Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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I been going since Oct. granted it was outdoors during the winter surge but back inside now. If you are dedicated and can go when they open, it’s relatively safe. Not many people inside and the air is clean.
I'm anxious to get back in the gym, but my options aren't great. How are you determining "the air is clean"?
I’ve had Covid over the past week at this point, it’s annoying as hell. It’s like a flu, but longer and I can’t run without being out of breathe. Thank god it’s only a mild case and nothing serious, but it’s still damn annoying. I’m slowly getting better but it’s taken such a while to go away completely. Anyone else got the rona?
a friend who works in Ohio hooked me up with a moderna shot

thankful because I'm in PA, which is still in phase 1A....

meanwhile WV just opened it up to everyone 16+

these red states really must not have much demand

No, it's because some of the counties in PA are getting the royal shaft! I'm in 1A, a transplant patient, and I still can't get a vaccine appointment from any of the local pharmacies. Pretty much no one around in my town has it. I went to the big three (CVS, Rite Aid & Walgreens) which are all a minute or two from my house and none of the have gotten the vaccine yet.

In my county it's the lowest amount received of the vaccine. And I can't jump to another county per the pharmacists in the next county over. I'm just hoping to finally get a call this week to get one via the country health commission. Last I heard they were on the 20th, and I signed up on the 23rd, and that was end of day Friday.
I’ve had Covid over the past week at this point, it’s annoying as hell. It’s like a flu, but longer and I can’t run without being out of breathe. Thank god it’s only a mild case and nothing serious, but it’s still damn annoying. I’m slowly getting better but it’s taken such a while to go away completely. Anyone else got the rona?

Hopefully you make a full recovery. There was someone that posted few pages back that after he got over it he still has a hard time catching his breath.
I'm anxious to get back in the gym, but my options aren't great. How are you determining "the air is clean"?

I think he's referring to the fact that first thing in the morning after they open any viral particles from the day before have had a chance to settle to the ground and are less likely to infect you than later in the afternoon/evening when everyone has been in there breathing hard filling the indoor air space with their aerosols. I take that approach to grocery shopping and any indoor errands I need to run and always try to get them done as early as possible.
I think he's referring to the fact that first thing in the morning after they open any viral particles from the day before have had a chance to settle to the ground and are less likely to infect you than later in the afternoon/evening when everyone has been in there breathing hard filling the indoor air space with their aerosols. I take that approach to grocery shopping and any indoor errands I need to run and always try to get them done as early as possible.

Pretty much my thinking. In the morning less people, way less so **** aint flying around in the air. Id bring a change of clothes too right after so I dont sit in my car with nasty gym clothes.

Man I love this. I really do. I hate when people aren't wearing any and I hate when people wear that below the nose and mouth like really whats the point ?
I think he's referring to the fact that first thing in the morning after they open any viral particles from the day before have had a chance to settle to the ground and are less likely to infect you than later in the afternoon/evening when everyone has been in there breathing hard filling the indoor air space with their aerosols. I take that approach to grocery shopping and any indoor errands I need to run and always try to get them done as early as possible.
Pretty much my thinking. In the morning less people, way less so **** aint flying around in the air. Id bring a change of clothes too right after so I dont sit in my car with nasty gym clothes.

Ah, gotcha. Yeah that's my first "not great" option :lol:
I'd love to beat everybody in there but these mofos be in there at 6:00 sometimes, huffing and puffing and the place aint that big. At least the weather is getting better so ultimately I may just have to stick to outside options for a bit.
Ah, gotcha. Yeah that's my first "not great" option :lol:
I'd love to beat everybody in there but these mofos be in there at 6:00 sometimes, huffing and puffing and the place aint that big. At least the weather is getting better so ultimately I may just have to stick to outside options for a bit.

My homie out in LA be working out in this fire outdoor gym. Jelly cause thats dope af regardless of rona times or not.
No, it's because some of the counties in PA are getting the royal shaft! I'm in 1A, a transplant patient, and I still can't get a vaccine appointment from any of the local pharmacies. Pretty much no one around in my town has it. I went to the big three (CVS, Rite Aid & Walgreens) which are all a minute or two from my house and none of the have gotten the vaccine yet.

In my county it's the lowest amount received of the vaccine. And I can't jump to another county per the pharmacists in the next county over. I'm just hoping to finally get a call this week to get one via the country health commission. Last I heard they were on the 20th, and I signed up on the 23rd, and that was end of day Friday.

3 full months into the rollout.... just crazy. State and local leaders across the board have done a poor job of distributing this vaccine equitably, which was entirely predictable.

I'm in Allegheny county and have seen estimates of 1/3 of adults having received a first dose, which I assume is higher than Philly county.

It sounds like you are close - hope you get one soon.
I think he's referring to the fact that first thing in the morning after they open any viral particles from the day before have had a chance to settle to the ground and are less likely to infect you than later in the afternoon/evening when everyone has been in there breathing hard filling the indoor air space with their aerosols. I take that approach to grocery shopping and any indoor errands I need to run and always try to get them done as early as possible.

Exactly this. The gym closes at 9 pm and opens at 5 am. The period it’s closed allows for any particles to settle or get cleared by the hvac overnight. Not very many people go at opening either so it’s as safe as it’s going to be. I don’t use the lockers or change there.
Ah, gotcha. Yeah that's my first "not great" option :lol:
I'd love to beat everybody in there but these mofos be in there at 6:00 sometimes, huffing and puffing and the place aint that big. At least the weather is getting better so ultimately I may just have to stick to outside options for a bit.
I did outdoor over winter. Had to use my ski base layer to stay warm early in the morning . it’s not too bad in the day but it would be packed.
My friend is a practitioner who works out of a clinic. He has some patients who sees him in person but he can also do telephone appointments.

There's this covid positive patient he has. They agreed that he was gunna quarantine in his home and that he wouldn't expose himself to no one until the 14 day quarantine is up.

Today is day 10. Lol dude called in from another clinic. Said he was in the waiting room waiting for his turn for the covid vaccine. That idiot... He just exposed so many ppl looking to protect themselves via the vaccine to the virus.

For the first time my friend wanted to scream at a patient.
3 full months into the rollout.... just crazy. State and local leaders across the board have done a poor job of distributing this vaccine equitably, which was entirely predictable.

I'm in Allegheny county and have seen estimates of 1/3 of adults having received a first dose, which I assume is higher than Philly county.

It sounds like you are close - hope you get one soon.

Thanks buddy. I'm in the burbs, Chester County (Think Valley Forge Park). Philly is a totally different system. If you don't live or work there no one can go down there and get it supposedly.

But on a glimmer of good news, checked my spam, and the county health commission sent me the link to submit for my appointment!! 🙏🙏 I should be getting a call "soon" they said. Hopefully I get the call to schedule tomorrow. Then I'll feel better knowing I'm locked in. Fingers crossed! 🤞🤞
Have any of you heard of a fully vaccinated person testing positive? I know we've had NT'ers who tested positive shortly after their first dose, but so far it seems "breakthrough" cases have been pretty rare in people who have gotten 2 doses.

Yes I know a physical therapist that got the vaccine in January and tested positive recently but they had mild symptoms. Nothing severe.
My friend is a practitioner who works out of a clinic. He has some patients who sees him in person but he can also do telephone appointments.

There's this covid positive patient he has. They agreed that he was gunna quarantine in his home and that he wouldn't expose himself to no one until the 14 day quarantine is up.

Today is day 10. Lol dude called in from another clinic. Said he was in the waiting room waiting for his turn for the covid vaccine. That idiot... He just exposed so many ppl looking to protect themselves via the vaccine to the virus.

For the first time my friend wanted to scream at a patient.

In his defense I have Covid now and they said i have to quarantine for 10 days as well not 14.

14 may be the old metric.
Yes I know a physical therapist that got the vaccine in January and tested positive recently but they had mild symptoms. Nothing severe.

Arent you suppose to wait anyways a certain time after you get covid to get the vaccine?

Say someone was positive and asymptomatic and took the vaccine, what would happen anyways.
Looking at the CDC data, there's some good news -- overall, cases are 1/5th of what they were in December. However, for nursing homes, where we vaccinated the majority of residents, cases are 1/30th of what they were in December. There also seems to be a steeper decrease in cases and deaths by age as well.

So this stubborn plateau in cases is probably being driven by the 2/3rds of adults who aren't yet vaccinated.

No wonder why this is one of the few Asian countries that locked back down again :smh: :smh:

No wonder why this is one of the few Asian countries that locked back down again :smh: :smh:

corrupt incompetent government + dumb careless populace = that

I have doc friends there and they're all posting warnings that their hospitals are full/closed to new COVID patients again :smh:
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