Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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For anyone wondering where we’re at with vaccine trials for children, it seems to be moving along slowly, but surely. Herd immunity will not be possible without them.

The most surprising takeaway from the article for me was that more kids have died of COVID in the past year than in the prior (2019-2020) flu season. This is WITH schools closed and many parents keeping their kids sheltered and wearing masks, so I’m sure the toll would have been much worse with no precautions or restrictions.
Herd immunity will not be possible without them.
Keeping in mind that herd immunity is not some hard threshold, we may be able to reach it with just 70% of the population vaccinated, for example. Now, if 40% of adults refuse the vaccine, then we will need children to be vaccinated. But if it's more like 15%, then we may not. A big factor is that covid-19 spread is pretty skewed -- one person may spread it to 0 people while somebody else may spread it to 25. If the superspreaders are vaccinated and if kids are not superspreaders, then we may not need to vaccinate them, at least not urgently.

I’m sure the toll would have been much worse with no precautions or restrictions.
I've been wanting to emphasize this point, not just for kids but as a population. If we hadn't locked down last spring and just let covid-19 rip through, we'd have at least 1 million dead. As it stands, we sort of let it rip this fall/winter and saw an additional 300k die with better treatments on hand.

Also, people are still trying to compare Texas/Florida to NYC in terms of whether restrictions work and which areas did better handling covid-19. It's absolutely insane to me that people still don't understand how respiratory viruses spread (hint: it's directly proportional to population density, and that multiplies with each "generation" of virus transmission).

We've learned next to nothing and the myths from early 2020 are still abundant today. And now we have violent racist attacks against Asians because of a clown of an ex-president who still thinks it's funny to call this the "China virus".

ok that's all for now.... just had to rant a bit.
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One of things I a looking forward is to after herd immunity is reach is my mans wallyhopp wallyhopp going to the grocery store in peace.

Ole boy complained about that **** so much. :lol:

Mans gonna be up in Albertsons wildin like...
My favorite part of any covid study is reading how people who die for any old reason after taking the vaccine, i.e. WITH the covid vaccine, are not counted as covid vaccine deaths, but people who die for any old reason and have covid, i.e. WITH covid, are considered covid deaths.
My favorite part of any covid study is reading how people who die for any old reason after taking the vaccine, i.e. WITH the covid vaccine, are not counted as covid vaccine deaths, but people who die for any old reason and have covid, i.e. WITH covid, are considered covid deaths.
I'm curious if you've crunched the numbers to see how much of an effect this is. We know the number of excess deaths and the test positivity of covid over time so you could do some quick back-of-the-envelope calculations.
I'm curious if you've crunched the numbers to see how much of an effect this is. We know the number of excess deaths and the test positivity of covid over time so you could do some quick back-of-the-envelope calculations.
How much of an effect what is? The bill that the house is voting on for child abuse due to the lockdowns?
One of things I a looking forward is to after herd immunity is reach is my mans wallyhopp wallyhopp going to the grocery store in peace.

Ole boy complained about that **** so much. :lol:

Mans gonna be up in Albertsons wildin like...
Thanks for reminding me, I haven’t complained in awhile. You gotta give me credit.
All it took was a person freezing to death and reports of people peeing and pooping their pants for the governor to let up and let grocery stores open. We were the only state in the world to flat out close grocery stores (not all of them. But it was getting close. The MSM did finally call her out on it). I think I was well within normal means to complain. These weren’t normal actions. And all the while; it comes out last month that her team was using taxpayer money to buy booze and wagyu beef and party it up at the governors mansion, but I’m the bad guy for calling out waiting in line an hour for some eggs and milk. All that for a state that’s been consistently average in cases and deaths per capita. As the most locked down, we should be better than that.
My favorite part of any covid study is reading how people who die for any old reason after taking the vaccine, i.e. WITH the covid vaccine, are not counted as covid vaccine deaths, but people who die for any old reason and have covid, i.e. WITH covid, are considered covid deaths.

The only way someone can die from the direct result of any vaccine is anaphylactic shock. Flu shot, tdp (tetanus/diphtheria/whooping cough vaccine), mmr, polio, etc. All the ones you got as a kid. The cause of death would literally be the shot. The Covid vaccine fits into this as well because it’s administered via a needle. With the shear amount of vaccines already given I believe it’s said you could count mysterious deaths on one hand that may or may not be Covid vaccine related.

With Covid, it’s hard to say patient A’s breathing was NOT deeply affected by Covid. Patient A stopped breathing in the hospital. Let’s say they had a history of smoking, COPD, and congestive heart failure. While this person has a lot of underlying conditions that can cause death the main cause of death would be Covid because it’s what finally shut down this persons breathing.

My aunt currently has COPD, history of smoking, and congestive heart failure yet she is still living. She is currently on oxygen. If she died tomorrow it would be complications of those underlying conditions. If she were to get Covid, her death would be that because of current medical knowledge in how it affects the body. Do the underlying conditions play a role in that? Absolutely. But the main cause to stop her breathing would be Covid.

Just like if she choked on a peanut m&m. The cause of death is choking. The underlying conditions didn’t help but again based on medical knowledge, choking would be the cause of death.

Covid is no different here.
The only way someone can die from the direct result of any vaccine is anaphylactic shock. Flu shot, tdp (tetanus/diphtheria/whooping cough vaccine), mmr, polio, etc. All the ones you got as a kid. The cause of death would literally be the shot. The Covid vaccine fits into this as well because it’s administered via a needle. With the shear amount of vaccines already given I believe it’s said you could count mysterious deaths on one hand that may or may not be Covid vaccine related.

With Covid, it’s hard to say patient A’s breathing was NOT deeply affected by Covid. Patient A stopped breathing in the hospital. Let’s say they had a history of smoking, COPD, and congestive heart failure. While this person has a lot of underlying conditions that can cause death the main cause of death would be Covid because it’s what finally shut down this persons breathing.

My aunt currently has COPD, history of smoking, and congestive heart failure yet she is still living. She is currently on oxygen. If she died tomorrow it would be complications of those underlying conditions. If she were to get Covid, her death would be that because of current medical knowledge in how it affects the body. Do the underlying conditions play a role in that? Absolutely. But the main cause to stop her breathing would be Covid.

Just like if she choked on a peanut m&m. The cause of death is choking. The underlying conditions didn’t help but again based on medical knowledge, choking would be the cause of death.

Covid is no different here.
Appreciate the thoughtful response. I do not agree with you, but appreciate it. Your choking example is in no way applicable.

The way people just simply dismiss mental illness in this country because granny died .4 years before she otherwise would have and happened to die with COVID, diagnosed after the fact, is the biggest travesty of my lifetime. People genuinely do not understand how traumatic the last year has been on the future, both financially with this asinine stimulus, to mentally from lockdowns.
Appreciate the thoughtful response. I do not agree with you, but appreciate it. Your choking example is in no way applicable.

The way people just simply dismiss mental illness in this country because granny died .4 years before she otherwise would have and happened to die with COVID, diagnosed after the fact, is the biggest travesty of my lifetime. People genuinely do not understand how traumatic the last year has been on the future, both financially with this asinine stimulus, to mentally from lockdowns.

I agree with you.People overlook these other issues. People don’t even have a choice to pick what might be best for them. When this pandemic is over, all of these issues will be left for people to deal with on their own. That’s why I support the Newsom recall. He didn’t share data to justify what he was closing so therefore he can go.
People didn't have a choice because they don't understand how to wear a ******* mask and follow simple rules by public health experts

If Americans learned how to swallow their pride and act as a collective group the pandemic may have been not as bad here

But mY FrEeDom is what people only care about and their own damn biases

So what are we supposed to do? Let everyone run wild and still be in the pandemic, tell folks not to take the vaccine?

I've been in and out of the ICU since April 2020, it's asinine to see people spread misinformation about the vaccine, complain about public health measures to curb the spread, and miss me about traumatic experiences when I'm seeing patients fight for their lives
Appreciate the thoughtful response. I do not agree with you, but appreciate it. Your choking example is in no way applicable.

The way people just simply dismiss mental illness in this country because granny died .4 years before she otherwise would have and happened to die with COVID, diagnosed after the fact, is the biggest travesty of my lifetime. People genuinely do not understand how traumatic the last year has been on the future, both financially with this asinine stimulus, to mentally from lockdowns.
If you think it's just "granny dying .4 years before she otherwise would have," I would implore you to speak with critical care workers about the demographics they saw in their ICUs and CCUs.

Having worked through both waves of COVID in NY, this was NOT the case. I saw countless individuals with no prior medical history end up intubated and maxed out on vasopressor drugs, the vast majority of which didn't make it. I also saw even more people in their late 40s-early 70s with nonsignificant/expected medical histories in the throws of death because of COVID. These were not people who "would have died .4 years later anyways." These were people who attended large family gatherings and other events and caught it from someone there. They were living otherwise normal lives prior to COVID and they ended up dead when the only variable that had changed was their exposure to COVID.

Mental illness is swept under the rug in this country--no doubt about it. It just seems like you're using it as a prop for your argument in order to minimize how devastating COVID was on our healthcare system and economy overall.
If you think it's just "granny dying .4 years before she otherwise would have," I would implore you to speak with critical care workers about the demographics they saw in their ICUs and CCUs.

Having worked through both waves of COVID in NY, this was NOT the case. I saw countless individuals with no prior medical history end up intubated and maxed out on vasopressor drugs, the vast majority of which didn't make it. I also saw even more people in their late 40s-early 70s with nonsignificant/expected medical histories in the throws of death because of COVID. These were not people who "would have died .4 years later anyways." These were people who attended large family gatherings and other events and caught it from someone there. They were living otherwise normal lives prior to COVID and they ended up dead when the only variable that had changed was their exposure to COVID.

Mental illness is swept under the rug in this country--no doubt about it. It just seems like you're using it as a prop for your argument in order to minimize how devastating COVID was on our healthcare system and economy overall.
I appreciate your story and feel terrible that people had to experience this. I also appreciate your help throughout the pandemic. Sincerely.

I ask that you take a look at this chart, with a keen eye on who you might think suffers the most from lockdowns. There is no doubt we lost years of people's lives, but we have lost ENTIRE lives due to lockdowns. We have ruined far more people than who have died of COVID. Not to mention, there are 0 studies that statistically prove that lockdowns worked to do anything other than ruin people mentally and financially. NY is a **** show. California is a **** show. Two of the most locked down places in America.

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