Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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I thought it was obvious in person learning was as risky as anything else? And beyond that, all calls to get kids back in school were pretty much coming from parents who were hindered by at home schooling, whether that hindrance was not being able to work themselves, or just having their mid day free time taken away from them. The parents didnt care about the risk the kids and teachers were at. I thought this was all obvious.
Yeah, realistically kids aren't going to die (in great numbers anyway) but having them mix with even small numbers is a massive vector for disease spread. My kids go back 1.5 days from next week - so basically each class 1/3 capacity and I have no idea why they're doing that 2 weeks before the Easter break.

It does seem to be done solely to appease the "won't you please just think about the children" crowd - who are hugely irrational but seem to have a loud voice.
Seeing as how kids spread the flu, something we've all experienced and seen with our own eyes, not sure how they were trying to get that off.

The Karens were sick of little Meyers telling her he hate her all day and playing COD instead of doing his school work. This country does the bare minimum for education so any time they say "Think about the kids" I'm calling bs.
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:smh: today is the day everything opens up 100% and maskless

shoutout to the majority of the businesses who are still enforcing the same rules in spite of what the dumbass governor says

Definitely, and based on this report, it is also nice to see a majority of the general public (except in Houston apparently, since the reports states folk started complaining about one Houston restaurant's mask order...........smh) are also making mindful preferences of which places to go to with mask advisors than ones without it
Yes I believe so. Its your body reacting to a foreign invader/object/thingie.
It's the immune system.
That's what's confusing. It's your own body giving you symptoms? The same symptoms that an active virus would give you?
If the mRna vaccine is injecting a "dud" with a crown replica that essentially doesn't do anything harmful to your system then the reaction/side effects/symptoms are what you get when your immune cells are operating?
I understand the "dud" is a foreign invader but it's not a virus that can cause damage in itself.

NY strain? It was only a matter of time.
That's what's confusing. It's your own body giving you symptoms? The same symptoms that an active virus would give you?
If the mRna vaccine is injecting a "dud" with a crown replica that essentially doesn't do anything harmful to your system then the reaction/side effects/symptoms are what you get when your immune cells are operating?
I understand the "dud" is a foreign invader but it's not a virus that can cause damage in itself.

from what I’ve read/seen the side effects of the vaccine are basic: injection site pain, headache, fatigue, fever etc. those things can happen with any vaccine or infection response. Raising body temp helps to fight off infection, and mounting an immune response takes a lot of your bodies’ energy.

I haven’t heard of people getting covid symptoms after the vaccine.

edit: unless their having an allergic reaction/anaphylaxis, then that for sure can resemble a respiratory infection and be severe
from what I’ve read/seen the side effects of the vaccine are basic: injection site pain, headache, fatigue, fever etc. those things can happen with any vaccine or infection response. Raising body temp helps to fight off infection, and mounting an immune response takes a lot of your bodies’ energy.

I haven’t heard of people getting covid symptoms after the vaccine.

edit: unless their having an allergic reaction/anaphylaxis, then that for sure can resemble a respiratory infection and be severe
Yeah, it’s your body saying “kick back and hold my beer, I was trained to fight this spike protein looking thing.” The reason you feel unwell is by design so you don’t expend the energy your immune system needs. This is why it’s not advised to exercise when you’re sick.
I’m 25 hours post second dose and feel real achy RN. Started around 4am and had to take 500mg of Tylenol to sleep.
That's what's confusing. It's your own body giving you symptoms? The same symptoms that an active virus would give you?
If the mRna vaccine is injecting a "dud" with a crown replica that essentially doesn't do anything harmful to your system then the reaction/side effects/symptoms are what you get when your immune cells are operating?
I understand the "dud" is a foreign invader but it's not a virus that can cause damage in itself.
When you have a fever due to a cold or flu that is the immune system causing your fever as well. The body heats itself up on purpose to fight off all foreign invaders...the immune system is not smart enough to distinguish between a vaccine and a virus.
Yeah, it’s your body saying “kick back and hold my beer, I was trained to fight this spike protein looking thing.” The reason you feel unwell is by design so you don’t expend the energy your immune system needs. This is why it’s not advised to exercise when you’re sick.
I’m 25 hours post second dose and feel real achy RN. Started around 4am and had to take 500mg of Tylenol to sleep.
When you have a fever due to a cold or flu that is the immune system causing your fever as well. The body heats itself up on purpose to fight off all foreign invaders...the immune system is not smart enough to distinguish between a vaccine and a virus.
Pretty bad side effects about 8-10 hours after the J&J shot. Fever, chills, headache, body aches. My girl feels fine.

The side effects seem to be going away as the day goes by though
Thanks for thde info. I had no idea that your own body can cause itself fever, pain and headaches.

Hope you both feel better by tomorro

That's fine and dandy, but it won't help is you can't even get an appointment for one! I'm in 1a in Pennsylvania and now, using the Rite-Aid covid qualifier, I can't even find an appointment. Says there are ZERO in my state. 😞😞 And it's not like I'm only doing it for a few minutes. Try several hours per day every day! So so damn frustrating! I'm not even gonna try now. What's the flipping point?!! 😰😰 When someone who smokes can get an appointment over a transplant patient, it really brings your spirit down! 😞
That's fine and dandy, but it won't help is you can't even get an appointment for one! I'm in 1a in Pennsylvania and now, using the Rite-Aid covid qualifier, I can't even find an appointment. Says there are ZERO in my state. 😞😞 And it's not like I'm only doing it for a few minutes. Try several hours per day every day! So so damn frustrating! I'm not even gonna try now. What's the flipping point?!! 😰😰 When someone who smokes can get an appointment over a transplant patient, it really brings your spirit down! 😞
Robbinette got that covered too, b

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