Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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A heads up not to get too worked up by this. A small study with an average age of 30 and not enough data to find even a single severe case or hospitalization (even with placebo)... Claims that the astrazeneca vaccine doesn't demonstrate efficacy against mild-to-moderate covid from the south africa variant. But the more accurate description would be: "not enough data collected to draw any firm conclusions about this vaccine."

We need more time and data to see how much of a threat the variants will be, but so far the larger studies have been reassuring.

But also a good reminder that we're not out of the woods yet.

to follow-up on this, T cells (as Blake P Blake P has brought up multiple times) may be what makes the difference in stopping severe infections:

So im going in to get my shot on Fordham Road, im fumbling my keys and phone at the door and this chick stops and pauses in front as shes coming out, im still fumbling my keys, she opens the door and as she walks past me goes so you just gonna wait for me to open the door? :lol: Good ol Bronx.
At this point is it mostly agreed upon that Moderna has more severe side effects?

One friend had Pfizer and had no side effects 2nd shot but my bro felt crappy after his, had to leave work. Friend with Moderna said she felt pretty bad after the 2nd shot. Ive seen peoples stories where they share their experience after the full dose and its been prett mixed. Everyone pretty much had it for the day and felt fine the next day though so its short.
when my mom went for her second moderna shot, i made sure she had tylenol at home and some soup in the fridge. she said she was sitting on the couch the next day just waiting to “feel sick” because i hyped her up, but that it never came. same happened to my sister in-law’s parents - super old and didn’t feel sick. i think i read that some older people don’t get as sick? the only two co-workers that didn’t get sick at my job were both super fit: one lady in her 40s and a guy in his 20s. it would be interesting to find out why that happens to some and not others.

Yes, this is happening at my kids' school. It seems there are more distance learners in older middle school aged kids who are old enough to stay home without constant parental supervision, while attendance in-person is higher in younger children whose parents either need to work or don't want to be the primary educator.
My homie flew to LA and is staying there for a week and change, got offered a vaccine (he has quite a few.l issues) but hasnt gotten a chance to get one here in NY yet. Obvious issue is he wont be in LA for a second dose. If he theoretically were to get his first dose there, and hopefully somehow gets a dose here for his 2nd would there be issues? Obvious issue would be he may not get that 2nd dose in the month timeline, and he would have to wait to get the same vaccine. Also would that even be “ok” as in hey I got my first dose in LA and now im back home looking for dose 2.

I told him just wait til youre back here unless you wanna fly back out to LA again or chance it with trying to wait for the 2nd dose here and be partially safe.
Got my first Pfizer shot a few days ago on Thursday. Arm didn't start even feeling a little bit sore until about 6 hours after the shot. Next day it was more tender to the touch, but not bad at all. Didn't really notice any other side effects from it, but still took it easy.

Right now arm doesn't even feel sore at all. Hopeful that in a few weeks when I get #2 that I'll be just as good.

My wife got her 2nd Pfizer shot on Wed (17th) and felt a bit of brain fog off and on during the day. Also was achy (6/10 pain scale) and her shoulder down her arm hurt(4/10) but nothing major. Her achiness was still there through last night, & she felt kind of exhausted, which makes sense with her being immunocompromised.

All in all though I'm so very thankful that a little over a year into this that she is protected.
Got my first Pfizer shot a few days ago on Thursday. Arm didn't start even feeling a little bit sore until about 6 hours after the shot. Next day it was more tender to the touch, but not bad at all. Didn't really notice any other side effects from it, but still took it easy.

Right now arm doesn't even feel sore at all. Hopeful that in a few weeks when I get #2 that I'll be just as good.

My wife got her 2nd Pfizer shot on Wed (17th) and felt a bit of brain fog off and on during the day. Also was achy (6/10 pain scale) and her shoulder down her arm hurt(4/10) but nothing major. Her achiness was still there through last night, & she felt kind of exhausted, which makes sense with her being immunocompromised.

All in all though I'm so very thankful that a little over a year into this that she is protected.

similar experience myself for my first shot. I didn’t even experience arm soreness. I could tell where they gave me the shot but didn’t feel much. Even if I get some symptoms after the second, I guess it’s fine since the first one wasn’t too bad. I was hoping for the J&J though to get it done with once
when my mom went for her second moderna shot, i made sure she had tylenol at home and some soup in the fridge. she said she was sitting on the couch the next day just waiting to “feel sick” because i hyped her up, but that it never came. same happened to my sister in-law’s parents - super old and didn’t feel sick. i think i read that some older people don’t get as sick? the only two co-workers that didn’t get sick at my job were both super fit: one lady in her 40s and a guy in his 20s. it would be interesting to find out why that happens to some and not others.
The vaccines side effects seem to mimic the effects of the virus in that some can be asymptomatic and others get really ill.
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