Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Your post are bi-polar as hell b. I read your panicking post earlier and was shaking my head, and now I read these post and I shake my head. You go from one extreme to the next.

One minute you're chicken little and next you're nonchalant and we should just all get it.

Missing my point bro, i DONT thibk we should be nonchalant about it at all, the virus is serious and aggressive, said this from day one, what I’m saying is that there is ALOT of ignorance on display publically that is simply annoying, aside from that we are passed the point of containment and unless we take more drastic measures to get further ahead of the curve, we are simply playing from behind, social distancing and voluntarily selective quarantine at this stage of the game with the many walking around infected asymptomatic isn’t gonna cut it, specially when the quarantine most people are thinking of is just a pass to be off from work to carry out the rest of their social activities....in essence I feel the government is literally waiting things out as much as it can to avoid having to step up and fully bail its Citizens, that mean freezing utility bills, mortgages, rents and all other forms of monthly payments we are tied down to and implementing a mandatory isolation of every household with the exception of vital institutions like hospitals, fire dept and police force, etc.
Surgeon general has advised all facilities to cancel elective cases.
My hospital is turning in to one huge ER/ ICU

Is gonna get worst as we attempt to juggle these cases...our hospitals were not prepared....i struggle to even find bunny suits to properly gown up before I go into to treat someone...
The local Target received their shipment of hand sanitizer (10 oz.), wipes, tp, paper towels, water, etc.
this morning. I got there as they were stocking the shelves... qty. of 1 max per item and the
stuff was going to sell out this morning.

All the other store chains were still bare of these essentials...Wal-Mart saying they weren't getting
some of these items in for another 10 days-2 weeks.

If Target (in general) is ahead of the curve today - I hope this helps some of you find stuff.
I usually don't go there but it was good that I did today.
if this starts to turnaround, Trump is going to get re-elected.
What if, this is really a man made weapon and ...

It was really the US that sent it to China prior to Chinese NY knowing that lot of the Chinese globally would be there and it could spread like wild fire and then, subsequently let the us get infected put a little stress on the economy ... spend billions to bail them out and buy a **** load of oil then release the cure and ....

Trump gets reelected.
Health and money concerns for the world. Literally the two most important things in most people's lives.
Swear if they don't declare a worldwide ban on wet markets and exotic animals after this.....
Cliff notes for ksteezy posts:

Agrees this should be taken seriously

Disagrees with social distancing, because he thinks at thatis point it's not enough

Instead of social distancing and voluntary isolation, he wants involuntary isolation and full lockdown
read Rumors of a nationwide mandatory 2 week quarantine like that of italy to be announced not sure how true it is, if so, be glad we live in a time when we don’t need to be out in order to stay very connected.
Cliff notes for ksteezy posts:

Agrees this should be taken seriously

Disagrees with social distancing, because he thinks at thatis point it's not enough

Instead of social distancing and voluntary isolation, he wants involuntary isolation and full lockdown

No lié pretty accurate, thank you :lol:

the virus is aggressive in how it spreads, not sure how passive measures are enough at this point to some of y’all.
read Rumors of a nationwide mandatory 2 week quarantine like that of italy to be announced not sure how true it is, if so, be glad we live in a time when we don’t need to be out in order to stay very connected.
Call the CDC, president and all the clowns thinking a mandatory two weeks is going to help.

Let them know the real deal Dawg!
People are stupid.
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