Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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Scheduled a second dose through CVS since Walgreens did me dirty :smh: Told me I was on my own to secure a second dose since I technically glitched my way into getting dose 1 but not dose 2 through their system. Apparently Walgreens doesn't let you schedule dose 2 on its own until a day before you're due, and with the uncertainty and unavailability of appointments in their system, I didn't want that stress :lol:. Super relieved to have an appointment locked down now.

I feel you buddy. I'm in Pennsylvania, and am in tier 1A (transplant patient) and by the state's definition I qualify, but I don't on Walgreen's website?!! Seriously?!! This whole runaround trying to find an appointment is such a pain! Really getting me stressed and depressed! 😞😞 Pennsylvania supposedly is one of the worst state to get a shot scheduled. I try several hours a day on those sites to find one and still no luck. 😢😢

Don't know if I should just go into Walgreen's and ask why I don't qualify for one by their definition.
I feel you buddy. I'm in Pennsylvania, and am in tier 1A (transplant patient) and by the state's definition I qualify, but I don't on Walgreen's website?!! Seriously?!! This whole runaround trying to find an appointment is such a pain! Really getting me stressed and depressed! 😞😞 Pennsylvania supposedly is one of the worst state to get a shot scheduled. I try several hours a day on those sites to find one and still no luck. 😢😢

Don't know if I should just go into Walgreen's and ask why I don't qualify for one by their definition.

Walgreens was super tedious for me. I generally did my searches in the early morning hours at other locations like Giant, Safeway, and CVS and finally had some luck. You might want to start out earlier if you haven't been doing so already.
If anyone needs some throw away masks.

Costco Members: 50-Count FLTR 3-Layer Disposable Face Mask w/ Elastic Ear Loop

Buyer beware: Aaron Collins tested these at 11.1% filtration efficiency when used on its own. He indicates that the filtration media is good, so it could be a good one to cover with a snug fitting cloth mask to get better filtration.
:rofl: I was about to tag you and ask if these were legit.

Ok. Edit your post out.

I will delete.

I honestly don't think they're bad for certain low risk situations where masks are required. It's just that most basic procedural masks don't seal well enough to provide protection to the wearer. The only reason I posted that is because I don't want anyone walking around thinking they're actually protected indoors wearing one. As AC mentioned in the video, the 3 layer filtration media is good because he got excellent results by sealing the mask with his hands. This would be perfect for a base layer when double masking with your favorite "cute" printed cloth mask over it.
So Pfizer requires 3 doses along with yearly “booster shots” and they’re raising prices?
Pfizer is testing giving a third dose to see if we would benefit from a yearly booster and/or if it would help for covering any new variants of covid-19. It's good that they're thinking ahead so that we're not caught off guard again.

Also, all the vaccines are 100% covered in the USA. If anybody paid for your vaccine, go get your money back.

tay1 tay1 , if you're referring to something else, let me know. But this is what I assume you're referring to: https://time.com/5942219/pfizer-third-dose-covid-19-vaccine/
Where do you guys stand on the idea of vaccination passports? In theory, it would make perfect sense to provide an incentive to get more people vaccinated if they are allowed to do more and feel comfortable that they are surrounded by other people who are also “safe” but of course it would also require companies to actually enforce it. I read that the US Government has no interest in issuing one. I think it’s a mistake to leave it up to some other entity to centralize and standardize the process, if it is going to exist. It will get complicated when one is required by other countries to enter and we don’t have one.
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Where do you guys stand on the idea of vaccination passports? In theory, it would make perfect sense to provide an incentive to get more people vaccinated if they are allowed to do more and feel comfortable that they are surrounded by other people who are also “safe” but of course it would also require companies to actually enforce it. I read that the US Government has no interest in issuing one. I think it’s a mistake to leave it up to some other entity to centralize and standardize the process, if it is going to exist. It will get complicated when one is required by other countries to enter and we don’t have one.
it may not matter. current vaccination trajectory may be enough to put this behind us without anything else.

however, I do worry that lots of people won't get the vaccine because by the time it's their turn the numbers will be so low that they'll figure it's not needed. and then we'll enter the fall with 50% unvaccinated and no restrictions and we'll have a fall surge. so incentivizing vaccination would be nice but I don't know the best way. requiring proof of vaccination in order to go anywhere without a mask would be one step. restricting travel would be another, or maybe designate half the plane for vaccinated people and put everybody else in the back. theaters and grocery stores could do similar things -- have vaccination-only hours and/or require masks only for the unvaccinated. and I'm talking here about 3+ months from now, once everybody has had a chance to get vaccinated.

I don't know what's in it for these companies, though, so ultimately the federal government should step in in some form.
Enjoying society is a responsibility of yourself towards others. I’m for a passport and for those that don’t have it you limit their ability to enjoy certain fruits of society. Think large gatherings like sporting events indoors, Broadway shows, even flying.

This whole anti vax movement is such horse****. We eliminated polio, smallpox, measles, and countless other viruses all within 40-50 years of vaccines and now we are starting to let people decide again so some of these viruses have a chance to mutate since they’ll have hosts again? Yea catch with that...

You want to go back to normal, well it does have a cost. A vaccine is a small price to pay.
Walgreens was super tedious for me. I generally did my searches in the early morning hours at other locations like Giant, Safeway, and CVS and finally had some luck. You might want to start out earlier if you haven't been doing so already.

Thanks buddy. Sadly, I've done that multiple days. I get up around 5 am to feed our cats and while I sit with the one I check the sites. Another strike for PA, the grocery stores didn't get any either. No Giant, No Walmart, no Costco. Only Rite Aid, CVS and Walgreens with the county health commission. That's it. Slim picking for us here. 😞
So my friend managed to avoid COVID for an entire year. Worked throughout the pandemic everyday, rode the subway, worked his construction job around a bunch of goons, and now when things are "getting back to normal and cases are dropping" he got it. :smh:

Dang, pandemic “fatigue” in the sense maybe all the precautions he was doing before he kinda eased up a bit since he got used to it I guess. Or just honestly unlucky. Sucks though, hope hes well.
EU fumbling the ball after having come this far. They cheaped out and instead of getting the vaccines early, they're now locking down again.

Shows once again -- can't have an economy until you get the virus under control. The investment in public health pays off a hundred-fold.
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