, quarantine yourself, and let it pass. You'll be immune to it and most likely the mutations as well. Pretty much how a flu shot works anyway, no?

Even if they find a cure, it won't be administered to people anytime soon.

Been thinking this same thing since the first NY case broke, better to have exposure and let your body do what it does, hopefully your immune system is in good shape and can fight this for you, i believe they did say you can get it twice though, but it would be even milder than the first time, forgot where I read that....either way what you are saying isn’t too far fetched and def a better plan than selective isolation or covering your face with a silk scarf :lol:
Yeah this could have been controlled easier and the whole self quarantined and social distancing advice would have made much more sense while the numbers of unconfirmed cases were still low and the confirmed positives were easier to track, it reached a point where due to the mass numbers of infected walking around asymptomatic, spreading it without knowing is impossible to contain unless drastic measures are taken, 1 lone carrier can infect MANY....the odds are stacked against us at this point, I guess if it provides some false sense of security to wear completely useless protective gear, practice social distancing selectively, self quarantine yourself but still take your dog out for a walk, etc then I guess by all means, but please don’t feel like you are actually doing anything to slow this thing down at this point....the virus will slow down when it’s done it’s damage, whenever that is.
i understand your point as i am in the medical field too. no one has adequate equipment to completely protect themselves
but all the things being recommended will help slow down the spread. just like how TB is airborne and a droplet precaution...even though you are supposed to wear a N-95 mask, wearing a regular one will considerably reduce rates of infection.
in this case wearing a mask or covering your face wont make it worse
not sure why you have such a condescending attitude towards people who are just trying to do what they can
do you always look down on people that know less than you?
i understand your point as i am in the medical field too. no one has adequate equipment to completely protect themselves
but all the things being recommended will help slow down the spread. just like how TB is airborne and a droplet precaution...even though you are supposed to wear a N-95 mask, wearing a regular one will considerably reduce rates of infection.
in this case wearing a mask or covering your face wont make it worse
not sure why you have such a condescending attitude towards people who are just trying to do what they can
do you always look down on people that know less than you?

Not at all, I’m thinking my attitude comes now as a reflection of about two weeks people who are completely ignorant about the right protective gear to fight this, shaming everyone else, giving someone who even coughs a side eye....etc....in my head Im thinking “you do know that whatever protection you think you have isn’t much..?”
At the grocery store right now folks already lining up like a shoe release. Some lady out here with a hockey mask I’m screaming,
what do people feel they need? I got beef bullion and straight up tap water if push comes to shove. We will all lose weight. But why risk yourself?

I'm wondering. Are California/Florida/Mexico farms still producing fresh produce? That's about all I'm missing at this point
Not at all, I’m thinking my attitude comes now as a reflection of about two weeks people who are completely ignorant about the right protective gear to fight this, shaming everyone else, giving someone who even coughs a side eye....etc....in my head Im thinking “you do know that whatever protection you think you have isn’t much..?”
lets be real though. the general public are very uneducated about health care and something so new like this we shouldn't be expecting anything different especially with this new age of google information. it's easy to be misinformed these days especially when you are scared.

cut the people some slack bruh
im not mad at the lady covering her face with a scarf
Im just fed up with it and the mass corniness and histeria, people acting like animals, cleaning out shelves, etc sorry if it comes off a bit brass to some of ya, but I go to work and been treating actual infected patients for 12+ hours a day gowning up more times than I can count just to even go in the room, to step out into the world, go into a grocery store and walk past a woman with a silk scarf over her face, looking at my wife funny because she coughed :lol:

ok lady...
Also there is the selective self quarantined crowd, at least from the people around my circle....my wife’s friends shamed her because she attended a baby shower, they claimed we should all self quarantine, they feel they are doing THEIR part because they skipped on work and stood Home, however their self quarantine package includes, going to the gym, going food shopping, walking the dog, interacting with their neighbors....so I guess after dealing with all the ignorance i see from people on the daily who walk around shaming others, I’m doing some shaming of my own, except mines actually comes from a place of knowledge and experience...maybe is wrong, actually it is wrong and I feel bad, but hey 🤷
Grocery store wasn’t that bad yesterday, just most of the instant rice, pasta, juice, canned food, bread, ice tea, meat were gone. The nice weather has me wanting to grill outside but can’t buy anything to grill.
Thought about making a separate thread, but how are y'all aiming to stay positive/in good spirits during this time? It's one thing to be in my head with a million thoughts, but I definitely want to stay positive for my girl, to reassure her that this won't last forever.
Read that the president of brasil isn’t cancelling sporting events because he thinks this is all just dumb hysteria. he must want extra people to die.
Read that the president of brasil isn’t cancelling sporting events because he thinks this is all just dumb hysteria. he must want extra people to die.

nah that dude is an idiot :lol:

these huge mass gatherings need to be put on hold.
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