Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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So I'm hearing the south african is more resistant to the current vaccines than the UK ones

Hopefully they are working fast on the booster shot
So I'm hearing the south african is more resistant to the current vaccines than the UK ones

Hopefully they are working fast on the booster shot
It’s already done and in testing phase. Still have yet to hear of any real vaccine escape caused by any variant that has caused serious illness, hospitalization, and death
About 70% of Americans in general are considered overweight or obese, so it’s not as disproportionate as the headline would lead you to believe.

Semi-unrelated, but we REALLY need to find something better than BMI to categorize people’s risk, because it’s painfully flawed. Apparently being 175 at 5’10 is considered “overweight” which is ridiculous.

also overestimates people with muscular builds or amputees. unfortunately other methods to measure body fat/body measurements are either more difficult (underwater weighing/water displacement) or more shaky or both.
It’s already done and in testing phase. Still have yet to hear of any real vaccine escape caused by any variant that has caused serious illness, hospitalization, and death
You probably won't unless the SA strain becomes a dominant strain. Let's just hope that doesn't happen.
Getting the J&J vaccine tomorrow. Kinda bummed I’m not getting Pfizer/Moderna but still grateful.

There's a lot of pros to the J&J. One being that you'll be considered immunized in 2 weeks, whereas with the others it would be 5-6 weeks from now (2 weeks after the second dose).

It’s the only vaccine that is EDITED effective against the South Africa variant as well. Variants are popping up everywhere now so to know that it’s effective against a variant is good news.
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JJ better against SA variant? That's good
Not exactly. Part of the J&J trial was done in SA and while nowhere near 100% as previously mentioned, it did show better than 50% efficacy against that particular variant. The others simply don’t have real world data against the SA variant yet, but I would assume they will be at least as effective as J&J.
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I haven't posted in here in quite a while. With the vaccine now available, and myself being a liver transplant patient (had it done 17+ years ago when I was 27 due to Ulcerative Colitis), I want one. I've been anament about getting one. But sadly, I just can't find one in my area. 😞😞

I've signed up with my county health commission, and they are so far behind. In Pa, they added all patients with high risk conditions to the 1a criteria list (where I was originally a 1c). But since there was never any definitive plan in place prior to the vaccine being available (not gonna get into that but I think you all know where I am going with that) it's a total clusterbleep.

But sadly, I've spend hours & hours a day on different sites (VaxxMax & findashot.org) and still no luck. I even tried the one tip that says wait till midnight on the one site and they open up. By the time you find a ZIP code of a CVS or Rite-Aid that "has" an opening, you have to go to the other window you have open, enter the ZIP, find the correct pharmacy, and then I always always always get the "apologies, there are no vaccines available at this time".

It's truly getting depressing, it really is. I want to scream or chuck my phone across the room but that won't do any good. What upsets me even more is that in my state, if you smoke, or have a BMI that is considered obese, you qualify!! SERIOUSLY?!!! a smoker who chose to have a deadly habit, can get a vaccine the same time as me? One who didn't chose to have a transplant but needed one due to genetics. And using BMI to determine vaccine qualifications? some people are fit as all get out but will have a high BMI! The whole way of distribution of the vaccine is just a mess and I only blame that orange ******* who hopefully soon will have his *** Iocked up along with his criminal kids!

Sorry to vent, but I needed to get this off my chest. I hope one day soon I can get one (am hoping the state allows my hospital to give vaccines to their highest at risk patients, but it's not approved to allow that yet) before I catch it. Because I don't want to think what can happen if I do get it (having no functioning immune system kinda tells me what will happen, and it's not a good outcome). I hope you all who qualify can get one easier than I can. God speed to you all!! 🙏🙏
Me and my wife getting the Pfizer vaccine tomorrow. My mom, dad, uncles and aunt’s got theirs already which is a sigh of relief given their ages. They continue to stay indoors, wear masks, etc...

Hoping this is a good first step to normalcy. Miss seeing my sister and her family. Miss my family and friends. Most of all, i miss seeing my kids just being kids. I have a 1 yr old and only a select few of my family/friends have actually seen him in person and actually gotten to hold him.
Not exactly. Part of the J&J trial was done in SA and while nowhere near 100% as previously mentioned, it did show better than 50% efficacy against that particular variant. The others simply don’t have real world data against the SA variant yet, but I would assume they will be at least as effective as J&J.

My apologies I spoke wrongly. This should help.

The one-shot coronavirus vaccine made by J&J provides strong protection against severe disease and death from Covid-19, and may reduce the spread of the virus by vaccinated people, according to new analyses posted online by the Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday.

The vaccine had a 72 percent overall efficacy rate in the United States and 64 percent in South Africa, where a highly contagious variant emerged in the fall and is now driving most cases. The efficacy in South Africa was seven percentage points higher than earlier data released by the company.

The vaccine also showed 86 percent efficacy against severe forms of Covid-19 in the United States, and 82 percent against severe disease in South Africa. That means that a vaccinated person has a far lower risk of being hospitalized or dying from Covid-19.
Silly Question of the day: If the Mrna vaccines only duplicate the crown and don't contain any of the virus itself, then what causes the side effect? Are the side effect symptoms just your own immune system?
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