Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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corrupt incompetent government + dumb careless populace = that

I have doc friends there and they're all posting warnings that their hospitals are full/closed to new COVID patients again :smh:

Same, doctor cousin doing the same thing............and this is literally days after she got her 1st dose of the Sinovac vaccine

No wonder why this is one of the few Asian countries that locked back down again :smh: :smh:

Read that article, and it aint looking good smh. “New vaccines may come, for these new variants and the game of whack a mole will continue”.

So mutation after mutation were just gonna have to really play whack a mole with all these vaccines and keep “boosting” ourselves? Mannnn
Read that article, and it aint looking good smh. “New vaccines may come, for these new variants and the game of whack a mole will continue”.

So mutation after mutation were just gonna have to really play whack a mole with all these vaccines and keep “boosting” ourselves? Mannnn

Because we couldn't contain the spread of COVID from the start like we were able to contain the spread of the very first SARS virus years ago, COVID will now basically be another flu virus we have to keep making different vaccine boosters every "season" for different variants.

If only THE WORLD controlled the spread of COVID from the very ******* beginning last year smh
It's upsetting to think that we wouldn't have to worry about these variants if we'd been better at controlling covid (less selfish) over the past year and especially the past 6 months. But people really really needed to go to parties. But yeah, all those "let it rip through the young people while we keep the elderly protected" takes were awful.

That said, I'm still cautiously optimistic that the variants aren't going to be a big problem. If anything we'll need yearly boosters. I'm 90% certain now they'll roll out a booster vaccine in late summer.
It's upsetting to think that we wouldn't have to worry about these variants if we'd been better at controlling covid (less selfish) over the past year and especially the past 6 months. But people really really needed to go to parties. But yeah, all those "let it rip through the young people while we keep the elderly protected" takes were awful.

That said, I'm still cautiously optimistic that the variants aren't going to be a big problem. If anything we'll need yearly boosters. I'm 90% certain now they'll roll out a booster vaccine in late summer.

Considering how quickly we rolled out all these vaccines this year AND they're proven safe & effective, I'm with you that we will have our first (and possibly even second) booster vaccines for the COVID variants by the end of this year.

But after that, we're basically on high alert from this point forward for every future variant out there.

Hell, this COVID virus is really a variant of the original SARS virus..........and we already contained the original SARS already.
Considering how quickly we rolled out all these vaccines this year AND they're proven safe & effective, I'm with you that we will have our first (and possibly even second) booster vaccines for the COVID variants by the end of this year.

But after that, we're basically on high alert from this point forward for every future variant out there.

Hell, this COVID virus is really a variant of the original SARS virus..........and we already contained the original SARS already.
Yeah now we have vaccine development and production in place so we could deploy something within months or even weeks.

Same goes for testing -- with that scaled up, we could actually use it to effectively contain an outbreak. That was just theory last year but now it's possible (not when we have a million new infections in a week, but if we just had a handful).
I don't see Covid being any less dangerously than it was.

Let's put the US aside for a moment.

Pretty much every major country went into full lockdown, regardless the virus spread like crazy, pretty much every health system in the world collapsed.

We have Australia and New Zeland, but those are rich countries, able to feed their citizens and have them lockdown for the longest, but this was all deemed to happen as it is happening.

Now add all of that with the incompetence of the leader of the free world, damn the US Government wanted the world to die.

Horrible outcome. We're ******. We gotta learn how to live with all of this ... and then there is global warming.

Here in Colombia, the storms, floods, and pretty much Mother Nature is killing people everywhere, everyday a new disaster and they're forecasting rain for at least a month.

The word is going to suffer more and more the next few years. Maybe more virus will try to kill us we're a ****** up species after all.
Wishful thinking really if anyone things the variants will be controlled by boosters. I don’t see it going away as it’s highly unlikely the rest of the world will all get vaccinated enough to stop spread. At some point normal travel will occur again and the virus mutations will spread all around. It will probably be like the flu and eventually you won’t be able to even tell what you have.
Wishful thinking really if anyone things the variants will be controlled by boosters. I don’t see it going away as it’s highly unlikely the rest of the world will all get vaccinated enough to stop spread. At some point normal travel will occur again and the virus mutations will spread all around. It will probably be like the flu and eventually you won’t be able to even tell what you have.
I don't think we'll ever eradicate it. It'll just be something we live with, but instead of it being some novel, dangerous virus, it'll be something our bodies know how to fight off.
How bad do y'all think this spring break debacle affects numbers?

Can't be that bad right.

This seems worrisome but what I find encouraging is that cases doubled while hospitalizations went up 50%, which to me means that the spread is happening mostly with younger unvaccinated people (otherwise hospitalizations should've doubled as well, but there could be some lag too).

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