Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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I was told that the storage concerns are the reason why your PCP will not have it
I'm seeing trucks out here parked in 90 degree plus temperatures all day giving out vaccines. It can't be that difficult to store. Especially in a medical facility.
It's very simple - it's hugely inefficient to have a highly paid doctor giving vaccinations - to do it well at scale it should be at a mass site.

There are also issues around storage and wastage - Pfizer particularly has very stringent cold chain protocols and if those aren't maintained then you throw it away. Also, once you've removed a vial from storage a clock starts ticking (depends on which one but most are around 6 hours) to use it up or it gets discarded - so again, in a mass clinic where all you're doing is vaccinating that's easy - for your doctor to have one sitting there hoping to use it up is just inefficient.

It's also just not good medical practice - my dad was a family doctor is whole career, when he was about to retire he thought about doing some fully private work but at the interview he asked about support staff (he had built up a really good team) and they said they didn't have any - these people pay for the doctor so they want your time. That's not clever - you don't want your doctor taking your blood, you want the nurse who does it all day every day. Same with anything - there are specialists for a reason, everyone should be working at the top of their licence and the simple stuff left for others.
I hear what you're saying but now that so many have already been vaccinated it wouldn't be a large scale like at a mass site. It would be like any other time when you would go in to your doctor to get a check up or whatever and they would ask you if you've been vaccinated and if not that they can give it to you.
All other vaccines are administered at doctor's offices already from infant vaccines to the flu shot.
And as far as I know is always a nurse at the doctor's office who takes your vitals before the doctor sees you. They would be the ones administering the shot not the doctor's themselves.
Unless this is different on the other side of the pond then this is how I understand it to be.
I tried and failed when I entered my info.
Must have gotten placebo. :wow:
You're not the only one. My record didn't come up either.

Solano County scamming folks lol.
Welp, my kid’s school district just announced that masks are not mandatory EXCEPT ON BUSES. What a joke. :smh:

We’re literally the only school system in the area not requiring masks to start the school year. I thought for sure they’d cave and make them required after the other big school system reversed course and mandated them yesterday, but nope—they’ve decided to just wing it. Even worse is that they’re not even going to consider higher levels of protocols until AFTER POSITIVE CASES ARE REPORTED IN THE SCHOOL. You can’t make this stuff up. :smh::smh::smh::smh:
Welp, my kid’s school district just announced that masks are not mandatory EXCEPT ON BUSES. What a joke. :smh:

We’re literally the only school system in the area not requiring masks to start the school year. I thought for sure they’d cave and make them required after the other big school system reversed course and mandated them yesterday, but nope—they’ve decided to just wing it. Even worse is that they’re not even going to consider higher levels of protocols until AFTER POSITIVE CASES ARE REPORTED IN THE SCHOOL. You can’t make this stuff up. :smh::smh::smh::smh:

I hate to sound dramatic, but after the high risk/65+ groups were covered, everyone just acted like the danger is mostly over. There is an entire population of 12 and under that cannot get vaccinated at all. I’ve encountered way too many parents who were totally ok pushing their kids back to school as far back as last fall, all while choosing to work from home for their safety. The risk for the age group may be less, but it absolutely is still a risk, especially with all of the long covid complications arising. Hopefully the vaccine can start to roll out in October/November. Sorry you’re going through this. Just today I saw a uniformed school bus driver doing her grocery shopping without a mask on. It’s hard to have faith in humanity.
I hate to sound dramatic, but after the high risk/65+ groups were covered, everyone just acted like the danger is mostly over. There is an entire population of 12 and under that cannot get vaccinated at all. I’ve encountered way too many parents who were totally ok pushing their kids back to school as far back as last fall, all while choosing to work from home for their safety. The risk for the age group may be less, but it absolutely is still a risk, especially with all of the long covid complications arising. Hopefully the vaccine can start to roll out in October/November. Sorry you’re going through this. Just today I saw a uniformed school bus driver doing her grocery shopping without a mask on. It’s hard to have faith in humanity.

Yep, the acting as if the risk isn't there is what makes me want to throat punch the school board one by one. And the clincher is that you could greatly mitigate the risk by having the kids wear a damn piece of cloth on their faces the entire day--something those that went to in-person learning last year had to do already! It isn't like we haven't been here before. I watched some of their meeting yesterday and they said that with the vaccine out now the risks should be lessened for students. Maybe those *******s forgot that most of their K-12 students aren't even eligible to get vaccinated?!

It's literally all a performance. Now our district looks like the district of choice for all the pErSoNaL FrEeDoM, anti-science, anti-common sense folks that make up most of this red state. Terrific.
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