Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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whywesteppin whywesteppin

Throughout France, around 200.000 people took to the streets to protest against the proposals, which would also make vaccinations compulsory for health workers. In Paris, a demonstration resulted in clashes with police.

I'm all ears as far as figuring out a way to get that 30% to get the shot.
I might need to get my girl to get that over the counter rapid test. She's vaxx. My daughter has been very sick (1.5yrs old) since her eye doctor appointment and passed it to my other daughter and my girl and 2 days ago she lost her sense of smell completely. She can still taste but barely. They both just sitting here coughing and snotting everything up
Give them some time to reopen and then see what happens. CA has several areas more vaccinated than Canada and now having issues few months later.

I think our (Canada's) fourth wave is inevitable. The only questions I have center around the severity of the wave across provinces. I highly doubt restrictions will be reintroduced until it's too late.
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A lot of the world is the same or worse.

Yeah, someone forwarded me a demonstration at Sydney protesting the lockdown. Each country has their own **** to deal with.

I might need to get my girl to get that over the counter rapid test. She's vaxx. My daughter has been very sick (1.5yrs old) since her eye doctor appointment and passed it to my other daughter and my girl and 2 days ago she lost her sense of smell completely. She can still taste but barely. They both just sitting here coughing and snotting everything up

This is THE REASON why I cannot afford bringing the virus home which will affect my kids. Hope they're getting better. 🙏
Logged into FB and now seeing posts from people asking to respect people's choices on getting vaccinated or not. Yet some of these people were those who were gung-ho for Trump and ridiculing and insulting people who were against him.

Funny how that works.
Decided to drive into work this morning when I originally planned to take the ferry. Debating if I should still continue to drive.
I know America gets a lot of attention on this subject but the reality is the rest of the world isn’t much different.

a lot of the world doesn’t have the access to the vaccine(s) like america does

and unfortunately the stupidity from certain folks is very loud and being heard and repeated
whywesteppin whywesteppin

I'm all ears as far as figuring out a way to get that 30% to get the shot.
If you can't increase the numerator, decrease the denominator

Read that article earlier and was confused about how resistant it is compared to Delta

Although it is not clear yet whether this variant is more dangerous than the Delta now threatening populations in many countries, senior researcher Kei Sato of the University of Tokyo believes "Lambda can be a potential threat to the human society."

Guess we'll have to wait and see but it said it was more resistant to the original strain rather than Delta

Supposedly this thing in Texas already
Is it like a passport photo or a more enhanced facial scan? I know my government ID photo was more of a scan first then the photo on the card. i know tsa makes you take the mask off at the airport and I have had a few grocery clerks ask me when buying alcohol
It was a regular photo. I don't understand why they couldn't just reuse the one on file if it wasn't going to be a special facial scan.

I've been saying this for a long time. A lot of people would get the shot if it was available from their doctor and recommended by them at the time of visitation.
I've heard of too many people getting bad info from their doctors then using that as an excuse to not get the vaccine.
What exactly is preventing the administration of vaccines at doctor's office? There are vials on vials just sitting at these vaccine locations not going to anyone. Time to start distributing them.
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