Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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All the new catch phrases and **** sure.

not the whole thing obviously. It’s the media, it thrives off hysteria.
This is what I’ve been saying for a long time now.


Lol nature don’t care about your vaccine status or science unfortunately
So we never getting out of this thing??

I've done my part getting the vaccine and will get a booster when needed but yeeesh with reports like these it's hard not to be discouraged. Admittedly since mid June or so I've only been wearing a mask indoors when required, haven't been in huge crowds often and still taking some precautions but I've definitely had covid protocol/restriction fatigue.
I believe when they saying it's resistant. It's not saying it's 100% evading the virus. They are also comparing it's vaccine resistance to the original strain.

We just don't know enough about Lambda yet to see how worse (if at all) it is compared to Delta

Edit: Also I'm not even sure these studies are done with Pfizer and Moderna in mind
I believe when they saying it's resistant. It's not saying it's 100% evading the virus. They are also comparing it's vaccine resistance to the original strain.

We just don't know enough about Lambda yet to see how worse (if at all) it is compared to Delta

Edit: Also I'm not even sure these studies are done with Pfizer and Moderna in mind
So how many variants/surges in do we start to change our approach from eradication to co-habitation?


we currently live with ENDEMICS such as the flu and common cold without the fear and hyperbole covid has caused thus far…..

are we ready to have this conversation yet or we still pointing fingers at each other?
So how many variants/surges in do we start to change our approach from eradication to co-habitation?


we currently live with ENDEMICS such as the flu and common cold without the fear and hyperbole covid has caused thus far…..

are we ready to have this conversation yet or we still pointing fingers at each other?
We can have this conversation once our children are eligible for vaccines and the whole world has access to vaccine supply. Until then, those who remain unvaccinated because of misinformation or political will deserve far more than finger pointing.
So how many variants/surges in do we start to change our approach from eradication to co-habitation?


we currently live with ENDEMICS such as the flu and common cold without the fear and hyperbole covid has caused thus far…..

are we ready to have this conversation yet or we still pointing fingers at each other?

I've personally stated in here that this will be something we'll live with such as the flu hopefully, that'll be the endgame and us getting "past" Covid. At what point does the data need to show for this to enter the endemic stage? I don't know. Isn't quite my lane

I just wanted to clarify that the Lambda variant isn't this bigger and badder variant (that we know of yet). Every article that has said it's vaccine resistant also points out that the vaccines we have more than likely will prevent serious illness/death like how it's combated the other strains
We can have this conversation once our children are eligible for vaccines and the whole world has access to vaccine supply. Until then, those who remain unvaccinated because of misinformation or political will deserve far more than finger pointing.
For the first time, my local mayor is holding a press conference talking about covid situation for our city. Apparently only 36% of our city employees are fully vaxxed. Now they're having about 70 employee being quarantined because of exposure. He admits the number cases are triple within a day, and majority of those cases are younger population. He still does not want to do mask mandate, but all un-vaxxed city employees are now required to be tested weekly.

It's going to be interesting in the next couple weeks with some schools start next week.
I've personally stated in here that this will be something we'll live with such as the flu hopefully, that'll be the endgame and us getting "past" Covid. At what point does the data need to show for this to enter the endemic stage? I don't know. Isn't quite my lane

I just wanted to clarify that the Lambda variant isn't this bigger and badder variant (that we know of yet). Every article that has said it's vaccine resistant also points out that the vaccines we have more than likely will prevent serious illness/death like how it's combated the other strains
That may be true about lambda

but at the rate these variants are popping up, you can’t make vaccines quick enough.

especially if vaccinated folks can spread just the same as unvaccinated.

So essentially we are seeing “breakthrough” cases which means if everyone was 100% vaccinated, people will still continue to be infected and variants will still pop up…

I think that is a big takeaway from the article I posted.
We can have this conversation once our children are eligible for vaccines and the whole world has access to vaccine supply. Until then, those who remain unvaccinated because of misinformation or political will deserve far more than finger pointing.

When that happens people will just keep moving the goalposts to whatever MSM tells you is “for your own good”.

Malta has a 90% vax rate and it’s not stopping Covid. But most people will choose to ignore data that doesn’t support their beliefs. If someone acknowledges that Covid isn’t going away you’re also acknowledging that you will be exposed to it at some point. So why on earth are we repeating these same measures over and over that have proven not to work?

IMO the hysteria is warranted given how dangerous/severe this disease is. The seasonal flu happens every year millions of people catch it but it is mostly self limiting and minor symptoms with few deaths.

unfortunately the media coverage and dramatic warnings have an extreme opposite effect due to distrust (thank you president jackass) and general skepticism/fatigue.

This ain’t the regular flu people, you catch this unvaccinated and there’s a decent chance you will die.
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When that happens people will just keep moving the goalposts to whatever MSM tells you is “for your own good”.

Malta has a 90% vax rate and it’s not stopping Covid. But most people will choose to ignore data that doesn’t support their beliefs. If someone acknowledges that Covid isn’t going away you’re also acknowledging that you will be exposed to it at some point. So why on earth are we repeating these same measures over and over that have proven not to work?

even if it isn’t going away, this is all we got. The alternative is going back to normal life and people dying.

also everyone please remember that this is an EXTREMELY dynamic situation the science/information/virology gets updated by the minute. We in very uncharted territory and the scientists/microbiologists are trying to keep up. It’s basically El Chapo staying two steps ahead of the feds.
IMO the hysteria is warranted given how dangerous/severe this disease is. The seasonal flu happens every year millions of people catch it but it is mostly self limiting and minor symptoms with few deaths.

unfortunately the media coverage and dramatic warnings have an extreme opposite effect due to distrust (thank you president jackass) and general skepticism/fatigue.

This ain’t the regular flu people, you catch this unvaccinated and there’s a decent chance you will die.

so 0.01% is considered a decent chance now?
No but 614,000 deaths since last March is 614,000 too many

For sure, i think we can agree all death is sad. Not sure why people aren’t expending 100x the energy for the other 60 million that died within the last year.

That may be true about lambda

but at the rate these variants are popping up, you can’t make vaccines quick enough.

especially if vaccinated folks can spread just the same as unvaccinated.

So essentially we are seeing “breakthrough” cases which means if everyone was 100% vaccinated, people will still continue to be infected and variants will still pop up…

I think that is a big takeaway from the article I posted.
But that's kind of the goal though you talked about. That would be endemic status if everyone was vaxxed and we had lesser variants pop up then we would be in flu status with Covid. Less death and less hospitalizations. It just doesn't seem we're there yet given the low rate of vaccinations globally

Yes a vaxxed person can still spread the virus and we have breakthroughs. They are not being infected and spreading the virus as rapidly as the unvaxxed population is right now

Also want to note the article is referencing the vaccine Coronvac which is already inferior to the mRNA vaccines like Pfizer and Moderna. I'd like to see when we have data on them given their better effectiveness in general
For sure, i think we can agree all death is sad. Not sure why people aren’t expending 100x the energy for the other 60 million that died within the last year.

people dying is a fact of life. Everyone accepts that. But when it’s from a widespread global infectious disease that keeps snowballing the world then yes it’s a big deal.

we can’t prevent old age or (most) car accidents but we can do our best to prevent this, right now.
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