Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Sorry in advance for the lengthy post, but talk to me Niketalk. Just got word that my sister in laws wedding that was pushed back last year, is on for May in Atlanta. My family and I live in Cali and have been pretty cautious over the last year. My wife and I will be fully vaccinated but my kids won’t. We don’t feel comfortable leaving our kids so we are bringing them...has anyone flown with kids lately? How was it? And for those of you in Georgia, what’s it like over there right now?? Positive rate over here is like 2% and it looks like Georgia is around 5%. People masking out there?? Forgot to add...my kids will not be going to the wedding.
got my first dose of moderna yesterday, so far no side effects and didnt have the sore arm until couple hours later and still feeling a bit sore this morning.

also finally seeing firsthand how messy this vaccine process is and why people have been jumping the line here in SoCal.
showed up to CVS and checked in, but person didn't check for ID or anything. just asked for my name and crossed me off their appointment list.
took my sister who got called in later towards the end of the day since she was on their friends/family waitlist for unclaimed doses and same guy that checked me earlier in the afternoon asks for her ID and all that

"Mr. Taylor died by suicide after suffering from post-Covid-19 symptoms, including severe tinnitus, the company said."


I got pneumonia real bad in high school and it gave me an ear infection. Had tinnitus for about a week. I don’t wish that kinda agony on my worst of enemies. Thought about suicide myself after only a week.
Sorry in advance for the lengthy post, but talk to me Niketalk. Just got word that my sister in laws wedding that was pushed back last year, is on for May in Atlanta. My family and I live in Cali and have been pretty cautious over the last year. My wife and I will be fully vaccinated but my kids won’t. We don’t feel comfortable leaving our kids so we are bringing them...has anyone flown with kids lately? How was it? And for those of you in Georgia, what’s it like over there right now?? Positive rate over here is like 2% and it looks like Georgia is around 5%. People masking out there?? Forgot to add...my kids will not be going to the wedding.
Before I respond, I have a few questions...why are specifically asking about children flying? I’m not a parent so I’m curious because I want to provide an appropriate answer :lol: How old are your children? Have you or your wife flown since the pandemic started? Does your family go out often or at all?
Before I respond, I have a few questions...why are specifically asking about children flying? I’m not a parent so I’m curious because I want to provide an appropriate answer :lol: How old are your children? Have you or your wife flown since the pandemic started? Does your family go out often or at all?

My children would be flying with us and I’m nervous about that. They’re 12,9 and 3. We haven’t done much the whole year. LOL. Stayed within our bubble. We do go out but it’s nothing crazy. Trips to the store, take out, when you have 3 kids you don’t really do much anyway lol 😂
Sorry in advance for the lengthy post, but talk to me Niketalk. Just got word that my sister in laws wedding that was pushed back last year, is on for May in Atlanta. My family and I live in Cali and have been pretty cautious over the last year. My wife and I will be fully vaccinated but my kids won’t. We don’t feel comfortable leaving our kids so we are bringing them...has anyone flown with kids lately? How was it? And for those of you in Georgia, what’s it like over there right now?? Positive rate over here is like 2% and it looks like Georgia is around 5%. People masking out there?? Forgot to add...my kids will not be going to the wedding.

Just to come full circle, even if you and your wife are fully vaccinated, you guys can still potentially get the virus and maybe pass to your kids. I know kids arent as susceptible to bad cases but you never know.
My children would be flying with us and I’m nervous about that. They’re 12,9 and 3. We haven’t done much the whole year. LOL. Stayed within our bubble. We do go out but it’s nothing crazy. Trips to the store, take out, when you have 3 kids you don’t really do much anyway lol 😂
Okay, I just wanted context. I’ve still had to fly a lot for work the past 10 months (both domestic and international) and from a safety standpoint, you should be fine. It’s not any more dangerous than other activities you might engage in. The biggest concern I would have for you is your 3 year old and if he will be able to wear a mask for that many hours. Like pretty much from the time you exit the parking lot to you arrive at your final destination, he will be required to wear a mask. I don’t know much about children that age but I imagine it could be a challenge :lol:. You think he could handle it?

Outside of that I feel your 12 year old should for sure be good and same with your 9 year old.
My children would be flying with us and I’m nervous about that. They’re 12,9 and 3. We haven’t done much the whole year. LOL. Stayed within our bubble. We do go out but it’s nothing crazy. Trips to the store, take out, when you have 3 kids you don’t really do much anyway lol 😂

First of all, there's no way I'd be flying anywhere for a wedding. I would politely tell my family member that they're an idiot for having any kind of traditional wedding during a pandemic. That being said, if you're 100% on attending then you need to get the best quality masks for your children to use during travel. As storm2006 storm2006 said, keeping a mask on a 3 year old is likely going to be absolute murder. You better start practicing now. If you need recommendations on good quality masks that will protect you and your family, please watch that Aaron Collins YouTube video I posted yesterday. For reference, my kids (6 y/o girl and 9 y/o boy) wear the BOTN size small mask. It would probably be too big to get a decent seal on your 3 year old's face, so look into the Blue Tiger mask that he talks about first. You and your wife should be good with any quality mask since you're vaccinated, but I still would be wearing at least KF94, KN95, or N95 along with goggles, face shield, or similar eye protection from the moment I enter the airport. If you want any further recommendations let me know. My kids have some "cute" kid size face shields from Sunstaches which they've worn to doctor's appointments, along with KF94 masks underneath. Mask earloops bother my daughter after a while, so my wife got her some headbands that have buttons on the side where the earloops attach and don't bother her ears at all. Simple to DIY, but let me know if you need a purchase recommendation.
Okay, I just wanted context. I’ve still had to fly a lot for work the past 10 months (both domestic and international) and from a safety standpoint, you should be fine. It’s not any more dangerous than other activities you might engage in. The biggest concern I would have for you is your 3 year old and if he will be able to wear a mask for that many hours. Like pretty much from the time you exit the parking lot to you arrive at your final destination, he will be required to wear a mask. I don’t know much about children that age but I imagine it could be a challenge :lol:. You think he could handle it?

Outside of that I feel your 12 year old should for sure be good and same with your 9 year old.

that’s a good call on the 3 year old. Back to the drawing board with the wifey 😂. Anyone in GA that can chime in on what it’s like over there?

I got pneumonia real bad in high school and it gave me an ear infection. Had tinnitus for about a week. I don’t wish that kinda agony on my worst of enemies. Thought about suicide myself after only a week.

No exaggeration, an ear infection I had in college was the worst pain I have ever been in my life. I couldn't swallow anything without thinking I wanted to die, it was that painful.
So cases are going up but deaths are going down?
in some areas they're going up but overall it's been flat.

this is what we sort of expected. we've vaccinated the most vulnerable so we should see hospitalizations and deaths keep dropping but with spring break + variants and people going out more now, we'll probably see a slight increase in cases.

I'm hoping in a couple months when >50% are vaccinated that we'll be in the clear and cases will plummet too.
My 2-year old son tries on a mask but immediately rips it off and runs away laughing.

Yeah, definitely not going anywhere soon lol

The death toll is still alarming. I’m thinking this will just be something we live with, adjust to and become as serious as the flu down the line.
My 2-year old son tries on a mask but immediately rips it off and runs away laughing.

Yeah, definitely not going anywhere soon lol

Sounds about right! We don't take our kids out often, but this weekend we went to visit my parents (who are both fully vaccinated) and even though we felt comfortable around them we thought it was important for the kids to wear their masks to get in the habit because like it or not I think we'll be wearing them for quite a while. My 6 y/o was perfect the entire time (about an hour) and didn't have a problem, while my 9 y/o was constantly touching his mask, adjusting it, and complaining about it. They're doing distance learning now and I seriously can't imagine him wearing a mask for an entire school day...
Have any of you heard of a fully vaccinated person testing positive? I know we've had NT'ers who tested positive shortly after their first dose, but so far it seems "breakthrough" cases have been pretty rare in people who have gotten 2 doses.

Have any of you heard of a fully vaccinated person testing positive? I know we've had NT'ers who tested positive shortly after their first dose, but so far it seems "breakthrough" cases have been pretty rare in people who have gotten 2 doses.

Yeah I concur. It's good to be aware that this is a known possibility with all the vaccines. Otherwise people will freak out when they read some sensationalized story about one person who got covid-19 a month after being vaccinated.

As the article points out, the other thing to keep in mind is that 90% efficacy is against a known exposure. So if you had a 1% chance of catching covid-19 in April without the vaccine, it is 0.1% if you got the vaccine. Your chance of being symptomatic is reduced even more, as is your chance of hospitalization (if it was 1 in 1,000 before, now it's more like 1 in 100,000). Throw in the reduction in overall transmission of covid-19 when more and more people have been vaccinated, and now we reduce that number even further (it's already 5x lower than it was at the start of the year). So it's something like a 5 x 10 x 10 reduction. That's the short-term reduction. If we really do achieve herd immunity levels, then with every month we'll reduce transmission by 2x or so until covid-19 has run out of hosts to infect.

I'm ballparking these numbers but hopefully the point is clear. Of course, these could reverse. If we get variants where the efficacy is more like 50% instead of 90% and if people return to their pre-covid habits (transmission would increase 2 to 4-fold), then transmission may plateau or even increase until we get covid boosters in the fall.
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