Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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We so ****** up politically his directions won't mean ****. Red states will do anything to stick it to him even if they secretly agree it's the right move
its crazy. everytime i see the word president i have ptsd and think im gonna read something absolutely ridiculous. then it ends up being biden making another sensible and logical decision. i can exhale and relax. it's like my body is preparing to get angry.
That's what's confusing. It's your own body giving you symptoms? The same symptoms that an active virus would give you?
If the mRna vaccine is injecting a "dud" with a crown replica that essentially doesn't do anything harmful to your system then the reaction/side effects/symptoms are what you get when your immune cells are operating?
I understand the "dud" is a foreign invader but it's not a virus that can cause damage in itself.

Yes. It’s your body reacting to the foreigner.
Yes. It’s your body reacting to the foreigner.

Imagine your body is 'Merica, the bacteria/virus/vaccine is a migrant caravan, and the immune system is US Border Patrol. Border Patrol is gonna do it's patriotic duty to keep that migrant caravan from doing any damage to the good old USA, and sometimes drastic/"illegal" measures must be taken for the greater good. It hurts at first but in the end it's all in service to the good ol' US of A. And in the end, the Border Patrol and Our America is all that much more stronger

To go further, sometimes these migrants (bacterial infections) get in and are caught by ICE (macrophages). They can be held in detention (engulfed by the macrophage) and after processing, deported (marked for apoptosis/cell death).

My initial reaction is that Seattle and San Francisco did well in part because of the general affluence in both areas that allowed large numbers of their populations to work from home and continue making a living
How does one go about getting the shot?

I have no idea where to even start looking. I have Kaiser. Live in California. Under 65.
I would try to book an appointment online through CVS or Walgreens if you’re in one of the current groups eligible for vaccination. My friend was not in the current tier and just got his first dose this week at Walgreens simply by asking the pharmacist to place him on a call list if they had any extra doses at the end of the day. They always do and apparently they usually end up throwing them away. On the other hand, I have a family friend whose employer was hosting a vaccination clinic and threw away 50+ doses at the end of the day rather than offering them to employees outside of the current tier.

They had less restrictions than say New Mexico (top 15 deaths per capita). But even Oregon is super low on all of the charts. Is this demographic related or mandates and shutdowns? Some regions are sadly fatter and less healthy. Even LA got hit hard early on, and then into Houston and then El Paso.
How does one go about getting the shot?

I have no idea where to even start looking. I have Kaiser. Live in California. Under 65.

this is to check your eligibility in CA. We’re moving into the next tier on Monday, I’ll be eligible (16-65 yo, preexisting condition, not essential worker). For sure you can find a vaccination site for your county and grab an appointment. If you wanna go through Kaiser/your primary care doc id hit them up first for guidance.
^are they verifying employment? what ID do you need to show if you say, for instance, work in a school?
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