Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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New photo floating around my news feed. So many healthcare workers straight up refuse to get vaccinated.

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My friend had covid probably early February of last year way early in the game didn't know what it was, started dating this dude who's an essential worker and during the vaccine rollout said he passed on the vaccine because putting something in his body that's foreign will make him weaker and not being able to fight off the virus. We were planning to visit her this week And Fast-forward to this month they went on trip to British Columbia and came back dude couldn't taste food and she came out positive and said she didn't get the vaccine because of reproductive effects risk.. and my wife who's a doctor is like wow...

Just wanted to share some of the thought antivax rationale ive heard first hand.

Just seeing news of this Delta-Plus makes you just feel like we're back at square1 and we might be at home here for even longer than expected.
With the vaccine efficacy diminishing it seems like the only way we'd beat this thing is when everyone that got vaccinated gets a booster and those that didnt get vaccinated get their first doses.

Almost need the perfect storm.
Stupidity and ignorance will be our downfall.

Isnt it always? If you really study history, we repeat the same ******* mistakes every century. Another country thinks a failed experiment in one country will work in theirs when they elect a populist government or allow fascism to take over. Now we are repeating by growing nationalism which led to WW1.

But of course we always think we know better than our past.
Yeah, B. C. is looking bad right now.

Delta variant driving 4th wave in B.C. as associated COVID-19 cases double every 7-10 days: experts

All this new info is still sinking in for me. An R0 of 7-8 is crazy. Essentially we're all getting exposed to delta whether we like it or not.

I enjoyed reading this thread because he captures how we're all feeling.
We had covid mostly figured out up until a month ago. Now we're in a new unpredictable phase. But overall I'm still optimistic. Last year I wouldn't go near a plane. Now it's about whether I need to wear an N95 or not.

Seems like a lot of stores have gone this route in illinois for their workers but not yet for customers.

I personally am not with this at all. I'll be the selfish ******* this year. I already took my vaccine. If the rest of these fine folks dont want to, that's on them. But **** these masks.
Yep, I did my part. I’m not catering to anti vax morons.
I was about to to say some slick ****, but then I realize who posted it, and it makes sense #cultural
when is Ron Desantis term up?

he sounds so dumb. I want to move down there in a couple years but bruhhhhhh what kind of handling of the situation is he doing? LIKE WHAT?

If his moves are based on his potential voters, then I guess that tells you how most people in Florida are.
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