Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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It was a regular photo. I don't understand why they couldn't just reuse the one on file if it wasn't going to be a special facial scan.

I've been saying this for a long time. A lot of people would get the shot if it was available from their doctor and recommended by them at the time of visitation.
I've heard of too many people getting bad info from their doctors then using that as an excuse to not get the vaccine.
What exactly is preventing the administration of vaccines at doctor's office? There are vials on vials just sitting at these vaccine locations not going to anyone. Time to start distributing them.
I was told that the storage concerns are the reason why your PCP will not have it
Many Seattle bars are adopting this too. I think some are allowing negative tests within 48 hours of entering too though

If all of these politicians rolled out systems like this from the get go, we wouldn’t need mandates again. Common sense still takes the backseat vs making sure they get elected again.
It was a regular photo. I don't understand why they couldn't just reuse the one on file if it wasn't going to be a special facial scan.

I've been saying this for a long time. A lot of people would get the shot if it was available from their doctor and recommended by them at the time of visitation.
I've heard of too many people getting bad info from their doctors then using that as an excuse to not get the vaccine.
What exactly is preventing the administration of vaccines at doctor's office? There are vials on vials just sitting at these vaccine locations not going to anyone. Time to start distributing them.

It's very simple - it's hugely inefficient to have a highly paid doctor giving vaccinations - to do it well at scale it should be at a mass site.

There are also issues around storage and wastage - Pfizer particularly has very stringent cold chain protocols and if those aren't maintained then you throw it away. Also, once you've removed a vial from storage a clock starts ticking (depends on which one but most are around 6 hours) to use it up or it gets discarded - so again, in a mass clinic where all you're doing is vaccinating that's easy - for your doctor to have one sitting there hoping to use it up is just inefficient.

It's also just not good medical practice - my dad was a family doctor is whole career, when he was about to retire he thought about doing some fully private work but at the interview he asked about support staff (he had built up a really good team) and they said they didn't have any - these people pay for the doctor so they want your time. That's not clever - you don't want your doctor taking your blood, you want the nurse who does it all day every day. Same with anything - there are specialists for a reason, everyone should be working at the top of their licence and the simple stuff left for others.

Let's remember that the world population in 1920 was 1.9 billion people, so 50 million deaths would be 2.6% of that. If the same percent applies today, we're looking at burying 189 million folks globally, or just above half of the US population.

Republicans would govern over ashes and bones rather than adjust their views and do what's right.
Welp......Lambda variant shows more resistance to the vaccine. I feel Delta is like Steppenwolf, and Lambda is the Darkseid.

The contradiction in a lot of these articles are infuriating.

Part of the article says that vax and anti have the same amount of viral loads so we’re just as contagious. Then it says but they’re drying out and dying much faster in vaxed people.

Then they talk about the new variant and how it has some resistance and could be a big threat but then also say they don’t know if it’s as big as a threat as Delta.

I understand science is changing every hour but some of this click bait and fear hunting BS is so tiring.

I was at work yesterday (only one in a mask) and majority of us are vaccinated but still. Anyways, one of my coworkers married to someone at DHS that works in the natural disaster field. They were telling me the closest comparison we have to this is the Spanish Flu. Clearly technology is much more advanced but we have so many people refusing science that a lot of deaths are still to come
It was a regular photo. I don't understand why they couldn't just reuse the one on file if it wasn't going to be a special facial scan.

I've been saying this for a long time. A lot of people would get the shot if it was available from their doctor and recommended by them at the time of visitation.
I've heard of too many people getting bad info from their doctors then using that as an excuse to not get the vaccine.
What exactly is preventing the administration of vaccines at doctor's office? There are vials on vials just sitting at these vaccine locations not going to anyone. Time to start distributing them.
Nobody stopping by the office with pizza and sliding them cash to push it.
So people are carrying around their vaccination cards?
Well that or just a photo on your cellphone. From what I'm seeing most places will accept a valid ID and the vax card or a picture on your phone that matches the name on your ID.
NYC stepping it up. Hopefully others wil follow although I can see the ads now for Florida "If you want your freedom to dine anywhere, come here"


New York City will require proof of vaccination for workers and customers at indoor restaurants, gyms and entertainment venues, Mayor Bill de Blasio said.
De Blasio announced the “Key to NYC Pass,” what he said is a first-in-the-U.S. requirement for employees and indoor venue-goers. The policy, enacted via mayoral executive order and a health department order, will be launched Aug. 16 and phased in, with enforcement beginning Sept. 13.

“Not everyone’s going to agree with this, I understand this,” de Blasio said Monday at a virus briefing. “But for so many people, this is going to be a lifesaving act.”
De Blasio said he hoped his requirement would be a model for the nation. He was joined virtually at his briefing by national health experts, including former White House Covid-19 adviser Andy Slavitt.

“This will be copied around the country,” Slavitt said. “This will stand between this being another bad year and a year when people get their lives back.”

The move by de Blasio is the latest step to encourage New Yorkers to get vaccinated. The mayor is requiring city workers to get Covid-19 shots or be tested weekly, while all new hires by the city must be inoculated.

‘Clear Mandates’

“It’s all about vaccination,” the mayor said. “We know that strong, clear mandates help.”

As of Aug. 3, 66.2% of New York City residents are fully vaccinated, according to city data. Still, cases are climbing as the contagious delta variant spreads. Delta makes up 72% of tested cases in New York City in the last four weeks.

Some of New York’s most famous dining rooms already require vaccinations, including Gramercy Tavern and Union Square Cafe. Broadway venues also are requiring them.

Equinox Group said Monday that members, riders and employees will be required to show vaccine proof to enter its Equinox gyms, SoulCycle studios and corporate offices in New York City starting in early September.

“We’ve seen leaders in the private sector blaze the trail here,” de Blasio said.

The move by New York City drew mixed reactions across the restaurant
industry, which has grappled with the inherent conflicts of boosting sales while keeping customers safe.

Jeffrey Bank, the chief executive officer of Alicart, which has several restaurants in the city, said he supports the effort to ensure public safety. But eateries in tourist-heavy parts of New York, where patrons are less likely
to be vaccinated, could have greater difficulty keeping up with the requirements.

“I’m concerned with enforcing the mandate in Times Square,” he said.

New Burden
The National Restaurant Association trade group said in a statement that while it supports vaccination efforts, de Blasio’s move puts a new burden on restaurant employees, who already faced a “terrifying backlash” last year when enforcing mask mandates. Aaron Allen, principal at consulting firm Aaron Allen & Associates, went a step further, calling it “a stunning overreach by government.”

For some, though, the benefits outweigh the burdens. Amanda Cohen, owner of Dirt Candy, said “it feels a lot better to have it be the rule of law across the board” rather than leaving it up to individual establishments whether to enforce such a requirement.

De Blasio is focusing on requirements for vaccines, rather than masks, to deal with delta. The mayor has stopped short of mandating masks in indoor places for vaccinated residents, saying he wants to preserve an incentive for people to get their shots. The city also offered $100
incentives, and 11,000 New Yorkers have stepped up to collect, the mayor said.

New York state this year launched a digital vaccine passport called the Excelsior Pass, similar to a mobile airline boarding pass, that businesses and venues can scan to verify proof of negative Covid-19 tests results or proof of vaccination.

New York City, the early center of the coronavirus pandemic, is trying to balance a reopening of its economy with a recent surge in cases, largely among the unvaccinated. The city’s seven-day average of new cases has climbed to 1,288 as of Aug. 1, from 709 on July 19. Hospitalizations also are climbing, though at a much slower rate.

“Vaccines are how we reopen businesses and offices,” Celine Grounder, an epidemiologist who advised the Biden administration, said on de Blasio’s call. “Anything to encourage people to get vaccinated and get back to life as New Yorkers.”
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So people are carrying around their vaccination cards?

state of california has the vax information you can look up on the website. healthvana (where i got my vax through) also has a website dedicated to your vax information.
state of california has the vax information you can look up on the website. healthvana (where i got my vax through) also has a website dedicated to your vax information.

I tried and failed when I entered my info.
Must have gotten placebo. :wow:
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