Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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People didn't have a choice because they don't understand how to wear a ****ing mask and follow simple rules by public health experts

If Americans learned how to swallow their pride and act as a collective group the pandemic may have been not as bad here

But mY FrEeDom is what people only care about and their own damn biases

So what are we supposed to do? Let everyone run wild and still be in the pandemic, tell folks not to take the vaccine?

I've been in and out of the ICU since April 2020, it's asinine to see people spread misinformation about the vaccine, complain about public health measures to curb the spread, and miss me about traumatic experiences when I'm seeing patients fight for their lives
If people aren’t listening then what’s the logic behind continuing to enforce something that isn’t working? When the second shutdown was about to take place over winter, Bay Area counties locked down early voluntarily. San Mateo county did not. Their health director came out and said data doesn’t support shutting down these businesses as spread is not happening there. We will continue to educate our county on where spread is occurring (private gatherings) and what they should do to be safe. They shutdown when required by state but they were also one of the first ones to be allowed to open up and they are doing better than everyone else in the entire state just about. It’s funny Newsom now wants to used a targeted approach for vaccine rollout and hit the areas impacted the hardest by outbreaks. These were the same areas that forced entire counties to close down. Why not a targeted approach then? Oakland was hit hard and I live over 40 miles away with far fewer cases yet everything was shutdown the same.

Also healthcare spent the entire year telling people not to be selfish yet the entire industry was just that when it came to vaccine rollout. Vaccinating front line healthcare was an obvious priority but they got several months to vaccinate their entire industry. People that don’t even see patients were vaccinated before the higher risk people.
I appreciate your story and feel terrible that people had to experience this. I also appreciate your help throughout the pandemic. Sincerely.

I ask that you take a look at this chart, with a keen eye on who you might think suffers the most from lockdowns. There is no doubt we lost years of people's lives, but we have lost ENTIRE lives due to lockdowns. We have ruined far more people than who have died of COVID. Not to mention, there are 0 studies that statistically prove that lockdowns worked to do anything other than ruin people mentally and financially. NY is a **** show. California is a **** show. Two of the most locked down places in America.

You're pulling this right out your *** famb
Appreciate the thoughtful response. I do not agree with you, but appreciate it. Your choking example is in no way applicable.

The way people just simply dismiss mental illness in this country because granny died .4 years before she otherwise would have and happened to die with COVID, diagnosed after the fact, is the biggest travesty of my lifetime. People genuinely do not understand how traumatic the last year has been on the future, both financially with this asinine stimulus, to mentally from lockdowns.

Well sorry you disagree. My wife is a doctor who runs a Covid clinic on Wednesdays and this is how this works.
If people aren’t listening then what’s the logic behind continuing to enforce something that isn’t working? When the second shutdown was about to take place over winter, Bay Area counties locked down early voluntarily. San Mateo county did not. Their health director came out and said data doesn’t support shutting down these businesses as spread is not happening there. We will continue to educate our county on where spread is occurring (private gatherings) and what they should do to be safe. They shutdown when required by state but they were also one of the first ones to be allowed to open up and they are doing better than everyone else in the entire state just about. It’s funny Newsom now wants to used a targeted approach for vaccine rollout and hit the areas impacted the hardest by outbreaks. These were the same areas that forced entire counties to close down. Why not a targeted approach then? Oakland was hit hard and I live over 40 miles away with far fewer cases yet everything was shutdown the same.

Also healthcare spent the entire year telling people not to be selfish yet the entire industry was just that when it came to vaccine rollout. Vaccinating front line healthcare was an obvious priority but they got several months to vaccinate their entire industry. People that don’t even see patients were vaccinated before the higher risk people.

Okay what's the logic of fully opening up? infecting more people and leading to more deaths?

My point was if people bought into the idea of social distancing and wearing masks starting from the beginning of the pandemic, then we wouldn't be in this situation and may get closer to normalcy

If you look at countries like New Zealand, South Korea, and Taiwan who had consistent messaging from the federal government and everyone listened to public health officials their infection rates are much lower, and life over there is "normal"
Okay what's the logic of fully opening up? infecting more people and leading to more deaths?

My point was if people bought into the idea of social distancing and wearing masks starting from the beginning of the pandemic, then we wouldn't be in this situation and be closer to normalcy

If you look at countries like New Zealand, South Korea, and Taiwan who had consistent messaging from the federal government and everyone listened to public health officials their infection rates are much lower, and life over there is "normal"
When Fauci told us that masks wont work and it won't be as bad as the Flu, the country was doomed. Because I know damn well I didn't listen to a lick of the administration.
Okay what's the logic of fully opening up? infecting more people and leading to more deaths?

My point was if people bought into the idea of social distancing and wearing masks starting from the beginning of the pandemic, then we wouldn't be in this situation and may get closer to normalcy

If you look at countries like New Zealand, South Korea, and Taiwan who had consistent messaging from the federal government and everyone listened to public health officials their infection rates are much lower, and life over there is "normal"

You open up industries not contributing to spread. You use a targeted approach vs a blanket closure of entire counties. CA was first to shutdown and got the mask mandate early. Most people wear masks yet we still had closures even with low cases and spread. This whole thing became political and Newsom didn’t use data to justify what he was doing. Allowing cities to open up with little to no cases would seem too republican. Like I said our community suffered lockdowns even though we did our part but a community 40 miles away had issues with compliance and had spread is not ok. People lost everything for nothing.
I wonder if there was this much hatred and vitriol towards the MMR (mumps, measles, rubella), polio, tetanus, Tdap vaccines back in the day when those came out as there are towards Covid.

I imagine the majority of people in ages 30 & Up all had those vaccines and didn’t blink an eye at it.
I wonder if there was this much hatred and vitriol towards the MMR (mumps, measles, rubella), polio, tetanus, Tdap vaccines back in the day when those came out as there are towards Covid.

I imagine the majority of people in ages 30 & Up all had those vaccines and didn’t blink an eye at it.
Took it without question for things we never saw, but we actually see 500k people die and are apprehensive.
If Americans learned how to swallow their pride and act as a collective group the pandemic may have been not as bad here

The fact that there were 50 different governments/thousands of counties all imposing their own separate rules for dealing with COVID screwed this country over so badly. My relatives overseas are baffled at how one state could have strict rules while others had absolutely nothing, yet interstate travel was allowed anyway. You've got people living in strict areas flying to Miami, Atlanta, Houston, etc. to have the time of their lives while a single small outbreak in an Australian/New Zealand city puts the entire region/country on complete lockdown.

Americans are not able to think long term. A week or two of lockdown so things can get back to normal messes with their "freedom", so instead they have to deal with a year+ of restrictions and being banned from traveling to most of the world. They want to equate COVID lockdowns to prison; imagine being in prison for 2 weeks and then instead of sucking it up, you continuously break the rules so that those 2 weeks become a year+ of imprisonment, and instead of being able to explore the entire world, you can only hang out at the rec yard. Amazing logic
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Silly Question of the day: If the vaccine doesn't stop the vaccinated person from spreading the disease and from what we know Children mostly experience asymptomatic cases when they are infected then wouldn't vaccinating all adults while children naturally get it and build antibodies/immunity result in the same thing?
Or does asymptomatic infection not produce antibodies?
I appreciate your story and feel terrible that people had to experience this. I also appreciate your help throughout the pandemic. Sincerely.

I ask that you take a look at this chart, with a keen eye on who you might think suffers the most from lockdowns. There is no doubt we lost years of people's lives, but we have lost ENTIRE lives due to lockdowns. We have ruined far more people than who have died of COVID. Not to mention, there are 0 studies that statistically prove that lockdowns worked to do anything other than ruin people mentally and financially. NY is a **** show. California is a **** show. Two of the most locked down places in America.

Welp...I'm done walking the dogs. Time to address this nonsense:

1. What metrics are you basing the assertion of "NY is a **** show" off of? I live and work in NY. My hospital is in a county with one of the highest positivity percentage rates throughout the second wave and we're in no way, shape, or form a "**** show." We have a designated COVID unit with about 10-15 patients currently as well as about 5-8 other ICU cases. There has been no bussing of patients from busier hospitals, no fighting over ventilators, no ICU spillover onto floors not equipped to deal with ICU patients, no moratorium on elective procedures, etc. Our patient load is very manageable and we're basically operating close to the way we used to before COVID hit. Hell...we're even starting to allow visitation again. Indoor dining is ramping up and things are about as close to normal as they've been in the past year.

2. The point that there are no studies that prove lockdowns work is objectively false. A study of the Wuhan outbreak indicated that the time for the number of cases to double rose from 2 days to 4 days, indicating a slowing down in transmission due to lockdown measures (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32181488/). There's also this one that suggests that lockdowns in Italy reduced transmission by 45% (https://www.pnas.org/content/117/19/10484)

3. Again, you're using mental health as a prop for your bogus argument. When you put posts like this into the context of your history on this forum, it becomes pretty clear that you don't really care about underserved individuals until you can use them as cannon fodder. Has this country had an ineffective response to the mental health crisis? Undoubtedly, and that statement was just as true far before COVID was even a rumor. You're placing blame on "the lockdowns" for ruining people mentally and financially, but your brain seems to stop dead in its tracks at that point and doesn't ask why we didn't have a stronger response from the Federal Government to provide sufficient aid for these vulnerable individuals. Why is that?

Also I find it a little odd that you trust your wife, the Emergency Medicine physician, more than you trust the overall consensus of Infectious Disease specialists. I could cite the director of Family Medicine at my job, who is an anti-vax weirdo that believes in Bigfoot and was convinced that Donald Trump was going to be secretly inaugurated on March 4th, but that would be cherry-picking one "expert" opinion in a sea of research from more specialized individuals that completely contradict what he's saying. I'm not interested in the confirmation bias from some finance bro, and no one else should be either.
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Silly Question of the day: If the vaccine doesn't stop the vaccinated person from spreading the disease and from what we know Children mostly experience asymptomatic cases when they are infected then wouldn't vaccinating all adults while children naturally get it and build antibodies/immunity result in the same thing?
Or does asymptomatic infection not produce antibodies?

It's not that the vaccine doesn't stop asymptomatic infection and spread, it's that in most trials that simply was not studied. More than likely it stops the majority (Pfizer was 94% in Israel real world data) of infections and will certainly lead to lower viral loads and lower transmission in vaccinated individuals. As I posted yesterday, more children died from COVID in the past year than in the prior influenza season, so it's not like it's a completely harmless virus as many would have you believe. That is despite the fact that most schools were closed and parents were keeping kids home and/or wearing masks, so child infections and deaths would certainly have been much higher in a "normal" year where there were no restrictions. As whywesteppin whywesteppin pointed out, herd immunity could be reached without vaccinating children if enough adults are vaccinated, but I have my doubts. As a parent, I want my children (6 and 9 y/o) vaccinated ASAP to feel more comfortable sending them back to school and getting back to some semblance of normal life again. It has also been proven that vaccination leads to higher immune response than natural infection in most healthy adults so giving previously infected people at least one dose of vaccine will go even further toward protecting the population.
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Welp...I'm done walking the dogs. Time to address this nonsense:

1. What metrics are you basing the assertion of "NY is a **** show" off of? I live and work in NY. My hospital is in a county with one of the highest positivity percentage rates throughout the second wave and we're in no way, shape, or form a "**** show." We have a designated COVID unit with about 10-15 patients currently as well as about 5-8 other ICU cases. There has been no bussing of patients from busier hospitals, no fighting over ventilators, no ICU spillover onto floors not equipped to deal with ICU patients, no moratorium on elective procedures, etc. Our patient load is very manageable and we're basically operating close to the way we used to before COVID hit. Hell...we're even starting to allow visitation again. Indoor dining is ramping up and things are about as close to normal as they've been in the past year.

2. The point that there are no studies that prove lockdowns work is objectively false. A study of the Wuhan outbreak indicated that the time for the number of cases to double rose from 2 days to 4 days, indicating a slowing down in transmission due to lockdown measures (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32181488/). There's also this one that suggests that lockdowns in Italy reduced transmission by 45% (https://www.pnas.org/content/117/19/10484)

3. Again, you're using mental health as a prop for your bogus argument. When you put posts like this into the context of your history on this forum, it becomes pretty clear that you don't really care about underserved individuals until you can use them as cannon fodder. Has this country had an ineffective response to the mental health crisis? Undoubtedly, and that statement was just as true far before COVID was even a rumor. You're placing blame on "the lockdowns" for ruining people mentally and financially, but your brain seems to stop dead in its tracks at that point and doesn't ask why we didn't have a stronger response from the Federal Government to provide sufficient aid for these vulnerable individuals. Why is that?

Also I find it a little odd that you trust your wife, the Emergency Medicine physician, more than you trust the overall consensus of Infectious Disease specialists. I could cite the director of Family Medicine at my job, who is an anti-vax weirdo who believes in Bigfoot and was convinced that Donald Trump was going to be secretly inaugurated on March 4th, but that would be cherry-picking one "expert" opinion in a sea of research from more specialized individuals that completely contradict what he's saying. I'm not interested in the confirmation bias from some finance bro, and no one else should be either.
Great talk.

1. Death rate per capita - NY = **** Show
2. Show me the impact on mental health, comparing and contrasting the cost / benefits of such decisions. You can't because no one cares enough.
3. Because I support having the option to not pay people for internships, and I prefer to wait until the science is settled on the vaccine, e.g., fertility, I don't care about the underserved? The lockdowns have undoubtedly hastened the mental decline of - wait for it, wait for it - mostly the underserved population and created vastly more mental illness - wait for it, wait for it - in the underserved community. Que?
4. Yes, I trust my wife. I have actually spent the last year in the BioTech space and advised companies on phase financials. I have had access to everyone in the larger companies. I am not just spouting nonsense.

I appreciate your perspective and respect your decisions.
It's not that the vaccine doesn't stop asymptomatic infection and spread, it's that in most trials that simply was not studied. More than likely it stops the majority (Pfizer was 94% in Israel real world data) of infections and will certainly lead to lower viral loads and lower transmission in vaccinated individuals. As I posted yesterday, more children died from COVID in the past year than in the prior influenza season, so it's not like it's a completely harmless virus as many would have you believe. That is despite the fact that most schools were closed and parents were keeping kids home and/or wearing masks, so child infections and deaths would certainly have been much higher in a "normal" year where there were no restrictions. As whywesteppin whywesteppin pointed out, herd immunity could be reached without vaccinating children if enough adults are vaccinated, but I have my doubts. As a parent, I want my children (6 and 9 y/o) vaccinated ASAP to feel more comfortable sending them back to school and getting back to some semblance of normal life again. It has also been proven that vaccination leads to higher immune response than natural infection in most healthy adults so giving previously infected people at least one dose of vaccine will go even further toward protecting the population.
The article you posted flatly admits that flu deaths are underreported. When is the last time you heard anyone care about child flu deaths?
Great talk.

1. Death rate per capita - NY = **** Show
2. Show me the impact on mental health, comparing and contrasting the cost / benefits of such decisions. You can't because no one cares enough.
3. Because I support having the option to not pay people for internships, and I prefer to wait until the science is settled on the vaccine, e.g., fertility, I don't care about the underserved? The lockdowns have undoubtedly hastened the mental decline of - wait for it, wait for it - mostly the underserved population and created vastly more mental illness - wait for it, wait for it - in the underserved community. Que?
4. Yes, I trust my wife. I have actually spent the last year in the BioTech space and advised companies on phase financials. I have had access to everyone in the larger companies. I am not just spouting nonsense.

I appreciate your perspective and respect your decisions.
Almost 24 hours later, there's some pain in my arm where I was vaccinated and I have some chills.

Felt the same way but sub in the chills with a slight migraine (I’m also prone to migraines so I’m sure this exacerbated it). Not looking forward to the day after on round 2 lol
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