Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Italy has a damn near 8% death rate.

People here are saying "oh it's cause they're an older population!" without realizing we have a much much much larger obesity problem and are on the same curve as they are.
Grine Grine there was a lot of fat ppl in Italy?
its baflling. Its like he wants to be on both sides of the fence so he can say I TOLD YOU SO whatever the outcome is.

Read and you will understand where I stand....Is really not that hard to grasp....

early mass testing should have been the first response even before The confirmed numbers started popping up, I said this back when patient Zero walked through our doors.

back then it probably would have already been too late to practice social distancing, but maybe not and it could have been more effective than it would be now, also the idea Of voluntary self quarantine was always flawed, most people felt staying athome was good enough, completely ignoring the fact that you still interacted with your family and THEY could carry out the virus

I said pages ago we are past the phase of passive containment and now we need to get ahead with somehow enforcing a MANDATORY national quarantine....I believe it’s coming, the sooner the better tbh....only thing that would possibly slow this thing down and give hospital a chance to fight this....currently our healthcare system is crumbling under this....the hospitals getting hammered with new cases daily are struggling with rotating beds and isolation rooms...hard to know who’s Covid and who simply has the flu and the test takes at least a day to get back...meanwhile nurses are stuck trying their best to properly treat without cross infecting Patients or infecting themselves.
Grine Grine there was a lot of fat ppl in Italy?

Funny, I have an Italian Co-worker that ALWAYS tries to convince me that, "Italians are so healthy because they eat all their carbs in the morning and burn them off througout the day." I always tell her she is full of IT.

I will send this to her.
Funny, I have an Italian Co-worker that ALWAYS tries to convince me that, "Italians are so healthy because they eat all their carbs in the morning and burn them off througout the day." I always tell her she is full of IT.

I will send this to her.
all that food Grine Grine posted looked rich as hell. They can’t keep that up on a consistent bases w/o getting fat unless they’re working out crazy.
Got into an argument with one of my friends yesterday.

I was going to give him a ride home , but he insisted on going to a pho restaurant. "It's hot in there, all the boiling soup will kill the virus" ?????? Flat out told him that he can walk home if he decides to go eat there, and that if he really wanted it, he should get it delivered. He said "That's stupid, there's going to be a person bringing it and giving it to you anyway!" without realizing that the whole point is to MINIMIZE the risk/spread, since it's impossible to completely eliminate it unless you want to starve to death. Dealing with one person delivering food>>>>>>>>>>>>>sitting at a restaurant with 30 other people

Needless to say, I'm avoiding him for the next month (because I don't trust that he'll stay at home) and am seriously reconsidering my friendship due to how stupid his thought process is. Unfortunately there are too many people like this around!
Just got this from a my cousin who works for Genentech, does anyone else have info about this? The second two text is my Uncle who served in the Army and cleared up for the "Stafford Act" is.
Got into an argument with one of my friends yesterday.

I was going to give him a ride home , but he insisted on going to a pho restaurant. "It's hot in there, all the boiling soup will kill the virus" ?????? Flat out told him that he can walk home if he decides to go eat there, and that if he really wanted it, he should get it delivered. He said "That's stupid, there's going to be a person bringing it and giving it to you anyway!" without realizing that the whole point is to MINIMIZE the risk, since it's impossible to completely eliminate it unless you want to starve to death. Dealing with one person delivering food>>>>>>>>>>>>>sitting at a restaurant with 30 other people

Needless to say, I'm avoiding him for the next month (because I don't trust that he'll stay at home) and am seriously reconsidering my friendship due to how stupid his thought process is. Unfortunately there are too many people like this around!
:rofl: @ Boiling soup. ahahahahahhahahahaha
Imagine if every wealthy person in the world did what Zion did. That'd turn this into a purely health issue instead of health + economic issue. This world really sucks sometimes
I rather imagine if people like you who say this work on getting big money yourself. I don’t like the the financially fortunate should just help out just because. If they want to do like Zion and others cool but if they don’t cool too.
Got into an argument with one of my friends yesterday.

I was going to give him a ride home , but he insisted on going to a pho restaurant. "It's hot in there, all the boiling soup will kill the virus" ?????? Flat out told him that he can walk home if he decides to go eat there, and that if he really wanted it, he should get it delivered. He said "That's stupid, there's going to be a person bringing it and giving it to you anyway!" without realizing that the whole point is to MINIMIZE the risk, since it's impossible to completely eliminate it unless you want to starve to death.

Needless to say, I'm avoiding him for the next month (because I don't trust that he'll stay at home) and am seriously reconsidering my friendship due to how stupid his thought process is. Unfortunately there are too many people like this around!
My girl got into a shouting match with her sister over the phone because her sister left the gym and was driving to their grandparents house to visit. Their grandparents are in their early 80s, and have health issues

Her sister didn't comprehend why it was a big deal because she is not sick.

Their mother had to drive over to the house to prevent the sister from entering the house.

People's idiocy are gonna cause a lot of preventable deaths.
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