Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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Yeah, try to suppress your shock.


i just got back to work today. spring break just started here in houston and we are already seeing the covid patient numbers trending upwards. this is after our numbers were declining and the governor thought it would be a good idea to open up the state and relieve the mask mandate.

on march 10th texas opened back up. it is known that symptoms start to show up around the 5th day after exposure. that's the recommended time frame you are supposed to get tested. i just checked the numbers and guess what happened on march 15th in houston. new cases jumped up from 2,729 to 4,710 and on the the 16th it rose even more to 5,867 new cases .
this **** is like clockwork and so cot damn frustrating.
So, I’ve gotten both my shots. Unfortunately, as some here know, right after shot one, my number came up in ‘Rona’s Rolodex...and I got hit hard...even had to go to the hospital for it due to being borderline anemic one day and sat in there looking like a corpse on IV’s and everything. Only reason I wasn’t overnight was the unit as full. Anyway. I may not have it technically...or at least may not be contagious a month and a half later...but dammit if I’m not still feeling the heavy effects of this ****ing thing. I don’t know what’s the worst part of it, but let’s start with my lungs. I wake up every morning feeling like there is dust or smoke in my lungs and throat. It’s strange and it’s just a little bit scary. I mean, I never have been a smoker, maybe blazed a few times a month in the past (I got into the edibles early in the game) but this has me down coughing and wheezing. I can’t take a full deep breath without my chest aching and burning. It’s sucks. Then there is the fatigue. I’m still not even at a quarter of my energy before this, I feel like someone stuck kryptonite in my drawers all day. I don’t have the strength to walk through my parking lot at my office without having to stop halfway through, lean against one of my coworkers cars for a few minutes and catch my breath. It’s pathetic...and scary. I don’t even really have the strength to drive my car to work in the morning...right now, I depend on my dad to take me to work. I’m 39, depending on dad to get me to work again. I get home from work and am almost comatose (and I don’t do much but print out manifests and sales reports all day in my office once in awhile and what not...it’s not backbreaking work!) in the car on the way home. I get tired so easily, normally when I get home I’m shipping things out or getting things together and what not for friends. I have to fight to do that because around 7 I will almost just crash...and just go into a coma, sometimes not waking up until 4 in the morning to get ready for work. And there’s the sweating. I havent been a sweater for years, but I will wake up just DRENCHED in sweat and GASPING for air. My hair completely wet and shirt sopping wet...a lot of the time accompanied by a killer headache. So pop a few Tylenol. put some towels down and take the sheets to the washing machine in the morning. Also. There are the fevers...out of nowhere...they come and they go...and they make me feel like absolute ****...and the body aches are still there. Now I went to my doctor and talked about it, he told me this is what it does, and that it will PROBABLY go away...but there’s no timetable on when it will, THAT is scary... I feel trapped right now, and it’s depressing, it’s scary, and it’s maddeningly frustrating...but I KEEP trying to go forward. That’s the only ****ing thing I can do. Thing is, yeah, I’m a big boy, and this attacks fat and obese people harder..but **** this **** man. So if you aren’t wearing a mask, if you aren’t taking this seriously thinking “ah, this **** is just the flu” or are refusing to get the shot...just remember the hell I’m going through. I feel like I can’t live my life and I feel hostage. This isn’t “just the flu” and you don’t want this. It’s ****ed up. It’s mentally and physically draining. But just mask up and get the shot and you are clear...and it’s so much easier. Trust me folks. Don’t **** around and find out.
Pulling for you to make a full recovery bro.I can't believe all this happened to you after getting the first dose.
He came into the Political Thread as a Trump supporter. Defend all this racist policies.

He got called out, then he started claiming he was a policy expert that does social science research and from his research it wasn't structural racism, failing institutions, or oppressive capitalist forces that hurt minorities it was their own unwillingness to help themselves. He said he had done the research, he had the expertise, he read studies, he wrote policy, and all he talk to experts that agreed with him.

When pressed, it showed he didn't really know economics or statistics. Or anything he was talking about.

Sound familiar. :lol:

After be generally antagonistic for months, he started playing victim, then he said all his racist post and trump defending was just an act, satire, a joke.

Then he said he was cool with Trump's racism because he cut his taxes and that meant he could afford buying more cocaine.

He became more and more fragile, started editing his post to prevent from being called. He still wanted to play Charles Murray so that lead to Meth calling him out a couple times. What finally got him clipped I don't recall.

But he generally made an *** of himself.

Everything he says about his life and his expertise is probably a damn lie.
NT be full of these dudes at times
Got my first Pfizer running through my veins. I hope any and all who want one are able to get one ASAP!

Still waiting down here in southeast Pennsylvania. Though I did call my county health commission, and supposedly, they are on January 15th sign ups for the vaccine and I signed up on January 23rd. So hopefully not too much longer!

Either that or the state just allowed my hospital to receive and dispense the vaccine to their most at risk patients. Being a transplant patient I'm one of them so they are just waiting for the stock to arrive before they allow their satellite offices outside of Philly to give them out. Fingers crossed it isn't much longer of a wait.
my baby girl tested negative for covid. her fever went away and my son is back at school. even though it’s been a little drizzly and windy, we went to the beach for a short one!
Great news

You should tell you wife that the good news is cause for celebration. And no better way for the family to celebrate than letting you buy those Ar Maxes with dem Biden Bucks
A heads up not to get too worked up by this. A small study with an average age of 30 and not enough data to find even a single severe case or hospitalization (even with placebo)... Claims that the astrazeneca vaccine doesn't demonstrate efficacy against mild-to-moderate covid from the south africa variant. But the more accurate description would be: "not enough data collected to draw any firm conclusions about this vaccine."

We need more time and data to see how much of a threat the variants will be, but so far the larger studies have been reassuring.

But also a good reminder that we're not out of the woods yet.

NY has to be the only place trending up right?
sadly, no:

Note on the bottom tweet that all these states with increases tend to be further north. No surprise, it's colder and we similarly saw surges last March. That's why we should hold on with restrictions until it warms up in the next 1-2 months. Combined with more time with vaccinations, we'll be much more likely to be in the clear then. But we're being delusional idiots by opening up now. Also, I personally do think warmer/southern states don't have to be as careful in the spring.

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I had my second Moderna shot nearly a month ago and a day after the shot I felt like death. I had intense body ache and migraines and was in bed for two days.
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